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Chris Daley

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Everything posted by Chris Daley

  1. They're all the same from the cheapest to the most expensive. They all have to meet the same standards. The actual classwork at school is useless anyway. You will need to sit down with her at home and go thought the material again.
  2. You've been teaching for 6 years illegally? Just go to university you would have finished by now.
  3. It's been like this for decades just a degree in any field will do. Most universities don't even do ''a bachelor in Education''.
  4. Because they need to boost tourist numbers. So bring in half of russia.
  5. It means 'just this'. So they are finished with you.
  6. Khun maw ja tam luad awk. the doctor will take the blood out. หมอ จะ ทำ เลือด ออก
  7. I have been fired. The person has been fired from a job.
  8. Cabbage soup. Just a few more days and then Jay Festival is over.
  9. She risked her life to bear children. You sound like a selfish prick.
  10. It works well. In England we won't have this and the country is a <deleted>heap.
  11. I can perfectly balance my feet so that I glide down stairs without walking. The rear foot drops down but it is caught by the front foot and the cycle continues.
  12. The blue suit <deleted> is starting to get annoying. Just endless PR.
  13. In Russia aligned Thailand and eating pies. No one will cart me off to war I am useless. 🥳
  14. ''cyberster'' the curse of dreadful car names continues. They had every language in the world ancient and new to choose from and the might of AI to pick a name and that is it. The cyber stir cybersex dumbster.
  15. I don't think you need a degree to join the army. If that is true then the army is screwed since barely anyone has finished highschool in Thailand.
  16. Because it burns your face. It is not healthy to have exposed cuts. It takes a time some in the morning and some peoples' facial hair grow back by the evening. It costs a lot of money. Some people can only use the Gillette ones because the hair is tough. Because men have almost no beauty products available; whereas, women have entire shopping floors dedicated to them. The quality of mens' razors are trash. Because beards look good. Because beards are a sign of age. Because men are forced to live a more and more feminine society each year. Because some people don't need or want to attract a woman. Because men should have beards. Its like asking a woman to inflate her breasts or stay indoors.
  17. Divorce over a tablet. what a loser. Sounds to me like she is doing her bit. Washing and cooking taking care of the house. If you don't like Thai language you should have thought about that before having the kids and ruining her life.
  18. Makes me wonder how dirty a floor can get during the night with no one walking over it. Maybe an army of marines came in during the night. Clean it once a week.
  19. You just described the perfect relationship. Two people that are tired and bored but stay together for their children. You made some vague rant about technology. All they have to do is pass the exams and most of that is homework/assignments that's it. School is a piece of piss. If you throw away what you have now you might end up with something far worse.
  20. I still think mine are stealing my water. The other day the girlfriend went out with the car, and he thought I wasn't in he started shouting (talking normally for him) naa ja mai mi krai yuu! Looks like no one is there. Yesterday he ran in the house and shouted pit nam pit nam! Turn off the water. What sort of neighbors do you have? - the shirtless and loud type - totally silent and you never see them - abandoned house but they still pay rent for it - the village karen that walks around the village checking every house - the alien - just a parking lot for pickups - the motorcycle rever - the loud music and beers every night family - the fake army guy with the flags and statues - the one with trained attack dogs barking 24/7 - other?
  21. The Henry hoover is the best one. Damn that thing is strong.
  22. It all looks the same. Gas stations and seven elevens. Same food.
  23. He would have paid years of tea money to the cops for their 'routine inspections' and 'fast track' visa options. But he got caught on a small detail.
  24. I prefer not to shave and have a beard but it is not possible in Thailand. Thai people are scared of beards. I was an honor student at university and they were hiring new teachers. The head of the international department invited me in to watch the teacher demos and interviews. So there was a black guy doing a great job. No problems at all. Well dressed. Loud voice. Confident. But the only questions they had was about his beard. The beard was trimmed and tidy. After the demo the doctor / professor told me to my face: We can't accept beards because along time a go someone did the bad thing in Thailand (Erawan Shrine Bombing) and we can't accept that anymore. I was amazed at this level of ignorance and racism. So if you want to be viewed as human garbage in Thailand get a tattoo and a beard.
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