Hi can I get a sandwich, with sugar pork, and sugar mayo and 4 slices of sweet bread to a ratio of 3 fillings? Oh wait no because that is <deleted> disgusting and Thailand didn't get the memo on what a sandwich is.
Recent news: Thai man punches a woman in the face multiple times, kicks her to the floor as she tries to get away, stamps on her and then shoots her in the face at point blank range.
My dad had this. The pain came on suddenly and took a grown man to the floor. He was screaming in pain. My mom called the doctor and the doctor canceled all patients and came around with his bag. He injected some morphine and the pain went away.
Then they did the checks over the next few days to see how big the stone were. It turned out he had passed all the stones so no need for an operation.
Thailand's doctors are just monkeys in a gown, so who knows what they will do.
I used to eat the old retro sweets. Proper wagon wheels. Kit kats in the foil. Quality Street at Christmas. But I can't eat this modern crap. The quality has gone down. Can't even tell the flavors anymore. Just a slimey bar of chemicals.
I know that guy his name is Charlie. He came into my restaurant and gave it a bad review. So I found out where he lived and left a horse's head on his pillow. He ate the head and gave it bad review.
Anyone one who can overstay while walking around in floral shirt with beer in one hand in plain sight should not be punished. This is immigration's failure to police it. Its just embarrassing.
There is some whining about the Indian and Chinese food. Well these recipes are only found in England now. It's practically imposssible to find UK curries or Chinese food outside of England.
Even if you go to Chinese you will get a plate of colons and intestines. It is not the same.
The Italian dishes are different as well. I feel that British spag bol is in a class of its own. It's either the same in which case the Italians will accept it, or it's not and they will say it is not done right. It can't be both.
I like my food not done right.
I really got into Blacklist but then they killed off all the main characters and turned it into a cartoon because of the covid work restrictions affecting the actors. Didn't see that coming. Ruined forever.
Not as bad as Laos. Those guys are determined to dig deeper into a their sh*thole of a country. They straight up refuse to take dollars and ask for baht instead.