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Everything posted by PeachCH

  1. Welcome back Khun Thaksin. Hope to meet you soon!
  2. Seems Swiss people getting on attack in Thailand. 😂
  3. Some of my countrymen are really idiots. Should be stripped from his Swiss Passeport. 🙄
  4. Before selling, had a condo in Pattaya for 8 years. Never had to pay one Baht for electricity 😁! Why? I really don't know, and never asked, why should I? 😊 👍 😘
  5. Some times ago, he announced that he wants eleminate the "all included agent" visas. 😁👍Now he changed his views completely.
  6. Nice to see my former employer free again. Wish him all the best.
  7. When you have an agent. Why he don't draw for you? With a "real" agent you need nothing, only your passeport. 😁👍
  8. Great have you back Khun Thaksin. All the best for your future. Hope to meet you soon. 👍
  9. Didn't have Alzheimer I think 🤔. But forget already, can't remember.
  10. Another proof how useful agents are😁👍
  11. Yes!, To get old and being old sucks big time ⌚!!
  12. What means humans? We are actually apes after all and that's is the reason why many people behave like monkeys in social media.
  13. This could happen not only in Thailand!
  14. Should an agent make your Non-O here and you just come in as a tourist, not needed.
  15. Actually a question that you should answer yourself without listening to other people in a chat room or in social media!
  16. If possible, change!! Could be a real problem.
  17. Thats the easiest way and best solution! (unless a wife is not withdrawing the money before her husband is dead) 😁
  18. Why discussing the nationality? It doesn't matter, 2 falangs, enough info.
  19. Finally, happy for Khun Thaksin 👍, Hopefully he will shake up 🇹🇭 politics again. Wish him 🍀 luck.
  20. Good to be married in the Philippines. After you get your marriage visa, (13a permanent), once a year you have to do the so called yearly reporting. Fill out one form, cost 310 Peso. You can either visit the Immigration office or doing the process online with a video call. Great service! Additionally every 5 years you have to renew your ARC 💳 card. Kind of ID. Especially needed when dealing with the banks.
  21. Thats how answers should be, short and precise 👍
  22. 🤣🤣🤣Who cares And who cares since at least 55 years (1969 I learned first time about this service), obviously nobody 😂😂😂
  23. Sounds different when you ask the Swiss Embassy. The rules are still not clear, but it really could happen, that retirees will have to pay taxes from their incomes. 35%, also not sure yet.
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