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Everything posted by JensenZ

  1. OK thanks. I don't really concern myself with the breakdown of charge details. I divide my bill by my units as that is what I pay, and it has gone up 25% this year (per unit). From low 4s to low 5s - 25% increase.
  2. Above I mentioned my type is 1124, in a condo. Do you know what it means? Bradiston is type 1125, but his per unit charge is identical to mine.
  3. The electricity charges have gone up by about 25% since late last year. I'm paying about 1 baht more per KWh than last year.
  4. If you ran the units, even in the low 20s I think that would make the difference, depending on how well insulated the room is. I don't know anything about Type 1124 or 1125... I'd never even noticed it until a member above mentioned it today. If you find out, please lelt me know. My condo is owned by a foreigner, so in a company name. Maybe that's the difference, although our per unit rate is identical. In addition I run 2 very inefficient, very old commerical style AC units in 2 other rooms. One is in my gym, and that runs about 1 to 2 hours per day, and the other one in my office is getting some use now... and they are real electricity hogs... and 2 fridges. One big and one medium size. One is old and one is a more efficient new model.
  5. If it was, they wouldn't be allowing filming or official reporting of the event. Maybe this is an attempt to keep their jobs and look like they are doing something useful. They had a long period during covid when they had nothing to do.
  6. It's different in the Philippines. Over there the police are looking for foreigners to extort. They look or invent a reason to lock them up and ask for large payments for release. They really focus on Koreans.
  7. 556 units = total bill 2970 (average after tax = 5.34 per unit). Type: 1124 The 2 AC units that are running much of the time are new Daikin inverter units, but held at 28C for one of them, and the other between 26 to 27C. I image guests at a hotel would run AC at much lower settings.
  8. I never got around to doing any of that, but the drinking habit is normally a result of peer pressure in your impressionable years. I've always been a loner - an outisider, who made my own decisions. I'm sure there are plenty like me out there, but because we keep to ourselves, we don't often meet - except on forums like this.
  9. The churches never liked me as I would be asking too many tough questions to which they had no answers.
  10. I'm not personally discontented with any churches as I don't go to any, but I did in my younger years. There's a freedom about not being affiliated to a church.
  11. People are not all the same. Some enjoy superficial converations with strangers, others don't.... but either way, most of the world has changed to online communication, at least in developed countries. Take a look around in a restaurant next time you're there. The majority of diners are on their mobile phones while sitting with friends and partners. Even dating is mostly conducted online these days - the world has changed a lot since most of us older folk were young. We didn't have mobile phones or internet. We had to go home to use the phone, or find a phone booth. Back those days person to person contact was all there was unless you joined a dating agency and wrote letters.
  12. When discussing religion, church has little meaning for Eastern Religions and even for Christian religions as there are hundreds of churches within the Christian religion... all studying the same book, but deriving different interpretations thereof. Everyday there's probably someone opening a new church.
  13. I've been married to a young lady for many years. You'll never get the truth from a partner. I'm cutting her loose as I now feel sorry for her being with a 60+, 28 years her senior. She needs someone younger with more energy to do the stuff that the OP is suggesting.
  14. You enjoy being at home, and that's all that counts. I'm the same. Some people are suggesting it's punishment to be at home, but for me it's pleasure. I have my own gym, exercise a lot, and go out to shop - that's it. The idea of hanging out with bar girls who are pretending they are interested in old men is absurd.
  15. True. My wife feels cold at anything lower than 26C LOL... but most of the world would consider 26C to be a very warm summer night.
  16. Assuming full cruising altitude @ about 900km/h *4 hours, within a 3600 km diameter circle from Brisbane airport: 1. New Zealand 2. Papua New Guinea. 3. Indonesia 4. Fiji 5. Solomon Islands 6. Vanuatu 7. Nauru 8. Tuvalu 9. Timor-Leste 10. New Caledonia 11. Tonga 12. Tasmania From Darwin: 1. New Zealand. 2. Papua New Guinea 3. Indonesia 4. Malaysia 5. Vietnam 6. Philippines 7. Brunei 8. Guam 9. Palau 10. Singapore 11. Timor-Leste 12. Tasmania
  17. You won't find the truth anywhere on a computer or in any pocket. There are millions of slants on the "truth" and no one has it solved. The main reason is that God is beyond the physical world and can't be examined by science. It's a matter of faith. Even though you may have escaped the shackles of the Catholic Church, that doesn't mean you've found the truth. You're guessing like everybody else. I myself "deshackled" from the SDA Church, but I'm no closer to understanding God. Also you need to consider that many intelligent people (far beyond our intelligence) are religious people and Catholic. Even people with computers in their pockets. Your post comes across that people who are Catholic are uneducated and ignorant.
  18. And your attempt at moderating this thread is also not appreciated. Leave that to the moderators. Suggesting that I might not be spiritually inclined with an open mind is very "passive aggressive". If you find my post objectionable in any way, hit the report button and let a real moderator decide.
  19. When has it ever got "cold" in Pattaya? I can remember some nights when the temperature reached 18C, but on rare occaions and only the odd year. Nearly always the temperature is over 25C and it's never cold, ever. The last time I wore long pants was on a motorcycle at night in November back in about 2007.
  20. Seriously? You really think your last reply was common sense? You're dreaming if that's what you think, but it's ok, I will ignore you going forward in this thread, and hope that you will do the same.
  21. I have absolutely no idea of what you're talking about. I need good luck with what? Perhaps you're being disingenious and need more good luck with something.
  22. This is an incredibly absurd comment. We're talking about institutional religion, from 500 years ago, instilled on an uneducated population. 94.5 percent of the population is Catholic. It's in their DNA. Perhaps you could suggest that over 100 million Catholics must give up their religion.
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