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Short people also have bad genes. Should we deport them? I guess some already deported themselves and now live in Thailand. Good thing I take my own air from a higher altitude, above the shorty riffraff.
In an interview of Fox (Comedy Channel?) on Sunday, discussing political opponents and critics, the felon said he would 'use the National Guard---and the military if necessary---to round them up'. That would seem---to rational people---to be the textbook definition of fascist. The famous Maya Angelou quote comes to mind. If there is a silver lining in that cloud, it is that all the felonistas in Thailand, seeing the US will have become the fascist utopia they dream of, likely will head back home and stop sullying the good name of Thailand. The felon vs the prosecutor is not about policy differences; it is literally about fascism vs freedom. Every actual patriot who served, who went into harm's way on behalf of the US (you know, us 'suckers and losers'), knows this reality. Goobers and felonistas do not.
Are You A Sexpat Or Do You Ride The Backwards Morality Train?
Walker88 replied to 123Stodg's topic in ASEAN NOW Community Pub
Wow, so much virtue signaling in one thread! No doubt there’s a special place somewhere up there in a floating celestial country club ready to welcome all those pure-of-mind-and-body types visiting this thread. And who knew there were so many guys who came to Thailand as single men just for the temples! Pay attention TAT; you’ve got your draw. Wats and wats of them! As a lad back home, I did a good bit of dallying with the fairer sex. At university, working as a lifeguard at a large ocean beach in uni summers, and then when I entered the workforce, I certainly had more than my fair share of lovelies. I guess that is largely okay, save for among those who subscribe to certain superstitions about a final accounting for one’s life and dallying when one cannot pretend it’s love and intended on procreation. Since they were ‘my people’ and on home turf, I guess that’s respectable, like a Thai politician with a mia noi and a uni student on the side. Of course, there were a few visiting foreign students, too, whom I experienced back home…did I commit an infraction with the Danes and Israelis and French? If so, mea culpa. I didn’t have a rule book. I even went across racial lines. Bad boy! On my visits to Thailand, I guess I brought my complete lack of sanctimonious Kristian morality with me, perhaps painfully unaware that one accumulates bonus points in life for abstaining from pleasures of the flesh. I guess I’ll have no points to cash in when I take my last breath. Woe is me! What will I do in the box for all eternity! Now my experience---which seems to differ markedly from many here---is that it is as easy to experience carnal joy in Thailand as it was back home. Who knew people might be the same worldwide! Who knew people far and wide like to dally and release oxytocin! Where I’m still puzzled is the difference between women who will accompany me back to my condo, or me to theirs, on a first date, vs women who expect to receive compensation for doing the same. Horny is okay, but capitalism is bad? The difference is probably too subtle for this obtuse guy. And is 2nd or 3rd date better and acceptable? Since “love” is chemical based and largely undefinable, who’s to say when we dally out of love, and thus pass the border into the zone of moral rectitude, vs instinctual rutting? Experts, self-proclaimed or otherwise, please chime in!!!!! Now I’ve not settled down with a Thai woman, despite the fact I have now chosen to live here and operate a business. If I ever decide to settle down, I really could not care less what the woman’s past is….brain surgeon, 7-11 cashier, or bargirl. I’m not a virgin, so it would be hypocritical of me to expect she should be. Anyway, I remember when I dallied with a virgin or two back when I first began to play the game of life, and it wasn’t exactly breathtaking and romantically memorable. Also, I know full well I was born lucky, and never walked in her flip flops. I cannot judge what she has done nor why, I can only take a chance on what she will be, and how she will behave from the point we commit solely to each other. I really don’t think her past has any bearing on how she will behave in the future. Marriages of all types are hurt by infidelity, no matter her profession...lawyer or demimondaine. I’m also confident enough in my own masculinity that I wouldn’t worry if some previous partner provided her more pleasure. I would just do my job in the best way I know how, and ideally, we’ll both enjoy. Anyway, you do you...or is that onanism? -
I stand corrected. No doubt most people smoke weed purely for its enchanting flavor and bewitching fragrance. Now kale and Brussels Sprouts, I might stick with nobody consumes those for the taste. As for alcohol, go get yourself a bottle of the Elio Altare Barolo in my image above. Now THAT's enchanting! And no need to get a buzz, something I do not enjoy no matter what caused it. As a high school student I tried weed a few times. Never found the high appealing, nor the comments of the high particularly profound. I also noticed a statistically significant link between weed smoking and consumption of Nacho Cheese Doritos. As my friends continued to use it, I was the guy who passed the joint from one to another (but did scoff the occasional Dorito). I'm sure it is purely anecdotal and no doubt an outlier, but of my group in HS, two of us refrained from weed. One became a successful surgeon, I retired young after a (second) career as a hedge fund manager, and my other friends, who became regular pot smokers, worked odd jobs in gas stations, as truck drivers, paint store salesmen, car rental officers, and similar jobs. It seems the weed might have sapped them of ambition and using what were once considered elite intellects (though I know users here are all wildly successful multi billionaires, Nobel Laureates, crypto magnates, Silicon Valley moguls, etc.). To each his or her own. I accept my wine enjoyment is a vice my body would be better without, but it gives me pleasure while passing from cradle to grave. Others are welcome to enjoy their THC buzz. We all end up as dust anyway, no matter how we get our kicks.
We all get one body, and we each decide how we want to care for it or abuse it. Some drink to excess. Some smoke cigarettes. Some eat way too much. Some avoid any form of exercise that would keep them fit. Some smoke weed. Some get tattoos. If I have a vice, it is wine and beer. A cold beer after a hot day tastes delightful. A nice wine with a meal, especially if shared with my girlfriend or friends, is one of my great pleasures. I do not like weed, and do not like to be high, whether on drugs or booze. I'm quite fit from the gym, choosing low body fat and muscular definition over a sweet tooth. I find tattoos both a fad and unsightly, noisy even, but to each his or her own. I know 'no booze' is best, but my choice and my body means I will enjoy the pleasures of a good wine and suffer the consequences if there are any. What is life without at least one vice? Smoking weed or eating edibles purely to get a buzz is not something that appeals to me in any way. People like me drink wine and beer because we enjoy the taste. Nobody smokes weed purely because they like the flavor. So there's your answer from one poster, OP. Attached is a photo of some recently enjoyed wines. One is rather pricey, one quite modest, and two mid-priced. All are delightful. Life is too short to drink bad wine, and to the best of my knowledge, money is useless once one is in the box or the urn. Cheers!
Guys with small chimbos tend toward misogyny and some silly fantasy of their inherent superiority. Recalling the insight Stormy gave us re the candidate who is a convicted felon ("Not quite freakishly small, but well below average"), it's no wonder he is so intimidated by women, especially women of color. It is patently obvious VP Harris is the far more intelligent of the two. Too late for the misogynists to edit their posts here, so it will be clear for all eternity who got shortchanged by an economical and sometimes impish Universe.
I agree the truth hurts sometimes.... Why does Fox have the highest viewership? Because it is specifically geared toward those who sit left of the mean on the IQ Bell Curve. You might still be able to find the original Business Plan of Roger Ailes on the web. His argument was that most MSM was too intellectual for those with lower IQs, but a network aimed at the dumbos could attract a sizeable audience. He also argued that while such people tend to be less successful and have less discretionary income, they represent an attractive demographic in their totality. So boasting Fox has such high viewership just reminds people that many folks sit left of the mean on the IQ Bell Curve.
Thailand Tightens Airport Screening Amid Afghanistan Health Alert
Walker88 replied to webfact's topic in Thailand News
Oh, shucks! There goes my KKK Nostalgia Tour (Kabul, Khost, Kandahar). -
Personally, I rule out listening to any deity, if he had 33 years to say owning other human beings is bad, but instead went off on tangents about gambling in church or spent his time doing parlor tricks with loaves of bread and fish. Penn and Teller can top whatever tricks that guy did. If slavery is part of some Master Plan, maybe it's time for Plan B? When I glance though what are considered by their various cults 'holy books', and I see I am more moral than anybody's deity, I realize the bar for deity is set really really low. Good thing the US Founders went out of their way to separate superstition from State. By the way, "morality" emerges from civilization, not any deity's admonitions. I don't think Moses came down the mountain with his stone tablets and said, "Bad news, guys. No more killin' and stealin'." Deities are only good for useless and superfluous rules, like demanding you worship them, thank them for everything, give them at least one day a week, or where you can or cannot put your male appendage. Also, why all the fuss and fanfare about virgins, as many faiths champion them. I think too many guys are worried 'she' might know you aren't packing anything impressive down there. Frankly, when I was just entering the mating game as a teen, I remember what engaging with a virgin was like, and I would not want to experience that again. Give me a woman who knows what she likes and how best to achieve it. Keep your own handmaiden barefoot and pregnant if you want, but in 2024 society has to be open to utilizing all of its resources, no matter what chromosome combo they have nor how genes express themselves in appearance.
You have to understand the typical maga is a loser. They need excuses for their failure in life, and conspiracies are an easy way to absolve themselves of any responsibility. The felon and people of his ilk have always known about the weaknesses of the forlorn, and they know how to exploit it. They give their cult exactly what the losers want to hear. EVERYTHING is always another's fault, never their own. Give him a chance, and he'll clear the decks and it will be biscuits and gravy into some eternal golden future. The felon himself follows his own rule: nothing bad is ever his fault, and anything good is always to his credit. With a certain segment of birth lottery losers, that is a recipe for success. I don't think he has enough disciples this time to win, as people with marketable skills have done quite well under Biden-Harris. Also, so outlandish are some of the conspiracies becoming, that those in the fever swamp only knee deep are slowly walking out.
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You don't give matches to a baby, a bottle of Jack Daniels to a recovering drunk, nor facts to any goober who uses the term "Deep State". Those who use that term broadcast to the world that they are a loser and have never even gotten a whiff of power or financial success. Most are also QAnons, believe in 10' shape-shifting lizard people from the rogue planet Nibiru, are 911-Truthers, Lunar-tics, and probably even think Hugo Chavez rose from the dead, wrote special code that he uploaded to an Italian satellite that subsequently altered Dominion voting machines in 2020 (per the felon's crack lawyer Sidney Powell). Just say..."I respect your opinion, no matter how moonbat-ish it is" and then hand them some animal crackers (which in Springfield, Ohio no doubt constitutes 'pet eating').
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The felon has given new meaning to the term "Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory". The reason this indictment was released is BECAUSE the felon got his lackey Supreme Court to broaden the concept of immunity for a POTUS for official acts. Judge Chutkin released it, because after Smith edited it in light of the SC ruling, all that is left is criminal behavior that absolutely is not an "official act". Had the case not been appealed to the SC, it is unlikely this ever would have been released until trial. Delay delay and delay, plus the SC appeal is the reason it is coming out now, 30-odd days before the election. The felon is the witch, if there even is one in this hunt. It is interesting that so serious were the attacks the felon made against his VP Pence that the Secret Service warned the Pence people that security had to be increased specifically because of the felon's Tweets and public statements threatening and disparaging VP Pence. As noted in the indictment, when the felon was enjoying the insurrection on TV, and was told the VP's life was in danger, a person in the room with the felon stated under oath and penalty of perjury that POTUS said "So what". Also, the pointlessly redacted names of his "daughter" and "son-in-law" are part of a passage where the felon told the two, "It doesn't matter if you win or lose; you still have to fight like hell". The indictment is quite damning, and since the witnesses were 1) members of his own Administration, and 2) under oath and thus under penalty of perjury, it carries a lot of weight. The guy is toast.
Look two posts below yours to see the rant. The felon tosses in his usual overdone epithets and lies, because those resonate so well with his brain-addled loser base. Everybody who criticizes him or follows the rule of law is "deranged". Some fictitious entity called "Deep State" is always out to get him. He uses capital letters in odd, almost Germanic ways. He tosses out lies about how he's ahead in the polls. He brings up Russia again, seemingly forgetting that his own Republican-led SSCI issued a report confirming there was direct and knowing cooperation between Russia and his campaign in 2016 (See Konstantin Kilimnik, inter alia). And, of course, he whines like the petulant 3 year old he has become as his brain fizzles in the same way both of his parents fizzled as they aged. He's crashing and burning, very public dumpster fire, as he is beginning to realize not only is he going to lose, but the released indictment reminds him that his future will not be as a free man. He has this bugaboo about 'criminals being released from jail and crossing the border'. Maybe the DoJ will someday release him, provided he crosses the Rio Grande and walks down to Venezuela.
Since a certain former First Lady seems to have lied about her background and abused the "Einstein Visa" system to gain entry into the US, plus use 'chain migration' to get her parents in, perhaps the felon is just masking his desire to deport his wife and get him some Laura Loomer?
Yes, then the US would be Australia. Can't have that. When the felon played POTUS, plenty of illegals entered, some of whom did commit crimes, albeit at a much lower rate than citizens and legal immigrants. Under Biden, more did enter, but as a poster from above noted in his link, plenty of illegals have been deported under Biden-Harris. Why the cult buys each and every one of the felon's lies is an interesting example of willful ignorance. abject laziness (not using the wonderful ability to search for actual data on the web), and general captured cult behavior...as in "sheeple". The felon's sheeple.
Trump Challenges Special Counsel's Evidence Release in Election Case
Walker88 replied to Social Media's topic in World News
He's toast. He will die in jail Of course you not only have nothing to back up your claim of Harris being a conwoman, you do it with childish grammar. "I couldn't HAVE said it better", not "couldn't of" Maybe you need to go back to 3rd grade. -
Trump Challenges Special Counsel's Evidence Release in Election Case
Walker88 replied to Social Media's topic in World News
Are you calling 'the best people', which is to say the people the felon appointed and selected to be in his Administration, liars? Not surprised that you would cut some slack for the worst scumball to ever pretend to serve the country. Traitors will be traitors. -
Trump Challenges Special Counsel's Evidence Release in Election Case
Walker88 replied to Social Media's topic in World News
Read it. Astonishing. The evidence comes from the felon's staff and officials he appointed, so any suggestion this is some sort of Dem witch hunt is absurd. politico.com/f/?id=00000192-4ed8-d086-a1fe-7edb0e150000 From Page 8 of the filing, it notes that when the felon was advised that what he was doing and saying might lead to violence, he is reported to responded, "Make them riot" and "Do it". From Page 142, when told VP Pence was in danger, and it could be heard on live TV that the terrorists were chanting "Hang Mike Pence", the response from the felon was "So what".- 86 replies
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He showed up to what end? Give a speech praising the 'great Hannibal Lecter'? Toss rolls of paper towels, like he did in Puerto Rico? Tell survivors he would have nuked the hurricane? Or just get in the way of real search and rescue efforts? Leaders who actually care, stay away from disaster zones until their visit wouldn't disrupt actual S&R. Did Laura Loomer wear a "I don't care; do you?" jacket like the former FL did when going---days after the event---to the devastation in Texas? Why did the felon wait a few days back then, but insist on going to the Helene devastation immediately? Please don't pretend you are so naive as to believe the felon actually gives a flying fxxx that anyone died or is suffering. It was a campaign stop, nothing more, nothing less.
I bet you like his plan to clean up crime, as noted in one of his bizarre weekend fascist rants. He said he'll let the police engage in wanton violence for a day and that would end all crime (so long as the cops don't go after convicted business felons, bank and insurance fraudsters, charity fraudsters, convicted sex offenders and thieves of highly classified documents). Maybe Thailand will do the same thing....let the cops run wild. For example, prostitution is illegal, so maybe Thai cops will eradicate Johns, who purchase the favors of Thai women. Sound good to you? I mean, the law is the law, and prostitution is illegal in Thailand.
What? Are you not impressed by his 'concept of a plan' re healthcare, a "concept" so far nine years in the making? I bet 'in the next two weeks' he's going to release a plan that "many people are saying" is the best plan ever.
Do you mean like 'born mentally disabled'? Kamabla? Pencil neck? Crooked? Low IQ? Little? Pocahontas? Those and dozens more come from the feeble and addled brain of the convicted felon. Are they not part of that 'tiresome name-calling from the loony [Right]'? Or is hypocrisy a fundamental plank of the Cult?
Perhaps the convicted felon will show he wasn't born 'mentally disabled' by releasing his college transcripts, which he never did? A professor at Wharton, where Fred got his mentally weak son accepted, said the felon was 'the dumbest student I ever taught'. Maybe he can sit down to an official IQ test, where the questions are slightly harder than "Man Woman Person TV Camera"? VP Harris can do the same and spot him 25 points. When folks claim they're "luvin' it" when the felon acts likes a 3 year old moron, it confirms my assertion that his supporters are a standard deviation or two left of the mean on the IQ Bell Curve, Birth Lottery losers bred from inferior stock.
Looks like some folks are doing a little valor stealing here. "White guys developed the first powered flight, so since I'm white like Wilbur and Orville, I'm superior to Asians, Blacks, etc. Maybe, just maybe, each of us is an individual, and one person's success is his or hers alone?
Oh, don't be so pedantic! It's like his apartment. 10,000 sf is almost 30,000 sf. Also, like his former finance guy said under oath, the felon's claim of his apartment being worth over $300,000,000 is kind of accurate, "give or take $200 million or so". And let's not forget he's almost 6'3" and 235 lbs....and if you Google an image of the former NFL QB Colin Kaepernick, who IS 6'3" and 235 lbs., the resemblance is striking. As for his NFTs, well, he would have been an astronaut and a fighter pilot if his dad hadn't given him $412,000,000 and all those slumlord buildings in Queens. The folks with threads from his Georgia arrest/booking suit, plus those snazzy golden sneakers still in the box, know what value is, and no doubt they'll be looking dapper with their new watch as they read about those Two crazy Corinthians in their autographed felon-eponymous Bible. By the way, have you seen the silver coin he's also schlepping to his goobers?
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