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Chris Daley

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Everything posted by Chris Daley

  1. Met my gf online. Been together 7 years.
  2. And why is the clitoris on the outside of the vagina? That is just ridiculous.
  3. But he's just a joker. So is he telling the truth or crying wolf? Probably just joking what a guy.
  4. They did ''flee from Myanmar'' they are casually found though agencies and were given jobs. Thailand doesn't care one bit about refugees.
  5. Another of foreign businessman found dead.
  6. So she could just marry a bread bin and be happy? Who needs intimacy. She should just delete the dating app and browse Home Pro.
  7. Allah claims he split the moon in half and God says he can part the oceans. Who would have thought their wars would be so boring.
  8. Thai people using their children as a human shield again. There is no where to park - my child is late for school I feel sad - I can't feed my child help me It's raining - I left my child locked outside We got robbed - Get the child in the news clip Give me money - Picture of the child happy with new toys The queue is long - My baby is dying in the heat please hurry up The neighbors smoke - They made my child go to hospital Teachers skin is dirty, ask to change to be the white teacher - My child doesn't like the teacher.
  9. Nice Buddhist country.
  10. You can get the tourist extensions for 6 months. The the cop will tell you to get an ED visa.
  11. All cars should be a AI. It impossible for an AI to drink, take drugs or be a retard.
  12. There is no ''crisis'' poverty has been solved. If you still see it someone is causing it on purpose.
  13. 3 recent photos done at nonthaburi office, every page of passport twice at IT square, proof of address done at cheang wattana, non b done at laos and pay the fine at impact center should do it.
  14. The razor blades with an obvious hole and one missing but the same price.
  15. Where are your gods now?
  16. One of the worst teams in the world.
  17. Also most classes don't have a book. So the teacher has to physically print 80 books. And then ask the students to pay 60 baht for the book. As a result many teachers just use a pdf. You will be hated if you ask students to buy a crappy book that they never use in the lessons. Its amazing that Thai highschools and universities don't have books. The managers are inbred morons. The lowest of the low in terms of intelligence. A lot of Thai staff in schools wondering around wondering where they are. A huge amount of stress is placed on the teachers to hand make an entire academic year because the school can't be bothered. Then there is the question of whether stealing content from google is legal. No one seems to care. But the students pay the money for this.
  18. It depends where you do the survey. In London you will get positive minded well-educated people. In Kent they will make a ring of salt and talk to you via a mirror.
  19. That what soldiers are human sheilds.
  20. Most teachers use powerpoint slides or pdf files so there are less books. But if you give them a book the students know that the graded work is done at home. So 'having a book' doesn't affect the grade. They don't really get grades for classwork only homework. It's also easier to display the material on a projector so that everyone can see it. Or you will hear ''teacher I forgot my book'' 100 times a day.
  21. Why would they need a firearm in a coal mine?
  22. To own a house, have enough for all bills, rent a woman and still have more left than you can spend.
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