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Chris Daley

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Everything posted by Chris Daley

  1. Maybe don't have a giant 6 ft height ganja plant on your balcony. How hard can it be.
  2. ''the smells of incense'' I have lived here 8 years and I have never smelt incense. Baked in the sun urine, rivers of raw sewage and pollution but not incense. Even the flower market smells like feces. What a disappointment.
  3. Same for UK. Too many obese people on benefits. Got to get the skilled workers from abroad.
  4. last night in bangkok was something else! I was chilling at this small bar on sukhumvit road sipping whiskey on the rocks while the neon lights glowed all around. The smells of incense and all the chatter from the crowd made it feel super lively. While I was enjoying my drink two massive western guys sat down next to me. seriously they looked like they could be wrestlers with those huge necks and arms. Their laughter was so loud that it grabbed everyone's attention in the place. then I noticed the woman with them. She was a cute thai bar girl bright smile and long dark hair looking like she just walked out of a movie. She squeezed in between the two guys her eyes sparkling a bit as she greeted them with a flirty smile. It looked like she was really used to guys like them but something told me she was more than just a pretty face. They started chatting and laughing like they were best buds. The guys were having a blast and she seemed to be right in the middle of it joking around with them. But I couldn’t help but wonder what was really going on there beneath the fun. Was this like a normal night out for them? just a couple of dudes having a good time with a pretty girl? Or was it something deeper? Maybe they were celebrating or just trying to escape life for a bit. Either way it was clear she had a role to play and I found myself curious about what that might be. As the night went on they got louder—dancing laughing and clinking their glasses together. I was feeling a little overwhelmed but couldn’t help but feel a part of their excitement too. Eventually I finished my drink and said goodbye to them as they stumbled out into the neon lights of sukhumvit. Watching them vanish into the night made me feel a little nostalgic. There was something about their group that stuck with me and I wondered what was next for them. But I had my own night to keep going. I stepped out of the bar and back into the busy streets lost in my thoughts as I weaved through the wild chaos of bangkok.
  5. I've been brushing up on my Bible reading. Apparently he didn't do anything wrong. Consent doesn't exist in the Bible. The section on Lot's Daughters, Genesis 19 was not easy to read.
  6. Nasty Thai women starting fights between men and watching from the sidelines.
  7. Not a bad one. 8 hours in the car. One stop at a temple, which involved 'throwing money at an elephant statue'. Religious people disgust me. When we got to the land, I had to plant 9 banana plants and 1 mango tree in 40 degrees heat with a broken half-moon spade. We then had to get the water from a river. I was with a group of women, so obviously, someone typed "beach" into the sat nav and hit go. We ended up at a resort and had to reverse the entire stretch of the road back out again. In typical female style, nothing was planned, so they just picked something on the phone and hit go. We ended up searching for and skipping 4 restaurants before giving up. There's a reason why women's and men's chess are separate events. All the toilets were broken, so I sat there covered in feces for the 8 hours back home.
  8. drive 6 hours - sit in a hot tub with grandma, strip down to your boxers and sit in some water. drive 12 hours - go to funeral, stand around for hours bored, come back drive 12 hours - go to temple, walk around in 42 degrees heat, come back drive 8 hours - go to see family, stare at the floor, come back Those Thais sure know how to have fun! But I did choose to partake in one: 'Go to see land, 8 hour drive, look at land 30 minutes, 8 hours drive back'. It's the one with the least amount of people. How about you? Did you manage to avoid all the boring family trips?
  9. home: fish tank with vibrating motors on a metal frame 24/7. country folksongs blasting on a phone speaker (not a single christmas song) industrial grass cutters work: i sit right under the 10 year old noisy aircon. place smells like <deleted> and has cockroaches and rats in it. kids screaming up and down the hall ways.
  10. Awful. <deleted> at work and at home. I was taken to the depths of hell and betrayed and then plunged back into the world of the living with that knowledge. I will never trust another living being for as long as I live. Sitting in an office for 12 hours a day my health has continued to decline as expected. I hate my job. On a positive note I am working towards getting my masters degree. I have found a way to increase my workout. Now I wear a rucksack with 20 KG weights in it and 10 KG in the basket on the front of the bike. I managed to avoid most of the family outings and work gatherings.
  11. Stench of urine, filthy tables, broken plastic chairs, no english menu, no aircon. And then you have the bad ones.
  12. Wow I wish I lived in aseanow land. 'Drug tests in the village.' 'Police man came to my house just paid the fine though.' 'went and fought a war against the rice burners!'.
  13. Ask her to take you on a date and get her to pay.
  14. Awkwardly sharing in-jokes on a world wide platform. Just <deleted> off and do your jobs.
  15. I'm scared of the pigs. But the flight is not a problem.
  16. I used pop around there to pick up the potatoes. I did think it was a bit odd but didn't want to refuse. 70 men you say?
  17. She has bills to be paid. Move on to the next gps tracked ATM.
  18. I'll get the cancer at 60. Probably be done by 70.
  19. I watched a video on helping the homeless. They got helped. I'm no longer a fluke.
  20. Various crimes involving abusing a disabled man who was not capable of giving consent to the situations he was placed in. I pass my sentence thusly: Main Perpetrator - 25 years for Second Degree Murder. Bystanders - 5 years each for Accessory to Murder.
  21. You snooze you loose. Keep your eyes open on the subway.
  22. White (any country just white) - Absolute gods in Thailand. Immigration staff will speak to you in a soft voice with smiles all around. You will be surrounded by 5 members of staff trying to help you. People will bend over backwards to help you. Schools accept you and you will bypass all those silly health checks and police checks. Black - Treated well. Generally well treated and very popular with the ladies. Chinese, korean, Japanese - Welcomed. You will get an acceptable level of treatment. Nothing special. Indians, Arabs, Pakistanis - Absolute disgraceful treatment by Thai's. You will be followed around the mall. Random checks at the airports. That elevator door will be closing in your face every time. Awkward job interviews about that focus on your facial hair. Parents will pull their kids away from you.
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