- chase them, stamp on them and kick them in the face
- call the police
- ask the nearest man for help (woman)
- chase them, take the bag back and give them some money
- forget it because your money is in the bank
There are some options like a net, or plastic screen. Some people just bolt on metal sheeting. If they ask say you have cats and you don't want the cat to climb out.
These villages are fill of very bored Karens.
The argument has repeatedly been thrown out of court. It is worthless now.
The suspect is basically saying they are mentally ill at that point. In some cases the suspect has even admitted 'no it wasn't the games I just wanted to kill the bully at school' lol.
I think it is used as a very thin last resort by lawyers.
They just said hello in Thai. They can not ''speak Thai''. They kill anyone who isn't Muslim. They just assume Thai people are Buddhist.
If the guy started chanting in Arabic they would still be alive.