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Everything posted by PeachCH

  1. In this topic Falang ???? angels have the say. ????Nice
  2. Praram 9 hospital. Khun Thaksin is or at least was, one of the major shareholders, together with some doctors. Thats the reason some people assume, he could be there.
  3. Google Krabi
  4. Who cares what this lecturer has to say. Again, welcome back Khun Thaksin!
  5. I wish Khun Thaksin, who was my boss when working in Thailand, all the best for his future!
  6. Before knowing that his wish would be granted, he never would have returned to Thailand ????????!
  7. Near dead is not dead, more like a dream experience. When you are dead it's finished, no after dead life. It's simply nonsense, like so many things in today's life.
  8. Every day at 6am, 4 cups of freshly brewed, black coffee with one croissant ????. After I'm ready for the daily tasks. At 11am, another cup of coffee ☕.
  9. Either Coffee maker, French press or a coffee machine are all ok for me. Important are good coffee beans. I never drink instant ☕ coffee, don't like. I'm a coffee addict, drinking 4 - 5 cups daily without milk or sugar.
  10. Actually I wonder why Khun Thaksin is not in the Praram 9 hospital, where he is or perhaps was, a major shareholder.
  11. Or you get married 4x and then divorced 3x. Then you know everything about marriage. A little bit expensive, but actually no regrets ????????????
  12. Why he should come back now? He is not stupid. When his party is in power, than he will come back.
  13. Happy to see Thaksin back ???? And... is politic any better in the US? ????
  14. This needed standard health certificate you can get without even meet the doctor, many clinics will just issue for you.
  15. No worries about the visa. An agent can do it for you without having money in the bank. When it comes to the withdrawn money, not easy to give an advice. Forgive, run away, ask for divorce, the 3 solutions you have. For the moment probably the best option, take a holiday alone and try to relax. I know, not easy (had already 2 divorces with Thai ladies). Good ???? luck
  16. He will get a pardon from the king after the new prime minister is in place.
  17. Have the Infinix zero 5g, great phone. Already the 5th model I have. Can really recommend.
  18. I know this problem first hand. My wife was playing here in the casinos (Manila). For 5 years problems after problems. Family tried to help, money disappeared, wife disappeared. Every day another problem. And today? Best wife ever (had 3 already, also 2 Thais). She recognized her stupidity fully. But what helped? Covid-19!!!! Manila was locked down for 2 years, casinos closed. For me, Covid-19 helped to restore ????.
  19. Well, such glitches can happen everywhere in the world, not only In Thailand. The curse of today's cyber world.
  20. This is Thailand ????????. Let theim decide who will be the next prime minister. Falangs have nothing to decide. Stay out of politics.
  21. Well, also the "world of ????" has changed, since I played Tennis in Bangkok and Pattaya, including giving Tennis lessons. Our group played good competitive Tennis, but we always invited also weaker, not so good player, to join us. After our games, to socialize was as important as to play.
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