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Everything posted by Walker88

  1. As a former TS/SCI holder, if I had a single TS/SCI doc in my home, even if the reason I had it was 'to prepare for work the next day', I would have been arrested. If I turned the docs back over and said 'everything has been returned', but was subsequently found to have kept things I had no right to have, it would have been assumed I was going to try to monetize the material. I would be charged with the capital offense of 'conspiracy to commit espionage'. When 45 lied about returning everything he had no right to retain, it is likely this thought came up, which is why the Chief of Counterintelligence was part of the group searching MaL. Part of the length of this investigation, and why 45 has not yet been charged, is NOT because there is no case, but more likely the DoJ is building a much wider case to include 'conspiracy to commit espionage'. Lying to the authorities, as 45 did, plus his subsequent lies about 'standing order to declassify everything I took' suggests bad intent. There is no possible reason for having the material, and no excuse for lying about 'returning everything'. 45 fully intended to monetize the secrets. Of that I have no doubt. Former DirNSA and DCI Gen Hayden said Sunday that 'execution is a good idea'. After a trial, make it so.
  2. There is a major difference between an intractable problem and a Snake Oil salesman who pretends he has a solution. The intractable problem: Low-skill labor has zero pricing power. Jobs were not so much exported by globalization, but rather were sent to way station of the road to oblivion. At every level of the labor ladder, labor is being obviated. If you're a poorly educated laborer in a Western nation, you really are redundant. Unnecessary. An anachronism. You can learn a new skill, or accept that you are just in the way. This is most clear in the US in Red States. There are three States where SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance) is the major 'employer' (KY, TN, WV). There are also pockets of despair in most other Red States, because what their poorly educated workforce offered is no longer needed. Technology---which takes no time off---replaced them. Many stopgap measures tried to ameliorate the decline in labor's pricing power. Cheap credit and the 3rd household income (home equity) was one, but that ended really badly in 2008. There has been some shuffling of jobs, and many new jobs are in the service sector, but for the most part, the problem is going to keep coming back. The recently signed Bill will help, because it introduces money for new industries (green) as well as infrastructure (which cannot be exported). Ironically, repubs opposed those measures, likely because it would help the voting block they and 45 need. As labor was obviated, along came the Snake Oil salesman, telling people it wasn't their fault they were falling behind. It was immigrants or Moslems or Democrats. It was democracy itself. Make him king and there'll be a double bucket of KFC on every dinner table. Of course none of those people are actually going to want to pick strawberries or lettuce or clean the toilets at MaL (he employed dozens of undocumented aliens), but when he tells them things they want to hear ("You have the best houses, the best boats"....as he has done in many of his rallies), they suck it up. The major difference---besides actually caring about the US---between the current Administration and the defeated one, is that this one is offering the best solution possible, while the standing joke about the last failed Administration was 'this is Infrastructure Week', which turned out to be Godot. Everything is a stop gap, even the switch to clean energy and infrastructure has a shelf life, but it buys time. It is a positive. The last guy only offered excuses, not solutions. Rather than make things better, his schtick was to foment anger, then manufacture enemies for the rage. It worked to build a cult, but it did no good for the country. New forms of energy, making the US less dependent on foreign sources, is a step forward. It also creates jobs. Rebuilding infrastructure is an infinitely better use of monetary resources than a $2 trillion tax cut for the Donor Class. Negotiating prescription drug prices---which Biden's Bill does---will save tens of millions for the elderly. This is reality. The labor issue will return, as technology's progress is relentless. It will continue to move up the foodchain, obviating white collar jobs quite soon.
  3. I appreciate you are too deep sniffing the vapors of the Fever Swamps to even begin to understand the recklessness of 45. So brain addled is your thinking that you call 'doing your job' corruption. 45 had ZERO right to the docs he kept. His counsel/he LIED in a signed affadavit in June claiming they had returned everything. That is intent to deceive and can form the basis for charging him with "conspiracy to commit espionage". It would have been a gross dereliction of duty for the AG NOT to get a warrant and seize the docs 45 lied about. There is more to come. The US is a democracy that operates by the rule of law. You and the Drooling Goobers of 45's cult seem to hate everything upon which the US is based. You are traitors to US ideals. You are fascists who despise democracy and prefer autocracy. You lose. US wins.
  4. I'm going to argue that US education standards are infinitely superior to Britain. You, a Brit, wrote: 45 'did more good in 4 years than any other in history' (sic) Q.E.D.
  5. There's an interesting fact jared does not know. Whether this is relevant or not I will not say. jared communicates with MbS via WhatsApp. jared is seemingly unaware that NSA/CIA/FBI can all break WhatsApp's encryption.
  6. There will build the strongest possible case with the most charges. It is actually bad that he hasn't already been arrested, because it suggests they are building a multi-pronged case which would include violation of the Espionage Act and perhaps even something worse. Also, the fact that he had docs he had no right to hold, and that his counsel lied in June saying 'all classified docs had been returned' shows malicious intent. What did he intend to do with the documents he had zero right to hold? It may well be an even more powerful case where DoJ will charge him with 'Conspiracy to Commit Espionage' if there is behavior to suggest he intended to profit from those documents. Here's how they would build the case: 1) He had TS and TS/SCI docs (the FBI released the inventory list detailing this) 2) He had zero right to retain these docs 3) His counsel signed an affadavit in June claiming (falsely) 45 had returned all classified docs (this indicates intent to deceive) 4) What did he intend to do with the docs he lied about retaining? I would not be surprised if his commo was under surveillance, and if there is any indication he intended to profit from the docs, Conspiracy to Commit Espionage---a capital offense---is in the bag. Reports from inside his team say that he is worried folks near him are 'wearing wires'. Does he know he has said stuff he shouldn't say? Might be time to take his passport so that he cannot flee.
  7. But when he is no longer POTUS, his job is NOT to retain TS and TS/SCI docs. In fact, few of the docs in the inventory list at MaL would be relevant to anything he did day to day, and that is if he actually did any work, rather than call into Fox or play golf. POTUSs spend precious .little time dealing with highly classified matters; that is left to CIA/NSA/DNI and he is merely briefed---if he chooses to be briefed---via the PDB. You're really stretching. You are making assumptions about something you know little or nothing. POTUSs spend almost all their time on domestic policy issues. Getting even a good POTUS to focus on classified stuff-unless it is related to a direct and current threat assessment---is not easy. Jail him.
  8. The inventory page was released and indicated some documents were TS/SCI. The SCI part is "Sensitive Compartmentalized Information". We called that 'need to know'. What it often is is HUMINT and SIGINT. HUMINT is human intelligence, and the SCI part would note the identity of a clandestine asset working for CIA. SIGINT is signals intelligence, which might be a CIA eavesdropping program or an NSA program. The SCI here would detail what the intercepts are. There is ZERO need for 45 to even know any of this. I know that then-DCI Haspel took great pains to keep such sensitive material from him, as he actually has no right to know identities, but I fear his lapdogs like grenell and ratcliffe, who he placed as DNI, might have somehow obtained such material. It absolutely disgusts me that he would be so cavalier with this material. When I recruited clandestine assets, I knew I owed them security. Their lives were on the line. Their families lives were on the line. My first mentor once told me that my first responsibility was the safety of any asset I handled, even to the extent that I should be ready to give my own life for the asset and his family. That a never-served, bloated, lying, self-serving, corrupt POS would risk the lives of people who trusted me or other agency case officers makes me sick. I want that slimeball prosecuted. I want him to pay. If he is convicted for the capital crime of sedition in the 6 January insurrection, I will volunteer to be involved in carrying out the sentence against him. With pleasure. What he has done is at best unbelievable recklessness and at worst, treason.
  9. 45's latest excuse about 'regularly taking home work and having a standing order to declassify anything I took' is the kind of absurdity that even makes mis-scheduling a major presser at Four Seasons Landscaping, the one next to the (dill dough) shop, look professional and not the egregious mistake that it was.
  10. He's trying to play Three Dimensional Whataboutism.
  11. And just to continue with this absurdity.....how is it that 45 can claim 'planted'---which would mean on Monday---but that 45 declassified it before leaving office? Let's set up a parlor game....45's Next Excuse (Lie) is going to be ??????? I almost have sympathy for his cult, because even they are going to have trouble keeping up with the ever-changing lie.
  12. It took 5 days for 45's "Brain Trust" (sic) to come up with that ludicrous excuse? That is the best they can do? One would have to have the IQ of a turnip to believe it, though I guess that means around 80% of his cult is on board.
  13. 45 seems to think---perhaps that's hope---that ALL the American people plus the courts are as willfully ignorant and naive as his cult members. His latest patently silly defense---besides being an outright lie---makes zero sense except to the pathologically brain addled Drooling Goober demographic. In essence, he is trying to claim he took work home at night to prepare for the next day and had a standing order to declassify everything he took outside of the Oval Office. BS. 1) There is no record of this 'standing order' 2) If he had unilaterally declassified everything: 2a) There would be a paper trail and all docs would have had TS, TS/SCI, SAP, etc. heading removed and a stamp saying DECLASSIFIED would be on each page, and stacks of memos would all have the signature of the White House counsel plus most would be initialed by various agency heads such as DCI, DNI, DirFBI, DirNSA, etc. 2b) All of those now declassified docs could then be posted in the NYTs or handed out at Union Station in DC, since they were no longer classified. This would include things like CIA asset names, covert action operations, data on russian weapons system, the political intentions of guys like putin and xi, the whereabouts of terrorists like then-alive Ayman al-Zawahiri, new US Mil weapons systems under development I can see a typical breakfast chat in the US..."Hey, honey, did you know the CIA has listening devices in putin's bedroom? Those guys are good ! Hope nobody tells little vladdy !" What great reading that would have been ! For the FSB/SVR/GRU. In any event, his statement---issued through Fox---is simply a lie. Not even a bald faced lie...it is a lie even a child would not believe. The flailing, bloated, repulsive, anti-American dollop of garbage is trying to save spending his remaining useless years above ground out of Leavenworth. Sorry, fat boy. It's Leavenworth, then worm food.
  14. Can you post any more uninformed and naive of a comment? Highly classified material relating to national security isn't some Phonics book or a Cat in the Hat. JFC you 45 cultists are in so deep sniffing the vapors in the fever swamps. Good things none of you ever got close to anything meaningful regarding US natsec in your lives. CLASSIFIED. National Security. Sources and methods. get it? I doubt it. You lack the intelligence to begin to understand. People better than that festering pile of subhuman filth could ever be in his wildest delusional fantasies went into harm's way to keep the country safe. That slug jeopardizes everything with his wanton recklessness. That you don't care says you are NOT a patriot...not even close.
  15. The MSM need not sound convincing. The release yesterday of the inventory noted documents carrying the classification TS and TS/SCI, THAT is convincing. Had these docs been declassified, the TS and TS/SCI headings would be gone, and instead they would be stamped DECLASSIFIED. That is definitive proof of a felony. Sorry, that's the law. 45 is trying to claim now he had a 'standing order' that any document taken by him from the White House was declassified. Sorry, pork, it doesn't work that way. Protocols. Review. Heading removals. Re-stamping. None of that was done. In fact, I'll go out on a limb and say 45 is sweating bullets and knows his bloated <deleted> might be sitting in Leavenworth, so he's trying to convince the world time isn't linear in his world, and that saying something in August 2022 makes it back to January 2021. A few years ago an NSA employee had some TS and TS/SCI docs in his home. He was using them to actually do his job while working from home. That did not excuse him. He was given 9 years in a Federal Penn. Can't do the time, don't do the crime.
  16. So making sure NOBODY is above the law is now tin-pot banana republican stuff? The mere existence of TS or TS/SCI in an unauthorized location is a felony, signed into law in 2018 by 45 himself. When I held TS/SCI, if I had even a single highly classified doc in my home, I would have been cuffed and perpwalked. 45 had zero right to keep any classified docs. If they were declassified they would be stamped DECLASSIFIED. What did he plan to do with all that stuff? That will be a critical question at his trial. Even his sycophants have no answer. In fact, they gloss over that. It's the same as 6 January: his sycophants ignore the real question: what was the purpose of encouraging the mob to march to the Capitol when the recognition of Biden's landslide victory was a mere formality? It wasn't to buy Capitol souvenirs. Seems to me insurrections and attempted coups fall under the category of "tin-pot banana republic".
  17. Actually, you should mention what the charge would be to impeach. You do know that 'doing his job' is not grounds for impeachment. Of course you don't have any charge. You don't know law, you only suck up the primordial ooze in the Fever Swamps of the 45 Cult.
  18. The fellow to whom you responded has not seen the evidence, so his comment is meaningless. Besides, as my other comments note, the mere presence of ANY TS or TS/SCI doc without a "DECLASSIFIED" stamp on it, constitutes a felony. Open and shut case. As for 'only worry about incoming nukes', you fail to understand what nuke data can reveal. Material that is RD (Restricted Data), which even a POTUS lacks the authority to declassify, could be an assessment of US weapon systems, their strengths and weaknesses. russia and china would love to have our self-assessment, as they could design programs and weapons to take advantage of the inadequacies of our nuclear arsenal. Thus, any material about outgoing nukes can be a significant security threat if it falls into the wrong hands. If you really have no knowledge of any of this, perhaps better you sit it out.
  19. Some of us are doing better than ever financially right now. In fact, that is true of a majority of Americans, who are employed in all time record numbers. Month-on-month inflation was zero in July and gas is back below $4/gal. The yearly deficit is tumbling, as tax payments are exceeding even the OMB's wildest projections. America, hobbled by 45, is BACK! Sorry that you own skills have left you lacking. If you're from a Red State, your fellow citizens can tell you how to apply for SSDI, as in States like KY and TN and WV, SSDI is the largest 'employer'. Blue States like CA, NY and NJ---the largest net givers to the Fed Budget---make possible the "lifestyle" of Red Staters.
  20. I see my post about DECLASSIFICATION confused you. Sorry about that. Here's the remedial version to help you catch up . Declassification has a protocol. POTUS submits a request. Relevant agencies approve, disapprove, or approve with caveats. If approved, the White House Counsel files documents detailing the particular piece of material. If it is declassified, it is stamped DECLASSIFIED and the previous TS or TS/SCI or whatever is removed. If ANY documents seized at MaL fail to have this DECLASSIFICATION stamp on them, then that is proof of a felony. There is no room for doubt: it has the stamp (in which case it's okay) or it lacks the stamp (in which case it's mere existence outside of an authorized, secure facility makes it a felony). Get it? Oh, and it's 5 years sentence per document. There were 12 boxes removed on Monday. And anybody who aided 45 in gathering and removing those documents faces the same potential charge. i won't mention names, but I can think of a few of his former aides who probably do not want to do (5 years X the number of documents) in Leavenworth.
  21. I don't think I have ever read a more foolish comment on this site. It is astonishing in its absurdity. In case you missed it, UE is down to 3.5% under Biden from 6.8% when he took over from the failure 45. More jobs were added to the economy in Biden's first 2 years than under any Admin ever. The yearly deficit was cut by $350 billion in FY 2021, and will be cut by $1.7 trillion in FY 2022. Job openings are at a record. Biden just passed two major Bills. NATO is as unified as it has been in 60 years. russia invaded Ukraine. Not a single Ukrainian would be dead if putin did not order the invasion of a sovereign peaceful nation.
  22. 45's various lies and obfuscations will not hold water in court. He is now claiming (mendaciously) that "I declassified this stuff before I left office". It is not that simple. There is a protocol that must be followed. If his declassification was approved, the documents are then re-stamped as "DECLASSIFIED" with a date and a note as to the paperwork that lead to the declassification, signed by the White House counsel at the time of declassification. There is neither any mention of any of the documents taken from MaL as having this DECLASSIFICATION stamp, nor is there any document anywhere stating that 45 declassified anything. If he tries to say "I did it, but didn't tell anyone", that will not hold water in court. He lacks that authority. Thus, if there is even a single document still marked TS or TS/SCI, that is proof 45 violated the law. Open and shut. It's a felony with a 5 year prison sentence. 45 himself signed the Bill that made it a felony. The second key point is that material classified RD (Restricted Data) comes under the AEA and not even a sitting POTUS, much less one savagely beaten and removed from office 18 months ago, has the authority to declassify RD. The mere existence of those outside of a guarded and authorized environment constitutes another felony. A third point is that any aide who knowingly assisted in removing classified material faces the same felony charge as 45. I suspect the DoJ could go after people who might have helped, perhaps offering a plea deal to come clean. None of those guys wants to do 5 years in Leavenworth.
  23. Not even sure what you are getting at, unless it's an admission that 45 weaponized the IRS, as he did by the 'absolute coincidence' of both Comey and McCabe being selected for audit in the same year. Frankly, I guess I should be proud that I earn enough money and have enough wealth to be considered for audit, though I only had the pleasure once during an 8-figure year. I would feel really bad if, like most of 45 supporters, I was a low-earning, poorly educated, mentally challenged loser Incel on SSDI and from one of those parasite Red States who are the biggest takers from the Federal trough.
  24. Whataboutism ! The Home Version? HRC had no TS/SCI docs on her server, yet 45 continually led childish chants of "Lock her up" to all his drooling goobers and brain addled miscreants.
  25. Oh my, a believer in the Big Lie ! Are you also a QAnonist? 45 lost. Badly. It was the worst drubbing an incumbent repub took ever.
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