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Everything posted by redwood1

  1. I think you are correct......I think the barrel that was full of (it was all a big misunderstanding ) must be getting awful low these days....... The Thais are having a good laugh.... A single short remark by Mr. Smiley almost a year ago and the farangs go completely mad with endless posts about what ifs and maybes...And the frarangs here even went to great lengths to organize and chart all the what ifs and maybes.........lol 100s of pages of nonsense.....And from the best I could tell no one but western farang cared enough to give this tax madness even the slightest attention....
  2. Sir.......True T.V is not just bad......its the biggest pile of garbage that ever tried to pass for a T.V package.......I dont think there is a single thing that a farang can watch on there....And if the Thais dont like game shows, shopping or soap operas they are out of luck too...
  3. There was no tax policy to begin with so there is nothing to change.....Things will continue on as they always have...I think the only people who will be paying will be the farang hand wringers who insist on paying no matter what....
  4. Prawit's the man for Thailand...
  5. 2nd hand vape.....lol.......
  6. And I always thought most of the girls on Soi 6 were virgins...
  7. So how many star rating did they give the taxi driver for the ride?
  8. How can anyone keep up with all the new visas and constant drop of the hat visa rule changes? The U turns, flip flops and rule changes are non stop......Its always been bad but now its worse than ever..... The Embassys around the world stand no chance of keeping up....
  9. That ever present ear to ear silly smile is reason enough to ban the guy.....
  10. Small dicks = loud exhaust .......
  11. How about that farang that almost had his head cut off after he had just bought a house in his wifes name...And his body was still holding the knife..... And what was the ruling? What else but Suicide.... The farang almost cut his own head off with a kitchen knife....
  12. The Arabs seem to have a thing for removing the silencers on their motorcycle exhaust to make their bikes extremely loud and annoy everyone...
  13. The Peoples Party? This name sounds like a (in your face) mocking communist name where the leaders rule with iron fist....And the people under them just do as their told.... Example....The government of the People's Republic of China.... I did have a little hope that the Move Forward Party was the real deal.....But their (redder than red) new name screams controlled opposition...
  14. Maybe when the tourist saw the size of his girls manhood the excitement was to much for him..
  15. These people deserve a metal for trying to wreck a stupid Taylor Swift concert...
  16. No problem ....Lucky we have Soi 6......For some real sex toys....
  17. First rule of the Fight Club....Errrr I mean ruling is not to talk about the ruling... A ruling that squashes freedom cant be questioned...
  18. I think we need mental health checks for all posters on this forum.
  19. Well dont ever take her to India... beep beep beep etc.
  20. No I will not approve this...Its not going to happen.
  21. Well just a normal tooth cleaning cost about 1,000 baht....Any dentist can do it..
  22. Soi 6 is a good place to take the wife and kids......The family can get to see Dad getting the daylights beat out him by security.....And the kids can get a sex education too...
  23. Why my condo neighbor leaves his door open with the aircon on is a mystery to me....And he does this just about every single day..... I have to walk past his room to get to the elevator. So when I walk past his room I get a big blast of cold air in the hallway..... At first I thought this was really weird....But its kind of grown on me .....And now I expect and kind of look forward to the hallway being nice and air conditioned every day.... There have been a few days for an unknown reason he shut his door.... I kind of got offended that he shut his door....And the hallway did not have aircon.... Do you guys think I should knock on his door and ask him to please keep his door open So I can have aircon when I walk past his room.........lol The nerve of this guy to expect me to walk past his room WITHOUT airon on some days, I tell you some people are so inconsiderate .......lol
  24. Folks have you ever once read of a farang or Thai for that matter who died a normal death and though this fabled mandatory Thailand autopsy it was discovered that there was foul play involved with the death? No No you have not ever heard this not even once I bet......I have never heard it in over 20 years here... Why Not? Because a real autopsy is a very involved and expensive process....And no way on Gods green earth is their any possible way they could ever remotely begin to do more than a 5 minute autopsy on the many many people who die every single day in Thailand and especially in Bangkok..... So I think this required autopsy is a scam $$$$$....For normal deaths....
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