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Everything posted by Muzzique

  1. Nope, just making jobs for the boys. Pointless jobs that they can sell off to someone for a piece of the salary. Free trips to the Netherlands to find out how people bake with pot so they can recognize a Weed Cake. Redeploying the idiots at TAT is suppose. If they didn't think of it before, they will now. Coming soon. The McDonalds very very very "Happy" meal with mini Ganjas bag and Collectable Bong toy.
  2. Mostly with a fan but I always give them an autograph afterwards. But we do turn the air con on if we get hot.
  3. Needing a permit scheme to sell to certain groups is. They will just grow it at home or get it from a friend. As I said, a total waste of time and money
  4. Google?..... All that means is it's no longer pointing down towards the toilet. You've been flushed away and now you're looking up from the bottom of the drain hole. Climbing back up is going to be a real tough job.
  5. Just leave the guy alone and move on. Wasting tax payers money trying to prosecute an Ex president. Most stupid thing I ever heard. Get over it and forget him. Jeepers, Use the money on something constructive like building some homeless shelters instead of trying to get a pound of flesh that benefits no one.
  6. Yeah, the driver was speeding and hit this poor Woman. How freaky is that!!! Seems to me Thailand is full of freaks. Thank goodness Marijuana is coming to help calm all these drivers down before they get behind the wheel. That sounds like a great plan to save lives.
  7. What big story. Someone did a runner from a restaurant. Blimey!! What next.. A lost dog? Love the pictures though. This is a mobile phone screen This a table This is a CCTV picture Best of all This is a Toilet. It's like Crimestoppers for dummies.
  8. Legalising MJ? - Fine. Having the Thai Police control it? - A giant Pandora's box of worms
  9. Following in the footsteps of other great humanitarians like Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán, Pablo Escobar, Griselda Blanco, and Osiel '“El Mata Amigos" Guillén.
  10. Mmmm... Make you wonder how much mileage she had on her clock... The Sin Sod is normally a payment made in recognition of how well the daughter had been brought up and her morality. If the Sin Sod requested for her is NEGATIVE 12 million baht I would definitely take a check under the hood, see if the radiator overheats, kick the tyres, look for a blown exhaust, review the elasticity of the rubber seals, check out her Head Gasket, and ask for a test drive first. Then look under the seats to see if there's a baseball bat and and a couple of baseballs rolling around. Failing that I would check if the guys father is Zeus and the size of the Villa on Mount Olympus.
  11. All of this work really doesn't matter if Russia decides to nationalise the leased aircraft Aeroflot uses. All indications are they will. The knock on effect will be catastrophic for flyers as this will break the Cape town accord that means the relationship between leasing companies, insurance companies and the aviation industry will be shattered. Without control over the correct maintenance, these aircraft become valueless as who knows what dodgy parts the Russians will fit if not watched. That means $10's of billions will have to be written off. As a result Global aircraft leasing fees will go sky high, insurance Premiums for these schemes will go sky high too, and the increased costs will have to be passed onto the flyers. Secondly Leaseholders will ban the use of any aircraft they own flying into Russia and any Russian plane landing outside of Russia in the future will probably be seized to reclaim the debt owned. Even if Thailand relax the rules we will probably go back to a World where long haul air travel will only be affordable by the rich and Russia will be off the map for good for tourism. Either these guys are idiots or they really don't see the Tsunami that is going to break in the next 10 days. My money is on both.
  12. I checked with my supplier... He has no Kratom.. DAMN... and I really need a mild sedative fix right now.. Have to go back to hot Cocoa and a biscuit
  13. There goes their neutrality. Anyone that flies into Moscow to get more business is actually going to turn away all the business from the countries that do not side with Russia. So good luck with attracting anyone apart from the Chinese now. I will not be returning there again nor any of my friends. This has created a very negative view of Thailand across the World. If they are truly neutral they should go fly into Kiev the following week and hold a travel fair there too. I'm sure the anti aircraft Missiles would give them a very warm welcome and probably a final send off at the same time.
  14. No but the Thai airports are not accepting Roubles for refuelling the planes. They are useful as toilet paper though. Just a pity they don't have Putins face on them.
  15. First COVID, Next Ukraine... What other excuse will TAT come up with to to keep themselves in a job and hide the fact Tourism is dead They'll probably want to attract all the worlds Junkies into Thailand next and revive the opium dens of the Victorian era.. Opps... Spoke too soon.. Over 40 years they have transitioned Thailand from a Tropical Paradise, to a Country of Brothels and now towards a mass Opium Den.. God help the people. Is this really Tourism?
  16. ****Misquoted post edited out**** Maybe you will think differently if someone wiped out your family and they were the bodies in the count. 2 wrongs don't make a right. Doesn't matter who is doing the killing. Evil is Evil and you should never support either, Putin has attack a nation who are peaceful and content for his own mission to create a state that died nearly 50 years ago, My mother and grandmother are trapped in Zaporozhe. Bombs are falling around the and Russian missiles crash into buildings. They are shaking with fear day and night and have no food left. So keep your opinions to yourself please.
  17. Because it's all built on FOMO and has absolutely no assets of value. It's a growing bubble and just like Dot.com's in the 2000's it will pop. It's a currency with no fallback and it's bubble can burst at any second on any day. Whatever you think you have will disappear in a second as you can try to sell your coins but no one will buy them when it comes crashing down to Zero. If you are clever and cash out before the POP you will be a rich man. But if you mistime it and hold any Crypto when it bursts you will lose everything. That could happen in 10mins time, an hour, tomorrow , in a week, month, year or decade. FOMO and GFM are the worst and most risky investments you can make as they have nothing of value as security and their value only exists in the herd mentality of FOMO.
  18. NEVER say never! No but it can get pretty close.. 90% of its value lost in one day. It's the Greater Fool Model. It's like playing Pass the Parcel with a hand grenade.
  19. Imagine you are playing roulette and if the ball land on Zero your Bitcoin is worth nothing Every time is spins you can either leave and collect your winnings from the window or remain holding your coins. every time it hits a number the value of your bitcoin goes up exponentially and new player must pay this value to buy a new bitcoin token from the players at the table. Or someone else mints a bitcoin by using electricity to the same value at bitcoin is now. You can sell them yours for cash at this new price and keep some if you wish. or a new player can buy the ones just minted. So every time the Bitcoin value goes up after, a spin what you hold in your bitcoin wallet goes up. Then as some point you can sell all your Bitcoin to the new players and cash out with a profit. And you are rich. However if the ball lands on a Zero then every Bitcoin everyone holds becomes worth nothing Your portfolio then has no value. You have not cashed Out your winnings and now your wallet is worthless. So unless you sell what you have before the zero comes up the bitcoin you hold have no value. The problem is that bitcoin like all other Crypto have no intrinsic value. There is no gold behind them and they don't even own the blockchain patent. They have no real value that can be recognised. Only the value to a new player joining the game of roulette, the Greater Fool who buys your bitcoin from you. it does not mean you are a fool only there is someone at the end who will be holding the bitcoin when the value suddenly hits Zero if you get out before the value hits Zero or it falls below what you paid you are not the fool. The risk is that something happens that reveals bitcoin actually has no real value. So you can get big rewards if you play the game well cashing out when it hit a good level. Selling them, waiting for it to fall them buying in again. So there are agents who buy many bitcoin to artificially increase the demand and therefore the price then sell them at this top level which makes the price drop. Everybody else loses money, then they buy in again and do the same thing. You have to know when the market is being artificially inflated then recognise when to get out. There will come a day when they all get out and bitcoin collapses. So if you are left holding bitcoin they become worthless. People who say they have $20 million in Bitcoin own nothing until they sell them and get the cash. So you will not have Made any money until the cash is in your hands
  20. Thanks, I'll bear than in mind along with your advise on Crypto
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