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G Rex

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Everything posted by G Rex

  1. ooh yeah. She's a keeper for sure. 555
  2. OMG. People here are defending Spaffords actions and rights here! There is nothing normal about a private citizen having over 150 home made bombs.
  3. this would be great if it happened! i live in an Army area - and I can confirm that the grunts are really good at cutting grass and raking leaves. They don't need many Generals to oversee this.
  4. What is it with this 'enraged netizens' rubbish , and media trying to beat up 'stunts' like this? Nobody died. Nobody got hurt. Yes - things could have gone wrong - but they didn't here. Get over it!
  5. I would say “ Talk to KhunHeineken - He has all the answers you need”
  6. Do I need to be a qualified psychologist to have an opinion? what a strange comment. we can not be friends.
  7. Phillip Island has the MotoGP. .- for motorbikes. Melbourne has the F1 Grand Prix, - for Formula 1 Motor cars
  8. No - as an ex-resident of Melbourne - I can tell you that you are wrong. Apart from 2 weeks prior to the race, and 1 week after - when the stands, commercial areas and track barriers are erected and dismantled - these roads are public roads, and can be travelled by anyone. I have used these roads many times.
  9. I am retired , living off my savings , so anything I bring in has already had substantial tax paid in Australia - so - no - I don't think it would come to that! I cannot be bothered dealing with the local tax officials - so will not be doing so unless absolutely necessary. Jail!! 555
  10. The Australian F1 Grand Prix is on a street circuit in Melbourne. It is run very well, but causes a lot of issues for the locals - and it costs a bomb to run. If the (nearly) civilized West has issues running this event successfully - I seriously doubt Thailands' ability to pull this off.
  11. I am bringing less money in. I too have made some larger purchases using Wise , but transferring directly from one of my home country bank accounts. I have also used my foreign credit cards more, and paid them from my home accounts. This is, however, just practice for me. I have no intention getting a TIN , and will not do so until I am dragged kicking and screaming into their office. My aim is to keep my head down, stay off the radar, and see what really happens here. My gut feeling is that nothing much will change here. Thailand - the land where the Left hand does't know what the Right one is doing!
  12. For some decent quality - you can try 'Archiesfootwear.com' and go to their Thai store. You will pay more - but they are good quality and will last you long time...
  13. Great News!! We can all sleep safely in Thailand, now that this heinous villain has been apprehended... Now for his punishment... Shot with a Magnum? Beaten with DrumSticks? or just hit with Paddle Pops?
  14. Will your book have lots of pretty pictures?
  15. I saw a post a few weeks ago where a few members were suggesting using a green laser light available on Lazada - Crossy had all the information… Here is the link. https://s.lazada.co.th/s.svt8D
  16. How old is the young dog? It is not the act of sterilisation that curbs the chewing - it is maturity. ALL puppies will chew to some degree - some more than others. Like us, dogs start with 'baby teeth' - and progressively lose them until they have their full set of adult teeth at the age of 7 months. This teething period is the time when pups are dynamite at chewing. After this period most (not all) dogs will reduce their chewing. We have 5 dogs - 1 of our adult French Bulldogs chews constantly - sticks, rocks, kids toys - we have to make sure nothing is left around for her to get (and our dogs have a large lockable yard they live in when we are not around) . We have a 6 month old pup, that is going through the chewing stage - if he starts to chew something that he shouldn't , we tell him No , then take the item away, and give him a dog toy to continue with... It will get better in time! Separating the dogs, and just keeping the older one is okay too - but as others have said - the physical separation will need to be more than just a locked gate (if you get my drift). Pet ownership is a privilege - not a right, but it should be fun for all parties. (don't keep a pet you don't like!)
  17. Part of the reason I left Australia was to escape the 'Nanny State'. The laws and rules are too pervasive. You need a certificate or a permit to do anything. Thailand feels like Australia was 50 years ago - and that is not such a bad thing. This social media ban for under 16s (if passed by the Lower House) is not slated to take effect until the end of 2025 - a lot can happen between now and then. My children and step-children were on FB from the age of 8 - even though at the time they had to be 12 years old to sign up. There will be easy work-arounds - however the huge fines aimed at the platforms might make this ban work. I am not a great fan of social media - but I think the Australian Government is going too far with this...
  18. OMG! The 'actress' Sitang Buathong - at left in the photo, looks like she's doing 200kph down the main straight! Brilliant character acting!
  19. So Sad. What a loser this man is. Says to wife - ' I'm going to kill someone'. - next day - 'I've had enough now - I am really hungry' An 8 year old man...
  20. just wow! RIP. life deals some people a sh#tty hand sometimes.
  21. Go on - drink it please. What's the worse that could happen?.....
  22. I think the incident highlights the danger of engaging in activities in water if you do not know how to swim.
  23. The drug would have been administered by a subcutaneous or intramuscular injection. This does not need to be actually administered by a qualified veterinarian. It would only need to have been supervised by a vet or an experienced veterinary nurse/technician. The actual dose of sedative given would have been calculated/prescribed by a vet. This is yet another example of 'netizens' wanting to find something to be 'outraged' about. cats will vomit and have generalised body shakes during recovery from ketamine induced anaesthesia. this can be unpleasant to watch, but is completely normal, and the cat is at little risk of dying - because it maintains its gag reflex - so it will not aspirate vomit or saliva and choke. If the cat is monitored during recovery - as this one was - it is not a problem. Nothing to see here , next...
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