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Everything posted by JensenZ

  1. The Ed visa is quite an investment too. Price started at about 51k up to over 70k, for the visa, visa extensions and classes (In Pattaya)... for only a year. Not sure about Phuket prices, but with the influx they are probably paying quite high. It's a good business to be in right now.
  2. Putin is not arriving in Phuket to buy property. It's the Russians that want to get away from his grasp who are coming here. The ones who have had enough and can afford to leave. There's nothing disgraceful about it.
  3. I lived in South Africa for 6 years, but never saw the meat here. If I did I'd still pass in favour of NZ and Aussie meat. Bear in mind that the Aussie and NZ meat is export quality, and usually better than the meat available locally in NZ and Australia (I've lived in both countries).... and people are really complaining about the price of it back at home, so it's not surprising how expensive it is here. In a way, although I really like beef, the high prices here are doing my health a favour as I don't eat it as often as I would like. Too much red meat really slows down the digestive system. It's a treat rather than a regular meal.
  4. I've never seen South African steak for sale there, but I do get the NZ or Aussie steak at 1 + 1 free, and it's high quality tenderloin or eye fillet. You must be legally blind not to see or recognise the different between good steak, bacon and cardboard.
  5. This is one of the reasons why the Atheistic point of view is so popular. They are beholden to nothing. The nature of God (good or evil) is irrelevant, but it definitely shows that you are angry with the indoctination you received in your childhood. I received my fair share of indoctrination in my childhood too, but it didn't prevent critical thinking. The great physicist Richard Feynman once said, “I have approximate answers and possible beliefs in different degrees of certainty about different things, but I’m not absolutely sure of anything.”
  6. It's off topic here, so that could be a reason why no one is motivated to answer your question. The tone of your question already displays contempt for religion and that you don't really want an answer, but just an excuse to belittle anyone who believes in God. The answer to your question is simple. There is only one God. There can be only one God. The different religions interpret God differently, and this is what is causing your delemma. Most don't care to argue with people like you who have already made up their minds that God does not exist. Invariably that's a fruitless task. Nothing will make you change your mind. Just for comparitive purposes, you'll find that most scientific theories are also hotly debated. Theories are not proven fact. Neither Scientists nor people who believe in God will ever be able to prove their theories. 'One of the most popular misconceptions about science is the notion of “scientific proof.” Although it may seem paradoxical, there is no such thing as “proof” in science, only scientific evidence" http://ds-wordpress.haverford.edu/psych2015/projects/chapter/scientific-proof/#:~:text=One of the most popular,in science%2C only scientific evidence. The debate is not so complicated: How did the universe come to exist? 1. On its own with no help from a supernatural source. 2. Created by a supernatural source. Choose your religion and lets all agree to disagree.
  7. I buy some of that meat in buy 1 get 1 free deals. They always have them, but the OP didn't take any photographs of them. I never had any thoughts about taking photos to post on this forum. It's obvious why it is quiet there. Many years ago I spotted some frozen Japanese Beef for 10,000 a kilo (when money had more value). That did suprise me. They probably ended up selling it at a huge discount.
  8. I understand it's not easy for you, but it wouldn't hurt to try rather than constant baiting.
  9. As she doesn't spend much time on a motorcycle, and I do, there's a much bigger change of me expiring prematurely due to that cause of death.
  10. Everyone's situation is different, and your actual age is a factor too. You said there's a 27 year age gap, but you're not married. That 27 year gap actually widens as you get older, because being the much older person, you'll age MUCH faster than her. I'll use my situation as an example. My 28 year younger wife still looks 25 years old after being together nearly 20 years. When we first met I was a very healthy looking mid-40's and the gap seemed much smaller back then. I aged much faster than she did. We need to consider our biological age, rather than just the number. People age at different rates.
  11. It's up to you and it's up to her - that's excellent advice, thank you! You can butt out now as it is not up to you and I don't really need your advice.
  12. You're just being ignorant and inflammatory now. My wife is 28+ years my junior and we've been together since she was 18. I stated quite clearly in a previous post I would not have another relationship at my age. I did suggest that old people are better off staying single if they find themselves alone. That's my opinion... now instead of baiting, you might want to try adding something intelligent to the discussion.
  13. There's very good logic to this. At some point in the aging process, I no longer felt my body was up to scratch, and being next to a perfect young body would feel embarrasing to me (if it wasn't my wife). I would feel she is pretending at best... grabbing all that old, wrinkled, loose skin, and especially as I've spent a lifetime working to stay in good shape. There is something good about being with someone your own age - being able to age gracefully together in the same boat.
  14. And all your knowledge comes from where? Your point is taken, and refuted. We can't all agree on everything, can we?
  15. I choose "or not". I want to be with her and she wants to be with me. I'm thinking of her future, and with me it's not bright, or long.
  16. The offending comment and any referals to it have been removed. If it was my forum, I'd permanently remove the user as well. We don't need people like that on here, or people who thought it was funny.
  17. I'm glad someone gets it. Now at 64 I have no more ambitions, just to live comfortably until I expire. She's young enough to still have goals and dreams. I'm holding her up... it doesn't help that things don't work as well as they once did (an understatement). I feel sorry for her and guilty that I've wasted much of her young life.
  18. Sorry, I was concerned they might take the post down if I left their link. I have no financial interest in this Real Estate company. I was just very impressed with their level of service, just for a rental. In fact, I was shocked by how good their service was. They are a new company that started post-covid, and they are hungry for success. http://www.elitepropertiespattaya.com/
  19. "What a load of nonsense" is no way to debate with someone. Are you looking for a fight? Tone it down, dude. If you don't agree, then just say so politely. I know what I'm talking about as I'm 28+ years older than my wife. The age gap was okay when I was a younger, but now it's too much. I know what it's like getting older with a much younger lady. Our relationship started in her late teens, now she's 35. If I could do my time over, I wouldn't have started this relationship... not for my sake, but for hers. Now she lives with a 64-year old grumpy old man that wastes too much time talking to other old expats on this forum. I love the lady, but it's time to let her go.
  20. Interesting you said that. Lorenzo is a Filipino with a Russian wife, so they have very good links to the Russian Market. He speaks perfect English, and his wife Russian.
  21. Many young girls will gladly settle for a huge age gap - as long as he's loaded and the closer to death, the better. We're not talking about real relationships here, but men buying young brides, or young ladies selling years of their lives for profit down the line. When an expat finds himself single at an older age, say 50 plus, he needs to do the world and himself a favour and stay single. If he needs a caregiver - then just employ one.
  22. No, but for the sake of humanity let's hope he dies before a newborn comes of age.
  23. I would vote for Elite Properties on Thepprasit Road. I recently worked with these guys to get a rental for a friend. Their attention to detail was on a whole other level. Their energy was off the scale. I would point you in their direction with confidence. Talk to Lorenzo or his twin brother Ramone.
  24. That's not a very intelligent statement, even from a scientific point of view. Most scientists base their current research or theories on faith that the foundation of knowledge they are built upon is sound. Scientists seldom start anything from scratch. Evolution is a good example as few scientists question it and have a high level of faith in it. The faith in Evolution is one of the main reasons that scientists reject God. They are replacing one faith with another. Even a scientist will hop in a car or fly in an airplane, based on faith that they are in good condition and have been well serviced. Scientists are evidence-driven AND faith-driven.
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