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Everything posted by redwood1

  1. 99.99999999% of people do not fall of baht buses.........But I am sure some dim bulb will say baht buses should have seat belts now...
  2. So was the baht bus moving and he fell or did he fall as he was getting off?
  3. This video is not working for me......What did the video show?
  4. I did not see yaba on the list...
  5. Sir your wrong that he archived nothing.....He spend more time OUT of Thailand than any other PM......Attacking buffets in countries all over the world...
  6. I bet these are sad days around the elite office..... Even if they have to trade in the plush office furniture and the view for some hole in the wall office, I bet the elite will continue to some how limp along in one form or another.....
  7. Well no one can say Srettha is not World Class Smiler.....
  8. But peoples money is only insured for 1 million baht now in Thai banks....So if you had to keep 2 million in a Thai bank for a O Visa....That would be asking people to put their money at risk...... And who knows, they keep lowering and lowering how much money can be insured...Heck they could very well lower it again..
  9. Will I guess everyone will be closing their Swiss and Singaporean bank accounts and putting it all into K Bank that is if K Bank lets them open a bank account without a work permit or denies them for other silly reasons..
  10. With the new 60 day plus 30 day extension tourist visa and the new favorable border run rules.....Does the Elite visa serve a purpose any more? I am not sure myself ?
  11. So how do you pay a 7% VAT on a package valued a 1 baht?
  12. I recall Bill Heinecke won a case in Thai court against some Thais that tried to rip him off in the early days....But this is the only case I remember where a farang won.... Heck even if a farang wins in court that win is not necessarily a win.....Just ask Hopewell...
  13. Well I see them working in Pattaya quite often.....The Cambodians and Burmese dress a little differently from the Thais...Sure there are some Thais working too but a lot more Cambodians and Burmese doing the grunt work..
  14. Retired expats should all be getting 10,000 baht PER MONTH as Thailands way of saying Thank You for being here...
  15. So whos going to be doing all the work now?....You hardly ever see Thais at construction sites.....They all want to be social media influencers...
  16. The Police Station, received a report of yet another farang having a fatal fall in Pattaya...
  17. Like I said the Paris Olympic Games has zero to do with Thailand.....The French could go to any other country in the world besides Thailand...
  18. Man the pathetic straw clutching never stops....Paris Olympic Games has nothing to do with Thailand..
  19. No problem the farmers can buy fertilizer with their 10,000 baht payday.....
  20. Forget the 401K we have the retirement lottery baby.....
  21. Hey why is my phone and my 50 brothers and sisters phones not working today?
  22. Tukcom temporally closed.....
  23. Ok so you fly into Thailand You get 60 days and one extension for 30 days =90 days Then you do your 2 allowed border runs 60 days plus one extension 30 days =90 days and 60 days plus one extension 30 days =90 days Now your up to 270 days and a tax resident with no visa
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