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Everything posted by redwood1

  1. Exactly.....I want my 10,000 baht......If I spent my 10,000 in GoGo bars I guarantee there would be a lot of stimulating going on..
  2. Water and electric wiring...Plus time...Plus corrosion.....Does anyone see a problem here? Sure as the sun comes up over time the whole floating mess is guaranteed to go bad..
  3. I think all 20-23 old Thai women who are very attractive need some naked health screening by me....
  4. Your sole purpose of posting seems to be to get everyone on the tax paying train....But Why ?....It just goes on and on....Is it your job?...... Get real....Even the USA IRS does not snoop on everyone credit card transactions.....No way EVER could a dysfunctional country ever pull this off...
  5. This is almost as good as the covid days when the visa rules changed by the hour...
  6. They would have to do a extension on a 60 day....Or a 60 day visa with no extension would be almost exactly like a 30 day with a 30 day extension......
  7. Good plan.....Everyone needs to do their best to reduce their taxes....And after reading thousands of posts here....Every single poster I would say is scheming to pay as close to zero taxes as possible......And no one can say I am wrong..... The people who pay taxes through a work permit are treated very fairly by Thailand and rightly so offered good benefits like healthcare......This sham retiree tax offers nothing.....So all this has to be taken under consideration..
  8. Start with the... multiple entry, five-year DTV or Destination Thailand Visa 180 Days After 180 days. Do a border run get 60 days then get a extension 30 days then another border run 60 days plus another extension for 30 day Then back to the five-year DTV or Destination Visa for another 180 days Keep doing this for 5 years... Then get a new five-year DTV or Destination Visa ......Lol
  9. I WANT MY 30 BAHT HEALTHCARE......I am willing to invest 30 baht a month for my health care.....If Thais get 30 baht health care so should farangs....
  10. People cant afford 20 baht......If anything the price should be lowered to 5 baht...
  11. The shooter will have a rambling manifesto.....Count on it.....
  12. The bigger the news event the higher the odds its fake..
  13. Did you see the crowd running for their lives?....Nope..
  14. Yea I always wait to pee so I can pee in the baht bus...
  15. But Thailand often says they will be a world HUB for expats looking for assisted living centers in the Very near future..... Can you see the very elderly coming to Thailand in their last days and having to screw around with this tax?.... I sure cant...
  16. The whole purpose of the Elite visa was so people could LIVE in Thailand year round with out a visa hassle....A income tax has/will kill the Elite sales deader than a Dodo.... Is the Elite company who have spent decades building their brand going to allow a tax to destroy their business? It seems they would do something......And I mean much more than adding more silly worthless benefits...
  17. Wealthy Thais will not be paying jack.....You can bet your last dollar on this.....They have all they money in the world to set up protected accounts in Singapore and other places...
  18. This is exactly right the whole tax thing stinks from top to bottom.... Mike posts endlessly trying to normalize the stench from this tax disaster...And get everyone onboard with the program... Mike does not seem to care that this tax will cost Thailand Trillions of baht in revenue for a tea cup full of taxes....This tax is horrible for Thailand...And for expats....Its a lose lose for everyone.... Or how about 95% of Thai dont pay taxes....Well that does not seem to matter either.. Or how about expats with work permits who pay taxes have the option of getting first class heath care for a small price....But retired expats are offered zero benefits..Well that also does not seem to matter... bla bla bla I could go on and on...... But in a nutshell this tax benefits no one..
  19. I also want to give a strong recommendation for Key Visa (by big C) too for passport renewal. They took care of Every thing...I only supplied a photo and paid 10,000 baht..It took exactly 1 month to get my USA passport back......Very Simple and very easy.... 2 thumbs up from me....
  20. I agree with this.......If I cant get some dirty hoes to perform for me on camera....Then I feel like my rights have been violated...lol
  21. Weed shops should be paid a minimum of 1 million baht per shop if the government wants to close them....And I do mean every shop in Thailand.....If the government did not want weed shops they should have all been closed the first week they all opened...
  22. Evs are for sheeple who buy the hype and only drive to Big C and 7-11..
  23. A 1,000 baht Siam gift card with a minimum spend of 100,000 baht at Siam Paragon and Icon Siam. Folks I am on my way there now....I cant let this deal get away....lol
  24. Yea I am looking forward to my 10,000 baht too... And your 100% correct any Expat that stays for more than 180 days should be looking forward to their sweet sweet 10,000 baht payday....
  25. Dont worry in time the mushrooms will be legalized like in other places..
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