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Everything posted by JensenZ

  1. You really are grasping at straws. You just can't stop. You managed to take a photo of business with no soi dogs around. You're a regular genius. Anyone could do that. I could show you photos of hundreds of soi dogs in front of businesses around Pattaya... but it's just a waste of forum bandwidth.
  2. But dude, according to the report, they found him hanging. Either way, plastic bag or rope, the cause is asphyxiation.
  3. Tim Ward is still around in Pattaya, just getting a bit older and more bedraggled. He's more low key than he used to be. I don't know where you got the idea that businesses are concerned about soi dogs being bad for business. You have to step over dogs at most 7Elevens. They all have their pets.
  4. Sure, there are soi dogs in nearly every soi in Pattaya, but that doesn't mean there are soi dogs in front of every house. When I moved to a townhouse awhile back, there was a soi dog outside. After I moved in, there wasn't. It's not difficult to shoo them away - most are quite timid.
  5. Dude, I've been here 20 years, and still, despite that, the only possible way he died is by asphyxiation. It's one of the most pleasant ways to die too. You can do it from a door handle.
  6. You've just hit upon the best and most humane way to get them to move on. Spray them with a garden hose. It won't take long before they find another place to hang out and sleep. If no hose, a bucket of water will do the trick.
  7. The guy was found hanging from a rope. What other cause of death might it have been? Do you think it might have been staged? Someone killed him and hanged him to make it look like suicide?
  8. It's not interesting that you're posting again as you're just baiting at this stage. You know why I'm here and you know the topic of the thread. I don't need your permission to post here.
  9. That reply was not to you. I have no idea of your religious affiliations or beliefs based on the few posts I've read in the last few days. I do sense much confusion though...
  10. Your clues are wasted on me, as you seem very confused. The topic is "do you believe in God and why" with no mention of the word "religion". More interesting topics are just about any topic other than debating the difference between God and religion. The dictionary definition servers me well. No further explanations are necessary.
  11. Why do I think God is "good" or "bad"? I was actually forwarding some philosophical concepts that keep people up at night. Theodicy and "the problem of evil". Apart from that, the Bible mentions that God is good 36 times. https://www.biblelyfe.com/blog/bible-verses-about-the-goodness-of-god#:~:text=Psalm 25%3A8-9,teaches the humble his way. Now I'm not sure if you use the Bible as a reference, but it should answer your question.
  12. No one is explaining anything, especially on religious matters, merely giving opinions. I'll stick to the dictionary definition as "religion" is a word that has a specific meaning, and explanations are unnecessary. Here's another: "the service and worship of God or the supernatural". That's good enough for me. If you want to make the issue more complicated than it needs to be, that's your prerogative, but I have more interesting topics to debate.
  13. Unfortunately drug takers are the not the problem but drug pushers. Punishing the takers doesn't help at all... and they're only a danger to themselves, unlike DUI drivers. I think the breath testing road stops are random as they don't test all drivers on all roads, but just at random points. I'm yet to understand the danger of overstayers and how catching them will make me feel safer. Any ideas on that?
  14. There is no similarity between testing under suspicion of DUI and turning on the lights and testing an entire crowd within a night venue. Then you might want to bring up random breath testing as being a similar event, which by its name is "random", not the entire occupants in a building. Then there's the testing method, of requiring 300 people to piss into vials. It's absurd and there's no simularity as you suggested. In addition to that, testing people suspected of DUI is removing a clear and present danger from the roads. No danger is being prevented by raiding the 300 strong crowd of the night venue and testing everyone.
  15. Don Lemon was fired from CNN today too. What's your take on him?
  16. The people who are still dry are the ultimate targets and much more "fun" for the participants to douse than people who are already wet.
  17. That's it, guilty until proven innocent. It's absurd and it should be embarrassing, but these cops are shameless.
  18. It's a typical response from people who claim to enjoy Sonkran Week in Pattaya - "people who don't enjoy it must be miserable". In response to that I'd have to say that any mature adult who can enjoy throwing or being doused by water for a week must have the mentality of a child... or they are senile and suffering from their second childhood. I enjoyed Songkran for a week, at home. I was never miserable, not for moment.
  19. Songkran activities in Pattaya are not Thai tradition, not even close. It goes on for a week (also not Thai tradition) and many of the participants act aggressively with high pressure water guns, buckets and ice water in order to produce as much negative response as possible. He got a response, just more than he exptected. We don't know what happened leading up to the attack, but it's quite possible the Turk asked the Thai guy not to do it.
  20. I suspect these raids will affect the profit of these night venues and make it harder for find drug users/sellers who will partake/sell elsewhere where they don't expect such raids. They are doing everything they can to f*** the tourist trade now that it is recovering.
  21. I'm sure it does a lot of damage as tourists go home and recount their experiences of police raids. The problem is it cannot be assessed due to the volume of tourists arriving here. I can't imagine a tourist going home and telling his friends that the police raided a club and took urine samples would help promote Thailand.
  22. Good work on the reseach. Upon looking again, my meter has as follows: 3*5(100)A 3*230/400V 50Hz 3-Phase 4-Wire Kh = 1.0 Wh/P Energy MAX EMS34J
  23. That's where I found the type, not on the meter.
  24. Yes, it's new one that was installed a few years ago.
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