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Everything posted by Walker88

  1. If one's greatest pleasure in life comes from satisfying a sweet tooth, then go for obesity. If one gets pleasure from a wide range of things---such as looking good, being nimble and energetic, not having joint problems, not suffering from Type II diabetes, and being active enough so that one can eat pretty much as he likes, then fitness is a given. Yes, it takes effort. Nothing in life is free. To enjoy good health into old age requires spending some time exercising, ideally in the gym. All the latest research shows just how important resistance training is. Muscles atrophy much slower, cognition stays solid longer, bone density declines slower, heart health is better, blood sugar remains in a good range, the body produces HGH and testosterone longer. Up to you, as this is the only life one gets. Spend it how you wish.
  2. Are You Truly a trumper? In the fever swamps of trumpistan, there are varying degrees of adoration and fanaticism. You might be ‘on the spectrum’, but where? Are you just a dilettante, or are you all the way to a 1-6-21 terrorist? With trump there is precious little ‘little’, and no ‘kind of’. You’re in balls to the wall or you’re out. You’re either committed (or is that should be committed?) or just evidencing a faddish affectation. No room for the latter. Be all-in or be gone, you tino! (trumper in name only). In order to fine tune the degree to which a trumper is a true cult member, the following panel of questions was developed to assess and differentiate. Run through the list and give yourself a point when you agree with the statement or question, and then add up your score. Use a calculator, if you run out of fingers and toes. Dare to find out just how deep in the weeds you are. Here are the grades, depending on your point total: 0-5: Ha! That’s it? You must be LGBTQ+ 6-10: Not naïve and gullible enough; you’re in need of re-education on Fox or Newsmax before you're qualified to put on your China-made red hat again 11-15: Congrats! You get placed on a mailing list for those running the Nigerian 419 Scam; you have the kind of credulity they can exploit 16-20: I bet you’ll use your SSDI and SNAP to fund a bus ticket to trump’s next rally Hate-in 21-25: Be at the Capitol on 8 January 2025; “It’ll be WILD!” 25: Step aside Kari Lake, you’re the new VP (just do your ‘duty’ on 8 January 2025 or get hung) --------- # 1: You believe trump’s “best economy ever” hyperbole (despite 70% of all Quarters since the end of WWII produced higher GDP growth) # 2: Is trump, “like, really really rich, really really smart, and a stable genius”? #3: At least once you’ve taken your kids’ school lunch money and sent it to trump’s PAC # 4: You believe trump had a right to take TS, SCI, SAP, SITK, Codeword, HCS and RD docs to his country club and wedding planner facility # 5: You believe trump “can declassify with his mind” # 6: trump has ONLY “perfect phone calls”, such as with President Zelenskyy, GA SecState Brad Raffensperger, etc. Some say nobody does a better phone call. # 7: Stormy is lying (and not just about “Not quite freakishly small, but well below average”) # 8: The 2020 election was stolen # 9: The jailed 6 January 2021 terrorists are actually “hostages” and/or “political prisoners” # 10: trump will be reinstated 13 August 2021 2022 2023 2024 # 11: Truth (sic) Social is today’s Amazon and Microsoft rolled into one; get in now or regret later # 12: Hugo Chavez rose from the grave, wrote a program he uploaded to an Italian satellite, and had the satellite alter votes on Dominion voting machines (per Sidney Powell, one of trump’s ‘crack’ legal team) # 13: You believe trump is 6’3” and 215 lbs # 14: Q is real and Hillary/Tom Hanks and others run an international cabal that kidnaps, rapes, roasts and eats babies (as trump now says has truth to it) # 15: You bought a thread from his Georgia booking/arrest jacket # 16: You think Jared is actually the biological father of Ivanka’s kids (okay, no points if your answer is “Yes”, as no DNA test has been done) # 17: You own at least one pair of trump’s Golden Sneakers AND you ordered a trump Bible # 18: You believe bone spurs are a more serious affliction than the Bubonic Plague or pancreatic cancer #19: You think trump’s NYC apartment is 33,000 square feet #20: You think trump won many club golf championships and has never cheated # 21: You believe the trump NFT of him as a buffed fighter pilot represents genuine value #22: You think a former softcore porn model (images on Google) deserved her “Einstein Visa” and was the classiest First Lady ever #23: Like trump, you use the term Deep State and actually believe it’s a real thing #24: You’re still impressed to this day by “Man Woman Person Camera TV” #25: While the 2020 election was rigged and stolen, EVERY Republican Congressperson who won on the same ballot in 2020 did so absolutely legitimately #26: You believe a truly innocent man delays delays delays his trials, rather than has his day in court quickly to prove his innocence. #27: You think the recent East Coast earthquake was---as MTG Tweeted---a 'sign from Gawd that US must repent'...(forget this question, as the USGS said the epicenter was close to trump's Bedminster Golf Course)
  3. House Repubs like Comer and Gym "That's Strauss" Jordan are anxiously awaiting your proof. They keep coming up empty, and got schooled by Lev Parnas recently. In secret, eh? But you, some guy sitting 10,000 miles away in Thailand, discovered it. Astonishing. Come on, Hercule Poirot, spill the beans! Help wipe the egg off Comer and Jordan's faces.
  4. One probably needs a Thesaurus to answer this question... Psychopath? Many psychiatrists have diagnosed him this way, as there is so much public comment from him available, that sitting down with him is unnecessary Batsh!t Crazy? That fits In severe cognitive decline? Let's ask President Obama and Speaker Haley or his wife Melanie (or E Jean). Totally self-centered, childish, vindictive, mendacious, not particularly bright, Narcissistic, greedy, slovenly, woefully insecure...... As for his "skill" without a teleprompter....LOL "covfefe" "unpresidented" "MISINFORMATES" "Marine Core" "DISINFORMATES" (from his Tweets + TS) As for his cult: naive, gullible, dumb, losers, racists, fascists, monarchist/dictator lovers (sorry, that nonsense is for failed empires and hasbeens/never weres)
  5. Oh my! You really know absolutely nothing, yet seem quite proud to announce that to the world. Sniffed way too much diesel in your career, I guess.
  6. This latest Repub silliness is targeted at those whose knowledge of the agency comes from Hollywood B-movies and pulp fiction, which is to say the kind of morons who also believe Q is real and Hillary/Tom Hanks/etc. run an international cabal that kidnaps, rapes, roasts and eats babies. There is a Dumb Demographic, and the Repubs know how to diddle them. The agency couldn't care less about that stuff. As for Repubs, they can't seem to find a credible witness, so they are reduced to making up foolish tales for their audience of low IQ goobers. Some of those they target will post here. Enjoy laughing at their idiocy and gullibility. And if you are one of those running Nigerian 419 scams, you have some new chumps to sucker.
  7. Oh goodness! The Deep State! Moonbat Alert! If you had ever been successful in life or ever been anywhere near the so-called 'halls of power', you would know that anyone who uses the term Deep State is so naive and gullible as to make others' teeth hurt. I could toss out all the usual lines about 'check your meds' or 'go get help', but someone so deep into such banal nonsense is incapable of being helped. It's malignant and fatal. So go ahead...knock yourself silly with your childish Deep State drivel. Think that you are "aware" because you "have done research". If it makes you feel special, go for it. Go stand on a street corner and scream to passersby. That being said, as a card carrying member of the Deep State, I'm catching the bathyscaph Trieste and heading down for some shopping at Titanic Duty Free. I've got to get there before George Soros beats me and scoffs up all the '86 Biondi-Santi Brunello di Montalcino.
  8. Do you understand the difference between personal notes and official USG documents with classification markings? Apparently not. Reagan, Biden and Pence took home personal notes, some of which had classified data. All cooperated with authorities when found, and a precedent was set under Reagan that no prosecution would take place. trump stole a wide range of highly classified documents, not personal notes. He is not allowed to take nor possess them. When told to give back what he stole, he lied and said he had returned everything. When the DoJ was informed trump lied, they authorized the FBI search. Perhaps you can explain why a wedding planner needs things such as war plans, identities of clandestine sources in hostile nations, the capabilities of hostile nations' militaries, etc.? Should all country club and wedding planner companies be given the same documents, as it must be an integral part of the business?
  9. Let me try to spell it out for you: The terrorists were going to kill the Vice President and Speaker of the House. They had allies in the House who actually voted to NOT certify the election even AFTER trump's goons attacked. Had the goobers killed enough Dems, the House vote would have not certified the election. Please tell me how a 'peaceful transition' would have taken place had it gone that way? trump would have just said, "Oh, I'm going; here's the front door keys, Joe" So intent was traitor trump in not leaving that he subsequently was intimately involved in the Fake Elector scheme, which is why he is under indictment. His violent coup failed, so he was going to try Fake Electors. US Democracy would have ended, and the US would be under a dictator. If you had read the court filings, you would know that part of the scheme involved appointing an oil spill lawyer Jeffrey Clarke as Acting AG, because that AG would have helped invoked the Insurrection Act, which would have allowed trump to put the military in the street and stay in power. YOU have no critical thinking skills, or else are too deep in trump's weeds to see what is right in front of sane and rational people's faces. Karl Rove, hardly a liberal Democrat, said just last week that the 6 Jan imprisoned at "thugs", not hostages, and that every one of them not yet caught should be rounded up and jailed.
  10. The Grifter-in-Chief made sure he was neither on the Board nor an officer of the company, as that allows him to tout the stock lie about it, in order to entice his goobers to load up. If he were an officer/Board member, his comments would be illegal. He made it safe to lie and do what he always does...grift off his loser cult. And they never learn. Some of his goobers are doing hard time for believing his "stolen election" lies. He speaks of pardons, but the fact is they get only Darwin Awards.
  11. If I was a teen hacker living in Mom's basement, I would absolutely LOVE a totally cashless society. Just knock out the internet, grab the popcorn, and watch the hungry masses go at each other tooth and nail. There's a recent movie that sort of uses this theme: Leave the World Behind There are times society gets too wedded on tech, making it vulnerable. Here's kind of an example....when I fly, I prefer the aircraft has an extra vacuum-driven attitude indicator, especially when flying IF. The hi-tech stuff can break down, but the gyroscope always works.
  12. Poor little trumpers. Woe is you. "BLM was as bad" Blah Blah Blah. The goobers---so stupid they bought traitor trump's lie---tried to overthrow US democracy. They tried to find the Vice President to hang him. They would likely have killed the Speaker of the House if they had found her. The beat, bear-sprayed and injured 140 police. They shAt on the floor of the US Capitol and rubbed it on the walls. "Just typical tourists", as some idiot Repub said, they were not. Silly little low IQ trumpers equate all that to looting a pair of Nikes. Blah blah blah, look what those N-word did! (That's the racists equivocation). The goobers get their usual Fox-provided talking points. Every last one of the 6 January terrorists should have been Babbitized. Or napalmed. Being stupid is no excuse. Being gullible is no excuse. They were terrorists and should be dealt with as we deal with terrorists like Ayman al-Zawahiri, Osama bin Laden, Abu Musab al-Zaqawi, etc.
  13. I'm sure you know how to drive a semi, but you know absolutely nothing about Executive Privilege nor classification.
  14. You really miss the point, but don't feel bad; lack of understanding of reality is a common affliction of trumpers. trump had absolutely zero right to the classified documents. None whatsoever. The documents he stole---as I have noted many times---were classified TS, SCI, SAP, Codeword, SITK, HCS and RD. None of those documents are even allowed out of a SCIF, and the office of a wedding planner is hardly a SCIF. Again, to repeat: If trump had declassified anything, there would be a paper trail, signed off by agency chiefs as well as the White House Counsel. There is none. There is no reason he should have HCS docs even when he was President, and as far as RD docs, not even a President can declassify those (nuclear matters, specifics on nuke weapons, nukes in other countries, etc.), because it is assumed no POTUS has the level of knowledge to understand the full ramifications of making those public. That responsibility is left to experts at Dept of Energy. No President has ever had, outside of his Administration, the level of docs trump stole. Not even close. Reagan had personal notes, some of which had some classified intel, but courts ruled in his favor. The same precedent was applied to what was found in Biden and Pence's homes. They had personal notes. trump had fully classified documents. Reagan, Biden and Pence each fully cooperated with authorities to clear and assess what they had. trump lied and claimed he returned everything, when he did not. Anyone---especially elected officials who back trump's lies---should agree to publicly release every document trump stole, if they think he declassified or if they think keeping such things in a country club/weddlng planners' office is okay. We can bind them in Moroccan leather volumes and send collections to putin, Kim Jong-un, the mullahs in Iran and al Qaeda. If Miss Lindsey and the FreeDumb Cockups in the House are not willing to do that, then they should sit back and let Jack Smith do his job.
  15. Those who have slurped down the Jonestown donny Kool-Aid always bark about “paying your fair share”, though they have absolutely no clue what it means in reality. As has been shown since little vladdy invaded Ukraine, NATO members across the board have stepped up and offered monetary and material assistance to the victims of russia’s heinous aggression. NATO works. trump, the trust fund guy with 6 bankruptcies and dozens of failed businesses, who didn’t even understand the term ‘nuclear triad’ that is crucial to the US and NATO’s defense, just tosses out a phrase to his goobers and they accept it as gospel. It’s a joke to think that the daddy boy who has spent a life stiffing banks, bondholders and subcontractors knows anything about paying fair share. The vast majority of NATO members are fully capable of contributing to the defense of fellow members and meeting the sort of aggression NATO was founded to meet. Some nations are simply more efficient in their use of resources, while the US defense budget is a massive rat’s nest of cost overruns and useless equipment built for the last war, not anything that might arise at present or in the future. NATO nations could build useless redundancies and up their % of GDP spent on military matters, but that would not make them any more powerful nor capable of meeting their commitments to fellow member defense. Trumpian goobers seem to think there is some giant pot into which NATO members toss money, that subsequently funds NATO activities. Nope. The common aid given to Ukraine has shown clearly how equally prepared NATO members are to meet its challenges and commitments. Trump’s slogans and tag lines have been laid bare for the idiocy they are. The US has been a major beneficiary of what NATO members have achieved. The Cold War was won. Europe has been at peace, in stark contrast to centuries of internecine aggression and war. International trade has brought tens of millions of jobs to America, as well as funding for US budget deficits (NATO members own USTs). NATO has played a major part in US and European prosperity over the last 75 years. NATO has kept aggressor nations like Russia in check, something that clearly disturbs putin. It is hardly any surprise that trump---while claiming to love the US---is really intent on doing putin’s bidding and destroying what was a core part of peace and prosperity.
  16. "The tech space" UNFAIR ! SAD ! DERANGED ! LOL Cash Crunch donny touted it, put cow farmer Devin Nunes in charge, and waited for his goobers to pile in. And waited. And waited. 9 million members. It would seem everybody who actually wanted to join has joined. It's like Y2K and the Comet Kahoutek rolled into one....a fart in the wind. Twitter's 350 members are only valued at about $120 apiece. Do that to TS and it's a $9 stock. But wait! There's more! Advertisers are pretty good at assessing the demographics of a social media company. They know that the typical goober earns below average income and has rather plebian tastes. Who is going to advertise? Chewing tobacco? Debt workout companies? Spam? Maybe somebody could sell Dogs Playing Poker pictures for the trailer wall, or Tigers Painted on Black Velvet. TS is not Amazon. It isn't even TikTok. More likely it's Pets.com. Or trump steaks/water/airline/travel agency/university/Taj Mahal..... And this time there's no daddy Fred to come in and buy $3.4 million in chips or co-sign donny's loans or leave $412,000,000 in inheritance. $4 million in revenue, or 44 cents per member. And to achieve that woeful sum, CEO Nunes ran up $58 million in costs. TS has already seen it's best day.
  17. Wash your hands again. Pulling stuff out of there carries bacteria.
  18. I guess one place to look for corroboration would be on Truth (sic) Social and see if "anyone" has posted an all-cap screed with UNFAIR! or DERANGED!. That would be a tell.
  19. If he is American, he can own 100%, with no Thai partner, under the Treaty of Amity. There is a process to own under the Treaty, and not every law firm has the expertise. There are documents that must be produced by the US Embassy and filed with the Thai govt and DBD. The OP should contact Citizen's Services or the Commercial Section of the US Embassy in Bangkok to ask about the procedure. They might even provide a list of Thai-based law firms who handle Treaty of Amity filings. Law firms that deal with filing under the Treaty charge between 150,000 and 250,000 baht to complete the process. If the OP does 'one stop shopping' and gets legal and accounting advice through a firm with both departments, that firm can also do the paper work for the Non-B visa as well as the Work Permit. Note that being sole owner still requires one to obtain a Work Permit.
  20. LOL I knew a Brit would take exception to AN INTERNATIONAL POLL. It wasn't me. I didn't get asked. It was people from around the world who said the UK has the World's Worst Cuisine. Must be a lot of ignoramuses out there, eh? The people have spoken.
  21. Bob, Despite the direction this thread has taken, I'll give you an honest answer..... No. They are not intimidating, they can be extremely attractive. I would want nothing less, though rich is not a priority. In my Business School class, two women went on to become billionaires. One was attractive, one...not so much. What they were, however, was smart. Both had attractions, though one as a friend. I worked professionally with some really lovely women who were made more attractive by their competence and success. I don't care if they're rich or not, as I have that covered, but long term nothing is sexier than an intelligent woman. Give me a Heddy Lamar. If I just want to dally, I don't care if she's smart, successful or wealthy. For simple dallying, I'm shallow enough to like sexy. Long term, however, I would be bored to tears with a woman who wasn't at least intelligent and---more important---curious. I would need something to talk about, if I am going to be with anyone for an extended period. I know plenty of men here have married Thai women. I have met and dated many lovely women here, but so far nobody with whom I could be with long term. I would be bored, and likely she would, too. Sex is great, but if things are going to last for more than a few weeks, there has to be more. I had a smart, curious and successful woman, but sadly she was taken away. I don't necessarily need a new one, so short term flings can be fun. If I am ever to enter a long term relationship again, I would hope she is all the things some men might find intimidating. I prefer an equal, not someone I lord over, even if she is wildly sexy. Sexual attraction lasts for a limited period, unless there's a lot more there. Intellectual stimulation lasts. Not sure you even sought answer to your query, but what the heck, I'll give you one.
  22. Fermented fish is a taste I will never acquire. I don't feel I've missed anything. If I was so inclined, I could always travel to Iceland and dine on fermented shark meat, which smells like the end of the world. Another poster noted liver flukes...that is in Pla Rah, a dish common in Isaan. One odd thing about Thailand is that personal things are shared that nobody back home would share except with the closest of friends. My female staff will always tell me when it's "Lady Day". They also will tell me when they are having bathroom troubles. About 50% of the time they eat Seafood Som Tam, the next day they tell me they have diarrhea. They still eat it. The waters around Thailand are dirty. The seafood is not handled properly. The chance one gets a bad stomach or worse from Thai seafood is high. There's also the industrial chemicals, which have long term effects. When local women get diarrhea 50% of the time, that's enough for me to pass on most, if not all, local seafood. Others can knock themselves silly enjoying it; not for me. One aside, since this thread notes a "Worst".....an international poll was taken about 10 years ago, which I remember reading. It asked people around the world which country has the worst cuisine. The top (bottom) 3 were: 1) UK 2) Russia 3) Philippines Don't shoot the messenger.
  23. Perfect! Keep up the good work, Bobby, Jr! He and trump will be competing for the batsh!t crazy vote. He can be the Ross Perot to George H. W. Bush or the Ralph Nader to Al Gore. I can see trump having to up his Crazy Game in order to take away from RFK, Jr. Siding with QAnon (kidnap, rape, roast and eat babies) is not crazy enough anymore. Come on, donny, don't let RFK beat you to warning us about 10' Shape-shifting Green Lizard People from the rogue planet Nibiru. As for Biden being a threat to democracy, silly. Biden won the popular and EC vote, which is democracy. And if a booming economy, low UE, new chip plants and a rebuilding infrastructure are a 'threat to democracy', molon labe! Run, Bobby, Run!
  24. In the ongoing Theater of the Absurd that is trump, I can see how this court case against the founders of Truth (sic) Social might go. trump is suing them for "mismanagement". Here's the scenario, kind of straight from My Cousin Vinny: trump: Your Honor, I call as an expert witness on mismanagement.......me. Judge: What are your qualifications as an expert witness on mismanagement? trump: Six bankruptcies and several dozen failed start-up companies. Prosecution: I have no objection, your Honor Judge: Please take the stand and swear in.
  25. Well, perhaps I stand corrected, but unless she's a 47-year old virgin, it is my understanding that a sinsod is not required by any sort of 'tradition'. On the other hand, if she is a 47-year old virgin, I smell a movie script or TV sitcom.
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