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Everything posted by redwood1

  1. I have one word for you......MSG..........Instant noodles are poison.......Avoid at all cost.... These nutritional nightmares have a boatload of MSG in them....
  2. Well K bank could have just said if you have already filled out this BS paperwork then this Email does not apply to you......And not missed a single person if it was sent to everyone.... But no K bank says.....Lets send these Emails out real half azz.....To a few people here and there.... K bank sure seems to be sheepishly sending out these emails....
  3. Well if it was so important K bank would have sent a E-mail to EVERY customer......Not just a hodge podge sending of Emails to some people here and there.... And anyways Banks dont just close accounts easily......Ok they may suspend overdrawn accounts etc......But closing.......Nope Never.......Closing is the very last step after many long years of repeated legal warnings........
  4. US$116,000 for a few days rental.............Must be a lot of cheap charlies out there...
  5. What a whopping raise these old folks will be getting......They will be able to afford 1 happy meal from McDonalds a month with all this extra cash...
  6. All I have to say is where would you be today with out all my great tax advice...
  7. I thought he said he was old and only wanted to take care of his grand kids... Also was he not prohibited from politics, as part of being released from his so called prison sentence....
  8. This is true but I try help people out with tax info where I can..
  9. Some of us have read all the tax threads and are well informed about tax matters.....
  10. And there are many who will not comply with the rules and also hand over nothing.... It sounds to me as if a whole lot of nothing is going to be handed over..
  11. Please Sir keep us up to date on the body odor situation...We would not want to be left wondering...
  12. This is called fishing for a reaction......Thailand does this all the time....They haphazardly release a possible controversial new policy.....Just to see what the reaction is.....If the reaction is bad often times its followed up with, this was all a big misunderstanding.....And the new policy is never heard from again....
  13. I can see Thai jails full soon with all these tax advice giving farang...
  14. All dentist speak at least OK English in Pattaya.....
  15. People really should take their own advice...
  16. Yes gift giving has been discuses endlessly here on these threads.... And the pro tax people think big brother will be watching your gift giving 24/7/365 and grill you endlessly about your gift giving intent...So be scared... And the anti tax people think gift giving is a great idea.And will just be doing it, without getting sucked into the legalize rat hole that just goes no and on. and changes by the day around this subject..
  17. Well they do leave company owned houses in a gray area, where its not 100% legal.....So someday they could have quite the pay day taking farangs houses....
  18. free from any special privileges, LoL....Just like Tony got no special privileges.....She will not spend one minute in Jail.....Poor Tony is still recovering from the one hour he spent at the jail, before his helicopter arrived...
  19. A bank becoming a tax office 100% WILL NOT WORK EVER... Do you understand? Its already failed before it started....So no one needs to do this...Not now not ever....
  20. Ok take the USA....Has anyone EVER been required to submit their income sources to ANY bank for tax purposes? Nope Never....... Maybe because the bank is not the IRS......Its not the banks job to be the IRS... The whole concept of of a bank becoming a tax office is ridiculous and makes no sense.....And will not work...But dumb ideas like this never seem to be in short supply around here.
  21. My Thai is very poor but from what I understand, the girl told me the eggs came from their farm....The eggs are too imperfect to come from Makro... If anyone speaks better Thai I would like to know more about the eggs there..
  22. There are 2 egg stalls there.....I buy from the one with a nice young lady selling..... They have all sized eggs there......The eggs are not very expensive.......I have never seen duck eggs there... Give the eggs a try......You very well might like them.....If not no need to buy again....
  23. I have tried most of the so called free range eggs in the supermarkets......I have not been that impressed with them......I now buy eggs in the Soi Bukow Tuesday Friday market...The eggs there seem to me to be the best around........I dont know if the eggs are free range or not.......But they are pretty good eggs........ I have been buying my eggs in the market for about 4-5 years now....
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