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Yorkshire Tea

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Everything posted by Yorkshire Tea

  1. They have the village PA system for that, & to make sure everyone is awake by 06.00
  2. Who needs batteries? https://www.lazada.co.th/products/oria-portable-hand-crank-radio-solar-emergency-weather-radio-amfmwb-with-led-flashlight-sos-alarm-i1558598169-s4181958891.html?exlaz=d_1:mm_150050845_51350205_2010350205::12:17924046440!!!!!c!!4181958891!136957971&gclid=CjwKCAjws--ZBhAXEiwAv-RNLyKd0a9AGDa1UsW0XMHVYy6Suos59-IwZSkf7DEIm3b90M48bUGQORoCw7EQAvD_BwE
  3. Was the modified armoured Vigo a bit top heavy?
  4. Not for school kids until this announcement.
  5. On the home page, click on Account (bottom right) Then settings (cog symbol) top right. Language is below country (flag) 5th row down.
  6. Try 888 bike shop, on old San Kamphaeng road, just east of middle ring road. Closed on Tuesdays. I'm assuming you're in Chiang Mai as that was mentioned in another reply. https://www.google.co.th/maps/@18.7787258,99.0494349,3a,75y,227.24h,90.23t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1syt6QcWFuJMa7-GwDZLrUNg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en-GB Before buying parts, you need to know what kind of rear hub you have.
  7. Hopefully, if you have an appointment, you can turn up in the afternoon and not be told to come back tomorrow, if it's busy.
  8. I carry mine in a backpack, on my MTB ???? But I keep off the roads, only dirt trails back to my house ????
  9. Even with sirens on, the ambulance driver needs to slow down & proceed with caution. Years ago, when I was working Saudi, a fully laden fire engine sped through a red light & collided with an SUV. The fire engine with full water tanks disintegrated.
  10. Or delivery is factored into prices.
  11. You can try putting more items in your "cart", then proceed to checkout to see the total shipping cost. If not happy with the price, you can backtrack. Also, if you use the Lazada app on your phone, you can collect free shipping vouchers, although not all sellers take them.
  12. I think on 3rd floor (not 100% sure). At the end furthest away from Central Dept store. There's a passageway that leads round to the lifts & post office. Immigration is at the end of the passageway. There should be a sign where you leave the shops area.
  13. Reentry permits also issued at the office at Central Festival. Took me about 5 minutes total when I got mine ????
  14. MG sell a pickup. They could "break the ice" ????
  15. Surely the tax hike is to deter people from drinking too much sugary drinks, so the high price would be good!
  16. When will the EV pickups arrive?
  17. OP, shame they let you into this country.
  18. Northern folk often drive to Bangkok & the beach. Adding an hour here & there would be a PITA. I guess the PHEV is the way to go. Or just keep the ICE vehicles for now.
  19. Is the bank statement for 3 months? You answered as I was typing ????
  20. I thought all the mourners at the funeral "party" chip in with donations, same as at weddings. Me & the wife made a profit at our wedding party.
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