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Everything posted by redwood1

  1. I use to really like the Terminal 21 food court, Now? Well the view now has all the charm of a industrial park......It was a lovely place before.....
  2. What did they prescribe to help clear things up?
  3. Has anyone here ever used their brain ask the question why the vaxes are FREE all over the world? Have Farangs in the entire history of Thailand ever been given FREE medical anything EVER on a large scale........No not ever........I bet not a single poster here has ever received any medical thing in Thailand FREE before... Maybe there is more to all this Freeness....
  4. Last year they were making a big big deal about having these events for domestic tourist......A huge red carpet roll-out for domestic folks.......And now?........Hardly anything is said about domestic tourist any more......
  5. Well if you have a super fantastic idea like this one to save the bars. Would you not want to stand behind your idea with your name and your face? But then again maybe not, if you really think your idea stinks...
  6. https://thepattayanews.com/2021/09/17/opinion-editorial-pattaya-entertainment-business-owner-suggests-a-nightlife-sandbox/ Idea: “Pattaya Nightlife Sandbox” Lockdown ALL entry points on Walking street: the Northside, soi 15, soi 16, side alleys, and the Southside by Volunteers, police, and tourist police. Who can enter the restricted Nightlife Sandbox? 3 kinds of people: 1. Staff with 1 or 2 vaccines or recovered from covid with proof 2. Customers with 2 vaccines or recovered of covid with proof 3. Food sellers can enter with 1 or 2 vaccines or recovered from covid.
  7. Are you kidding they have been putting the screws to ALL visa classes for the last 10 years.... It all started with the 30 day border runners and went from there..... Lets not forget the recent interrogation of travelers at airports, grilling them about why they come to Thailand too much...
  8. As many here yap away about pointless likes or dislike about Thailand....There is a huge elephant in the room that could crush many.. There has been visa tightening after visa tightening after visa tightening for about 10 years now........Go ahead and keep yapping away about the 90 day nonsense and the like but I am very concerned that one day they might just want 250,000 dollars in the bank for a visa renewal..... I have seen no signs of visas relaxing in a very very long time....
  9. They have been teasing frang with this land ownership carrot for decades and decades now......I would say about a 99.999% chance it will not happen....
  10. So now that its the youngs turn for a vax, they now need it, where as before when it was not their turn they did not need it?
  11. Before the young did not need a vax and now they do? Young people have never had a problem with covid....
  12. What..... Is not miles and miles of open beach either side of walking street enough for you?..Why are some people obsessed with the few blocks of Walking street and what would be a very small beach there...... Maybe the law needs to go in the trash can....The public does not give a flip about open space there.........
  13. Most of those Indian clubs only really got going about 2018-2019..... They sunk a lot of money into those clubs, so the return on their investment has not paid off.....I guess its time to make these clubs payoff one way or another......
  14. I went in the Nashaa club club twice I think just to see what a Indian club was like........They had a big dance floor with Indian guys dancing with each other.....Blaring Indian music......Lots of heavily made-up Russian birds looking for some Indian prey for a price $$$........Expensive drinks..... Needless to say I did not stay long.....
  15. Information changes by the week, or day, or even by the hour.....Heck it changes so often and fast that twitter feeds can't keep up.... The number of flip flops, backtracking and misunderstandings have scaled unbelievable heights...
  16. Why should restaurants be forced to be compliance police? This will only lead to nasty confrontations, and be a huge drain on restaurants limited resources and be stressful to boot....... Face it.......... Most restaurants will simply not do it at all, except for maybe a few big chains......Its just not going to happen ever, you can bet on this....
  17. How about not treating any unvaxed for covid in a hospital.....I am sure the unvaxed would be delighted to agree with this if they would be left alone.... But it would be the vaxed who would not agree to this, because the vaxed cant seem to let the unvaxed be....
  18. Well anything Sir Richard says is just short of the word of GOD.....But don't criticize him or you will be joining the very long and growin Blocked list....
  19. Here are some drawing of what the promenade makeover will most likely look like...I have added a few old promenade pictures for comparison....... The things I notice from these drawings is I don't see any shade trees and hardly any seating......Also no plants, shrubs or anything of that nature....Just lots and lots of Palm trees......
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