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Chris Daley

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Everything posted by Chris Daley

  1. Why you not a man? Can not decide right? Okay I will ask the (any male family member) he will know.
  2. If you are a player you will get played. If you are honest with her she will be honest with you. Thai people respect family.
  3. Mmm stale bread and condensed milk. The lowest possible quality. Yummy! Can I get a coffee with that? Staff: No
  4. I recently got an 11,000 baht visa fine from a bent cop because the other bent cop (at desk beside him) was accepting tea money from the school I worked at. I got punished these crooks got rewarded. Awesome country.
  5. Imagine what their wives think while these old men run around in flip flops screaming at each. Bunch of losers.
  6. ''A year of unpaid leave.'' so no one cared if he was there or not. Does he actually have a job or does he just mop some floors?
  7. I like the fact that they don't have roads. Going up a dirt track to seven eleven could make life a bit more of a thill.
  8. They ambushed me. The entire family is coming around today to have a barbeque in the garden. I don't mind adults because I just ignore them, but they are bring a 3 year old kid as well.
  9. My girlfriend does the hotels. She gets a cheaper price every time. No reason for a alien to pissing about with it.
  10. Nope still dry as a bone here and brilliant sunshine all day. Delete the forecast and try again.
  11. 50,000 is only a fraction of the amount of immigration fees and scams I have paid. This recent news gives me a warm feeling inside.
  12. Craigslist used be good for this but they have censored it now. I suppose facebook. Any dating site really. Most dating sites are 95 percent whores.
  13. You can't polish a turd. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
  14. You mean the kid whose parents teach at Mahidol University and got a gun from cop , dressed up as the columbine killer and went on to shoot-up the most famous mall in Thailand? I forgot about it already.
  15. Which is your favorite Thai trip? Take yai to the temple. Take yai to the buy gold (you pay). Take yai to the hydro electric dam. Take yai on a 16 hour drive to 'see the land'. Or does your wife just make you do hard labor in the garden? For me I did some hard labor and now it's off to the dam.
  16. This is how every man should dress. No excuses.
  17. No I hate my job. Every morning I wake up and dread the day ahead. If I had the slightest opportunity to leave teaching I would jump at it.
  18. I never wear shorts and always where shoes when I go out. It's just hard to walk in slippers and there is so much broken glass and trash everywhere. Shorts just feel like pajamas to me.
  19. Playing badminton. I never realized how hilarious this game is. Neither of us care about points its just for exercise. Going the bicycle park after it has rained. I felt like a kid again flying though the mud on an bicycle.
  20. He should stop making rude gestures at people.
  21. The Seven Elevens refuse to top up a True Sim Don Meung airport. I have been doing this for 8 years so I was kind of confused. I tried to walk to the True Store and some cop stopped me. I made it to the True Store and it was run by a rural farmer that couldn't speak a word of English. Way more complicated than I thought it would be.
  22. I would just paint the car pink and let him carry on.
  23. She deserves it. Good job Gold Future.
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