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Everything posted by Jack1988

  1. Yeah but honestly I was afraid to lose too much time at the airport so I decided to apply at my local immigration in advance
  2. Because you are a jealous falang ????
  3. If it's a nothing post then why you waste your time to put a stupid comment like that?
  4. Just applied for a re-entry permit at my local immigration, very easy, it only took half an hour
  5. it is also possible to apply for a marriage visa at the thai embassy so is not a problem at all to come back to thailand
  6. Yes he can check in online 30 hours in advance and he will arrive at the airport 7 hours earlier before to fly
  7. how long it should take before to get this re-entry permit?
  8. ok thanks! Does he has to walk far or it is near the check in?
  9. ok thank so much for letting me know
  10. Hi all! There is a friend of mine that needs to get a re-entry permit at Bangkok Suvarnabhumi airport. Airline company told him that check in opens 3 hours before the departure and it close 60 minutes before it. Do you think he will have plenty of time to do the re-entry permit at the airport before to flight?
  11. Yes you can. I did like that 3 years ago, I just switched from ed visa to extension based upon marriage. Everything done without leaving the country. Very easy
  12. I am only realist. This is Thailand and don't worry about me, I am married here. It's up to me what I wanna do
  13. some foreigners are bored about this stressful visas and they decide to leave the country. It's the best idea, we are nothing here, only humans atm
  14. it's only about money this visas. they only think to make money from foreigners
  15. Always some problem in this country. It's so stressful and annoying ????
  16. better to stay far away from this noisy thai neighbors. The best is to build a house in a farm without stress. they talk like parrots
  17. So there is my friend that is thinking to divorce from his thai wife. They both live in thailand and both agree to divorce. Do they only have to sign the divorce at the amphur and nothing else?
  18. you only lose money money money with this thais. Always the same story, so sad!
  19. It's always an old friend of mine here ????. It cannot be you? Lol
  20. Just wanted to know if 2 million and 300,000 bath can be a good price for a house building
  21. my wife has all the papers lol. She is doing all this stuff
  22. our house has 4 bedrooms, 2 floor. We already have a land for start to build, from my wife's dad. Need to put soy for start to build, around 200,000 bath. It looks like american style, my wife preferred like that
  23. Has anyone paid around 2million and 300,000 bath for a house building in thailand?
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