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Chris Daley

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Everything posted by Chris Daley

  1. Farage you have German ancestors. Time to go home.
  2. I wish I would need a censor sign that long. I would barely make it up to the 'O'.
  3. Hot again now. Didn't last long.
  4. Killing is a sin in every major belief system. Someone's going to hell.
  5. Bartering has been a part of civilization since the dawn of time. The idea of a cashless society could be one of the greatest threats to freedom in human history. - the government can see your financial records - in 2083 the world will merge into a one government system. a global currency is part of this plan. - your money will be frozen or reduced at will by the ruling party. bought a pizza instead of that aspirin? you'll pay for that. - got lucky on the horses? no you didn't. - popped around to Sue's house at number 32? explain why the visit cost 1,000 bhat. - seizing money from citizens first and asking questions later via civil forfeiture. by seizing a citizen’s or a firm’s money, the victim/defendant has almost no choice but to settle. - imagine a future in which soon, a government staff member could suspect an individual of some misconduct, or perhaps deem that person’s politics or speech unacceptable. it would take just a few keystrokes to order all financial institutions to decline any withdrawal or payment from that individual. How about you? Do you still use cash or do prefer the cashless society?
  6. You are simply teaching the child that hitting is okay. It is a way to solve problems. They will go to school and hit. They will beat their wife and they will hit anyone that angers them.
  7. Had a day out with the slum family. They can't even feed their own children. The man was forcing dried donuts into a 1 year old's mouth. She was choking and the mother was screaming 'rowang tid kor'. Poor kid had to sit there covered in sugar with water for another 5 hours. The other bunch have their kids drooling in front of a tablet. It can't even chew the food anymore due to brain rot media. They try to force spicy and sour geng som into a 4 year olds face. Yeah I'm not surprised he doesn't want it the flavours ate different for a child.
  8. 1m? Thats about 2 whores and a pizza.
  9. Just don't go to the same one that Simon Cowell went to. That man's face looks like kid's drawing now.
  10. Yeah my mate did a trade with me. She was good on the plough but lacked any kind of enthusiasm.
  11. Why were you horrified? Bad meal at the pub?
  12. Wondering around in the dark naked at 1am. What visa type is that exactly?
  13. Childish innuendo - thread removed or censored Grotesque violence involving attempted murder and naming people by their real names - no problem
  14. Which ever one can make the most sandwiches.
  15. Are you sure about the Chinese and Japanese. Just saying.
  16. I just have kick the water pipe off the side of the toilet twice as hard. Fine by me.
  17. What's the name of this bar? I'm thirsty.
  18. For me it was when I came home from work. The boss told me that I will be getting a 6 month contract extension this time and not a full year. The irony is everyone in the office got the same thing and I am still working at the same school after 3 years. But my girlfriend went mental. She started screaming ''If you don't keep this job, we are finished!! We will separate! What's wrong with you? Why don't we just have Thai teachers in Thailand!'' The only person I had opened up to in my life and she is a money hungry tyrant. She realized that she had gone too far and started to act nice again. I didn't say a word. Just ''okay.'' Those words will ring in my ears until the day I die. I obsess over them. I ruminate on that moment. I repeat the words over and over. I think of her as ''the enemy'' now. I made AI image of a plaque with the words on it. Inside the ninth circle, Betrayal is the lowest part of hell. When you are betrayed you have to rebuild yourself. I was a fool. I had to restructure my entire life and view of her from now on. I will never trust another human for as long as I live. I still work at the school. I still get the salary. I still pay the bills. It's just something that the boss says. She even said in a meeting ''So we will be replacing most of you with agency staff... not sure if we can save you all.'' This is just how they speak to you at a Thai school. But that little moment made the mask slip and reveal her as being full of snakes. How about you? When did you realize you had made a mistake in getting married? Or are you one of the lucky ones?
  19. They can smell a loser from a mile away. That's why most posters on here get problems. They look at the beer belly, they look at the open sandals and they move in. For me I dress like an adult. I am always going somewhere and I walk right past them. They don't even get off the stool. They can spot a loser with a drink problem and a busy man that has no time for women.
  20. Hope the dogs were okay.
  21. YOU! House or condo?... Umm okay put your finger on the pad and lets get your prints. Umm... 5 photos! Okay good to go. That's my experience of a CRB check in Thailand. 4 separate buildings and it took 8 hours.
  22. More shock stories to make the 99 percent feel ashamed to be alive. 'Look at what you people are.. now we have to increase police surveillance.'
  23. Glad to see those Thai CRB checks are working well. They let him get away with it for 2 years.
  24. House or Condo? It's been 8 years you still don't know? Wow what a useless bunch of pricks. Let me get this right so there's a lemming that is on a payroll just to ask ''house or condo''? That is her entire job? How about you put room number on the form and fire her? Or replace 80 percent of the building with AI? Many options.
  25. She 7 years old? I would wait a bit to see how things turn out.
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