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Everything posted by redwood1

  1. I say no friggin way they can ever hope to keep up with all money transfers coming in from every country on earth......ATMs, Credit Cards. Western Union, Wise, Wires,direct deposits bla bla.....Mix in 20-30 million tourist.......And........It will NEVER happen...Ever....
  2. Bla Bla Bla a business that makes their living,filing tax returns... Recommends everyone file a tax return (and they will do it for a price of course).......lol.......You cant make this stuff up...
  3. Sir you have gone completely MAD...... If you think the Indian the Chinese or the Russian expats which VASTLY VASTLY out number the farang expats will be lifting so much as a finger to slave over or fill in tax forums or dig up bank records, or burn the midnight oil trying to figure out the vastly complicated DTAs.,or having sleepless nights over accessible and non accessible income... Nope, they are not going to do Jack.....Not now not ever... Its just a small number of western farang who seem desperate to get in the tax system....And no one else..
  4. I would guess about 75-80% ladies sell used phones...
  5. The cards always fall in Tonys favor in Thailand......So I would bet big some how Tony keeps the land and turns that golf course into condos.... All tax free of course....lol
  6. Even the self proclaimed tax experts who are always trying to round up scared farang sheep to extract money from their wallet......Are just guessing like every one else......
  7. Its on the left side.....He and and his wife? girl friend? employee? stall /stand has a a very nice and large selection of Samsung Galaxy phones.....I bought a S21 about a year ago there for 7500 baht....Ok this was not rock bottom pricing....But he did a total data and photo transfer for free and threw in a plastic screen cover for free too... My S21 was as good as new and was Wayyyyyy cheaper than a new Samsung Galaxy...
  8. When you get off the escalator go to your right till you get to the last isle before the long row of shops......Walk to the very end......And in that last square of phone sellers, there is a Thai guy working there......I have bought a few good phones from him the last few years...
  9. The only one who mentioned fraud was you.... If no taxes are due there is nothing to file..... And from reading these tax treads for a year now it seems about 99% of posters figure they will be paying 0.0% in taxes or pretty close to it one way or another.....I dont think I have ever read a post by someone who shooting for a 35% tax....
  10. Yep not hardly a single day goes by in Thailand without the VAST VAST corruption in all levels of government being exposed.....And besides, dodging taxes in Thailand is a national sport.....Especially for the very wealthy who avoid paying taxes like the plague........
  11. Right you are.......To even check you own balance in your own bank now requires a few levels of verification...... No way.....Will foreign banks be sharing private banking information with the Thai tax office........NOT EVER....
  12. I think the previous posts left out ....The soap on a rope.....lol
  13. 100% wrong.......If no taxes are due no income tax needs to be filed...... If this was not true.....Then about 85% of Thais would need to be sent to jail for not filing.....Not so much as a single time in their life.. Almost the entire Thai population would need to be arrested and sent to prison..
  14. Well agreements change all the time Mr pro government policy 100% of the time Cyclist..
  15. I am pretty sure Thomas Carden is not a Thai citizen......So Mr Carden maybe should be sent to jail (.He should look into soap on a rope)... He is doing a job reserved for Thais....Giving Tax advice..... Not to mention its in bad taste to be pumping your company while giving said tax advice.... And why does not Mr. Carden put out a disclaimer.....That all this advice is HIS opinion....? Also if Mr Carden does not know if buying a condo with money brought into Thailand is taxable or not, he should not be giving tax advice....ZERO....
  16. Stupid is as stupid does.... And getting a Tin is just STUPID.....Unless you working or investing in Thailand....
  17. pattayamail http://www.pattayamail.com/news https://www.pattayamail.com/latestnews/news/pattaya-expats-receive-updates-on-overseas-remittances-and-income-tax-487289 I am pretty sure Thomas Carden is not a Thai citizen......So Mr Carden maybe should be sent to jail for doing a job reserved for Thais....Giving Tax advice...... Not to mention its in bad taste to be pumping your company while giving said tax advice.... And why does not Mr. Carden put out a disclaimer.....That all his advice is HIS opinion....? Also if Mr Carden does not know if buying a condo with money brought into Thailand is taxable or not, he should not be giving tax advice....
  18. O come on util this is printed in the Royal Gazette......Its just the same BS as usual.... Plenty of time for brown envelops and unfortunate accidents, to stop this being in the Royal Gazette....
  19. I agree 100%.........The weed shops are secretly selling fish and chips.... Pattaya has many fish and chips addicts who need their fix.....And they dont mind going to jail for buying black market fish and chips from weed shops..
  20. Yea all this talk of taxing expat pensioners with a very modest income......And the stinking rich cant even keep up with where all their billions are that they no doubt have never paid a single baht in taxes on....
  21. And for all you guys here who would not know a Conspiracy even if a Conspiracy ran you over as a 18 wheel truck..... There have been WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY more strange and unexplained deaths on this Island than any where else in Thailand.....And maybe the world for that matter..... Some thing very bad is going on, on Koh Tao and has been going on for years there....Call it a death cult or what ever you want.......
  22. Really only one thing to do now........And that is to start rounding up the Burmese men on the Island......And charge them with causing this death.....
  23. To my surprise office was completely empty. This raises my hope for humanity.....
  24. Even better, when Thailand moves to global taxation (on English forms only), me and the Russian and Chinese non-English speaking tax residents won't have to comply. Well if the Tax forms are in UK English instead of American English then I for sure will not need to file because UK English sounds funny to me and I cant understand it.......
  25. Why would legislation be needed. Foreign tax residents can comply with whats on the tax forms or leave. Hey...Since your so Gung-Ho on paying taxes,I think it would be great if you paid all our taxes, so we did not have to leave...
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