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Chris Daley

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Everything posted by Chris Daley

  1. He should deport his little African friend Elon Musk first.
  2. Just become a teacher. They literally accept anyone these days. The druggies, the alcoholics, the pedos. CRB checks only do Thailand not the country of origin. Most teachers I know don't have a degree. They want clowns not educated people. Get a job you lazy bum.
  3. She wasn't performing in the bedroom, on the phone all day, winging and whining constantly. Enjoy your car cling.
  4. Hi... I have a GCSE from a school in Scotland. Wtf is a GCSE? There's the door.
  5. He's a little Momma's boy that has never worked a day in his life.
  6. After the ''war on terror'' and ''arab spring'' Musk is just a puppet used to redirect power away from the 3rd world dictators and the reliance on oil. Silent weapons for silent wars. The Trump assassination was staged as well. Just more drama for a the mindless debt slaves to consume. Musk and his rockets? In order to keep the 99 percent uneducated and powerless they take the excess resources, put it in a rocket and detonate above while all the wage slaves stand there clapping. Opps there goes 4,000 hospitals, 10,000 schools and a cure for cancer.
  7. i have noticed the bigger the loser you are the hotter the women. Rotund shirtless Thai men with incredible women. I think I might have to make some changes with my lifestyle. Maybe quit my job and send the wife out to work. Start sniffing glue and sleeping all day. Sit in the road all night drinking beers. Come in the tin shed and start screaming. How about you? Are you still a handsome quality tourist, or have you fully embraced the Thai male culture?
  8. They are way to big for a 15 year old legal consent partner. Maybe a trip to Cambodia is in order.
  9. If I was in England I would just crap myself wherever I am standing. If a Stagecoach Bus isn't soaked in urine it's not a Stagecoach Bus. But in Thailand I try to put on the airs and graces.
  10. "Some are not even fully aware of all their rights." I guess they didn't mention it in Gem Crush Merge Master. Time to read some books female agriculture workers.
  11. How can you not make money from a bar? Let me guess he has two luxury condos, 3 rented cars and 6 girls on the go.
  12. What about all the Thai men that are shirtless and acting erratically near bus stops and roadsides?
  13. - Say will build a wall - Don't - Get Elon Musk, an African, to support him and invite him up to the podium.
  14. I recently uploaded a rap video to YouTube and it was banned immediately. So I assume AI can scan videos now. In the old days we used to have to wait to offend someone. And then that person claimed that the content was unlawful. And then the issue was decided in a court of law. The old classics ''rap music makes kids violent'', ''video games make kids anti social''. Every single time it is thrown out of the court due to Freedom of Speech violations. These days we are guilty until proven innocent. The content is immediately removed or worse we are physically removed and imprisoned. I will now be making more offensive content then ever before and uploading on other sites. For every ban another 2 more. This sort of disgusting attack on Freedom of Speech reminds me of Winston from 1984. His job to sit in an office and delete, report and alter media then release it again in alignment with the party's values. And the idea of ''New Speak'' where the dictionary is rewritten and certain words are banned. How about you? Are you scared of David Cameron's Porn Filter and thought crimes?
  15. If I started again I wouldn't get a girlfriend. I have realized that everything she does can be paid for. Visa help and documents - Hire any Thai woman she will be more than happy to help. Cooking - do it yourself Entertainment - sex doll or internet porn Washing - use a washing machine Days out - enjoy your time alone. thai women ahve zero sense of humor and you won't miss the conversations. I currently support 3 extended families. The amount of money I would save being alone in a condo. I would be rich. Get a condo near the school work and save every penny.
  16. She flicked off the aircon one time too many. It happens.
  17. The shoes are the only thing I can't clean. If you throw them in a bucket and wash them they smell like bad water. You can't win with shoes. If someone works out how to make washable shoes I will buy them with my Digital Wallet.
  18. Yes control of money and products is part of most totalitarian regimes. Slowly slowly catch a monkey. Yes you can use your Digital Wallet and buy three sachets of government issue coffee. Move along comrade.
  19. I see a lot of old sods at work that never go home. The single guys leave at 4 but the married losers stay until 5, 6 or even 7. Sad-faced broken men that eat dinner at work 'to avoid the traffic'. Anything to avoid going home to the wife. How about you? Did you fall for marriage or are you still a free and happy quality tourist?
  20. I just completed this quiz. My Score 100/100 My Time 59 seconds  
  21. I just completed this quiz. My Score 90/100 My Time 68 seconds  
  22. I have decided to choose a university in England that does an online MA Education. After a month of writing to Assumption University they asked me ''What is your purpose of writing?'' They can shove it up their ass. The British one was more professional.
  23. The worst meal I had was in Laos. I walked up to a restaurant and there was like 2 kids and one older girl. I pointed at the image on the menu. They frantically started to call numbers on their phone. They then said sit down. The entire counter was swarming with flies and they were trapped inside the cabinet with the chicken open. I still don't know what I ate that day. It was like old chicken with clear tasteless slime on it. I ate as much I could and walked out. At the time I didn't know Laos was an absolute <deleted>hole. Lesson learnt.
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