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Is moving to Cambodia really the end of the line?
Walker88 replied to Elvis Presley's topic in ASEAN NOW Community Pub
If Jim runs into a bit of a cash crunch, maybe he could pawn his Rolex? -
That's an argument that sounds good, but it's really pretty meaningless. The DNA of Ashkenazi Jews is a bit different from anyone who practiced Judaism 3000 years ago in the Middle East. That's as silly as people who think Jesus was Caucasian and portray him that way. Is it just common faith that affords rights of settlement for all time? The people who are now Palestinians can likely trace their roots back 3000+ years in that area, too, though they probably went through various different superstitions along the way, with the majority now being Muslim and a large minority Christian. Races have been mixing for thousands of years, so what is the exact gene pool of the "legitimate" settlers on any land? I have no solution, as I suspect there is none, but neither do I think migrants from New York have a right to take the land of West Bank Palestinians, though not-so-hidden behind Gaza has been a lot of bad stuff in the non-Hamas West Bank.
The average first year compensation for MBA's from my alma mater last year was $276,000. That includes women, even fit and feminine ones. See why the guy who can't even pull in $100K is not particularly attractive? He'd be mooching off of her. I know the owner of a major agogo, and his top women earn over $100K per year. Yes, I know, all of your girlfriends were cashiers or neurosurgeons, but even in Thailand a pensioner is no longer a catch. Maybe guys don't want a fat woman, but women don't want a fat old guy whose pension is only $50K. Fair is fair. When the males of that ilk (my MBA alma mater) decide to come visit Thailand, it's game over for the fat old expat on a meager pension. Times have changed. Adapt or perish.
LOL! A bunch of old, fat, unsuccessful, likely bald guys barking about American women, females who apparently are all cookie-cutter copies of each other. Well, it’s the expats who move to Asia for the women----oooh, sorry, the temples and food----who simply cannot compete with the rise of American women, and mistakenly believe Thai women will appreciate them more (rather than use them). Dinosaurs think they are entitled to lord over women, when these men offer the women absolutely nothing. A man has to have ‘game’ to succeed today….education, career or financial success, discipline enough to take care of his body and looks, and a willingness to look at women as equals. Do that and the world is your hoi oyster, whether in America or Thailand. No man can expect things from women when the man isn’t willing or able to meet her expectations. Yes, there are American women who have let themselves go and still expect to land a handsome success object, but they are merely the gender equivalent of the bloated expat in Thailand ‘living the dream’, but who only can get a poor farm girl who still runs rings around him figuratively and literally (and stays slim because the orbit around his fat arse burns calories). Take off your cargo shorts and Transformers t-shirt you bought at some night market and go look in the mirror. Keep the tighty whities on, as better not to scare the neighbors or small birds. Be honest. You’re a “catch”? Women get weak in the knees looking at you, or do they get overtaken by projectile vomiting? By the way, all the added tatts don’t make anyone a babe magnet, nor do the spare tires and beer belly. Buy some decent clothes, hit the gym, develop a personality, and maybe things will change for the better, in Thailand and back home. There are plenty of lovely, smart, sexy, successful, feminine and desirable women back in America, but they want something much better than today’s average American male can provide. In 2008, 8% of American males reached age 30 as virgins; today it’s 33%, and that isn’t because they aren’t trying to get laid. Nobody wants them, so many move to SE Asia where they buy fake affection. Others work a dead end job, retire to where they think their (lack of anything admirable) will be appreciated, buy an older beer bar woman (as only truly desperate young women will give them a go), and then moan about the women back home. Guys expect sexy and slim women to love them for who they are, when who they are is nothing special. Guys have expectations; isn’t it fair women have them, too? Today's American woman is better educated than the average male and likely earns as much or more. Plenty of them are as feminine as anyone with a Y chromosome could want, but she isn't going to be impressed by your MAGA hat or guns or pickup truck or Call of Duty score.
Gee, who could possibly have seen this disaster coming? LOL. The mouse that roared. Speak loudly, but carry a small (nickname for Richard). That's 47. First the clown tried an impersonation of an 18th Century Imperialist. All that did was get Denmark to set up its missile batteries and NATO to consider how Article 5 applies. Oh, and it juiced BRICS membership. Now, the willfully ignorant bozo, who likely never heard of Misters Smoot and Hawley, has resurrected their bad idea from the pages of history and might set us up for another 1930's Depression. I knew the moron would be a disaster, but I thought it would take longer to come to pass. So far, in the evening session, the markets are not liking this, nor (as noted earlier) is the business-oriented and Murdoch-owned Wall Street Journal. S&P futures are down 124, the Dow 678, and NASDAQ 571. I thought the market would be down 20% in 2025. I was a friggin optimist. I think this guy can do 50%, because the idiocy will keep on coming. Then, a Recession by the 4th Quarter, and >10% unemployment by mid 2026, just in time for the midterms.
Trudeau Calls for National Support as Trade War with Trump Escalates
Walker88 replied to Social Media's topic in World News
I don't know what's more entertaining....watching the lunacy of this encore Presidency, or listening to his cult rationalize and justify all of his actions and statements. It's a bit like the movie "Being There", with everyone interpreting the meaningless sayings of the idiot Chance the Gardener. It's also like a horror movie, where some poor character enters a room thinking she's safely fooled the killer, while the guy with the chainsaw is behind her door. The audience knows he's there and she's about to get slaughtered, but she is feeling relief that---in her mind---she escaped. Cue the blood curdling screams and the gruesome dismemberment...... There is a slight change in tone , however, from the campaign lies to today's reality. In the campaign, he said he could fix everything in a day. or regarding the war in Ukraine, an afternoon. Now he says Americans "must be prepared for some pain". Yes, he committed crimes, but America was sentenced to 4 years hard time. His sycophants got their dream candidate, but are going to see it's really a nightmare. By the way, the word "pain" has been borrowed from Elon Musk, who used it in regards to his ideas for DOGE. It seems Elon might still be President-in-Fact, and with a $3-400 billion nest egg, he hardly cares what happens to the masses. -
Let's see what the business genius has done in his short and already hilarious second coming..... ---Imposed 25% tariffs on 70% of US oil imports. I'm guessing that isn't going to bring the price of gas down, nor the prices of any goods moved by any form of transport ---Started rounding up the migrants who pick produce, work in abattoirs, and clean hotel rooms, and scaring those who haven't yet been picked up so they fear going to work. I'm guessing that won't get the price of bacon or KFC buckets or lettuce down. ---Prohibited the CDC from sending its weekly report on virus outbreaks, such as Bird Flu. Farmers won't know the disease has hit their area, and won't they be surprised when their chickens start dying off. I'm guessing that won't get the price of eggs down. None of what he has done is likely to help the economy or inflation, and that must hurt given that recently released figures show Biden's last quarter GDP of 4.3% smashed the best 45 did when he tried to play President his first time. Not that I needed any more data, but it's pretty easy to see why the clown suffered 6 bankruptcies and squandered a half $billion of inheritance from daddy. I knew the bozo was going to destroy the economy, but I didn't think he'd do it so quickly. Depression, thy name is 47.
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Trump Orders Migrant Detentions at Guantanamo, Sparking Cuban Backlash
Walker88 replied to Social Media's topic in World News
At its peak, Guantanamo housed 682 prisoners. The felon wants to put 30,000 there? Already ICE is arresting and holding US citizens who happen to look "different" (not white). There are also MAGAs assaulting Spanish looking and Spanish speaking people, who also happen to be US citizens. Asians, too, are catching heat from dumb <deleted> MAGAs. The convicted felon has given the green light to racism and hate. Be careful if you have skin that isn't white or Asian-looking features. Gee....who could possibly have seen this coming? -
Midair Collision Near Reagan National Sends Plane into Potomac River
Walker88 replied to Social Media's topic in World News
The military and ATC are not on the same radio system, so the ATC has no control over where the helicopter goes. No way to contact. Base ATC warned the helicopter. That mil base has both constant training ops and carries VIPs around the DC/Virginia area. When training they are supposed to stay at 200 feet AGL or below. That copter was apparently at 400' AGL. -
Midair Collision Near Reagan National Sends Plane into Potomac River
Walker88 replied to Social Media's topic in World News
In a WH Press conference, long before any actual investigation and cause has been determined by actual experts, the new President has decided the DEI policies of the previous Administration are at fault for the crash. That is cold, and based on nothing. The clown has no clue what ATC officers were on duty, nor their background nor why and how they were appointed. He just has decided to use a tragedy as yet another political attack on anyone who isn't him. He's an absolutely vile excuse for a human being. Imagine how his idiotic comments have hurt family members of the deceased. -
Hate is all he's got. It isn't as if he's competent. He was elected on the basis of hate (letting his loser cult live vicariously through him) and lies ("I can bring down the price of bacon....end the Ukraine war in an afternoon....etc.") His SecDef has started his tenure by outlawing any display related to MLK, Jr Day, Juneteenth (celebrating the end of slavery) and anything 47 doesn't like, or that he claims are not inclusive of all. They did keep in Christmas, which is probably not such a big deal to Moslems and Jews in the military. Perhaps it's too early, or a bad time, but imagine if the horrific plane crash in the Potomac had happened two weeks ago. 47 and the cult would be screaming for the arrest of Pete Buttigieg, SecDef Austin and Biden. It's the same way they went after Biden for the terror attack during the Afghan pullout, as if it wouldn't have happened if 45 had done what he set in motion.
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Tucker Carlson Alleges Biden Administration Plotted to ‘Kill Putin’
Walker88 replied to Social Media's topic in World News
Well, it is said "sharing is caring", and Tucker has to allow 47, Hegseth, Patel, JFK,Jr and others to have some of those issues, too. -
Tucker Carlson Alleges Biden Administration Plotted to ‘Kill Putin’
Walker88 replied to Social Media's topic in World News
That's a bizarre post, even for a cult member. Biden should be assassinating leaders of major nuclear powers? If "pathetically ineffective" is what Biden was---a President who presided over the end of the 45 Recession, who inherited 6.8% Unemployment and left 47 a booming economy, record stock market, 4% unemployment, 800,000 new manufacturing jobs, the greatest period of job creation in US history, reduced prescription drug prices, rebuilding infrastructure, and the primary impetus behind the international stand against Putin's aggression in Ukraine---47 should wish he could be even half as "pathetically ineffective'. Surely 47 will get the pathetic pat down, as he is quite skilled at being pathetic. -
Tucker Carlson Alleges Biden Administration Plotted to ‘Kill Putin’
Walker88 replied to Social Media's topic in World News
Tucker also claimed a demon from Hell came into his bedroom one night and left scratch marks on him, and also that aliens (the outer space kind, not the migrant caravans who always materialize before an election) live in spaceships at the bottom of the Pacific and all world leaders know, but keep word of it from the masses, lest it cause "panic". It would seem the guy has some issues. -
Midair Collision Near Reagan National Sends Plane into Potomac River
Walker88 replied to Social Media's topic in World News
Passengers include the US National Figure Skating Team, the coaches and family members, plus 2 Russian skating champions. -
As one with no superstitions, it's funny to see anyone thinking a made-up deity would choose such a clown for anything, other than----maybe---a Game Show. Most superstitions are based on some moral code. Since civilization itself takes care of the big things (murder, stealing, etc.), all that was left for any charlatan or crazy person who wanted to start a faith were silly rules, like what meats one could eat, dressing females like giant eggplants, etc. Despite that, the people calling themselves Christians are the funniest lot. Many of them think a guy who has broken at least 9 of the 10 so-called Commandments, and absolutely engaged in all 7 of what are called the "Deadlies", is hardly the person a deity would choose to do anything other than provide comic relief. At least 45/47 does that. When he's not threatening nuclear annihilation of all life, he's a joke. He's a dumb person's idea of a smart guy, and a loser's idea of a leader. By any faith, the guy is the textbook example of what deities tell followers NOT to be. Heck, Stormy didn't even want a First Coming, never mind an encore.
Oh my! Since you have a lot of free time, might I suggest you look up "cheated" in Merriam-Webster. Also, look at the term "democracy", and then the peculiarities of the US system, such as the Electoral College. The bloated crybaby was hammered both in the popular vote and the Electoral College. Democracy is not 'heads I win; tails you lose'. Now if you think you have actual evidence of any sort of cheating, you should have forwarded it to the authorities 4 years ago. Of course all you have is disinformation and fantasy.
By the way, even before his loss in 2020, 45 asked the Joint Chiefs about attacking Iran. He thought if he attacked Iran and got the US into a shooting war before November 2020, that would help him at the polls. As they did after his loss, the adults in the room entered and stopped the insecure little crybaby self-serving child from starting a war. There are no adults in his 2nd Administration. That is not good.
It is quite possible you are alive today because of Gen Milley (though I'm not sure the species is better off for that). After his loss and inability to accept defeat, 45 actually asked the Defense Dept about nuking China. He though if he started a nuclear war, he could declare a national emergency and remain in power. 45 was mouthing off about his idea in sessions with the Joint Chiefs, and Gen Milley feared that 45's total lack of control and whining about losing might have the guy Tweet or say something in a presser, which would get China to react and launch a pre-emptive nuclear strike on the US. Gen Milley called his counterpart in China and told the general to ignore any bizarre statements and that adults were in control. Included in the adults, who discussed this matter and agreed Gen Milley should make the call were SecDef Esper, SecState Pompeo, and DCI Haspel. There are a precious few people in history who saved the world from nuclear holocaust. Two are Russian and one is General Milley.
Since you don't know anything, I can (try to) help. Senior 4 stars, particularly those on the Joint Chiefs, "know stuff" that hostile actors---such as Putin---might want to know. The security detail is considered an investment in national security. Perhaps you should have asked: "Why does a former President, especially one who tried to overthrow the democratically-elected government and who stole hundreds of highly classified documents, need---even deserve---Secret Service protection? Didn't I see on his NFTs that he's a fighter pilot and an astronaut? A guy that gifted ought to be able to take care of himself."
The Neo-Imperialist was Serious About Stealing Greenland
Walker88 replied to Walker88's topic in Political Soapbox
You must be one of those Internet Tough Guys. Signing up for the invasion are you? Put your body where your mouth is? Or maybe you're an old, obese coward like your messiah? Yes, that's it. It's vile people who think killing innocent people, as a military action would, is okay just because a bloated crybaby convicted felon wants more land. I do hope if 47 pulls that crap, decent NATO nations fire a couple of Cruise missiles into the White House and Mar-a-Lago. Or maybe seize the clown and do a old style Viking Blood Eagle on the South Lawn. They would be fully justified. Check you calendar, MAGAs. It's 2025, not 1750. Imperialism is dead. -
He's a psychopath. He's incapable of empathy. He thinks the situation people like Syrian refugees are in is their own fault. He cannot understand why they can't be "great" like him, forgetting that he was given and inherited half a billion dollars and had daddy co-sign all of his loans while he was failing. He forcefully cleared out a peaceful protest (he hates the 1st Amendment) so he could go stand in front of a church to hold a Bible upside down. Obviously he has never read the book, where the lead character speaks of 'loving thy neighbor as thyself'. I don't know if the US had a good name around the rest of the world, but certainly he has done more in a single week to erase any good feeling anybody might have had. The bone spurs coward is acting all 1750 again, thinking he can use military force (and put others in harm's way) to take Greenland. Of course if a Code Pink demonstration happens outside the White House, the coward will run down to the bunker like he did when he was #45....and when a WH staffer told someone in the media, he said the staffer should be executed for treason. What a guy! Self-serving, Narcissistic, psychopathic, self-serving, cowardly Beta male pretending he's Alpha.
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Why do people still deny the Holocaust ever happened
Walker88 replied to Rimmer's topic in Off the beaten track
In my "gap year" during university time, I did the world tour thing, ending up living on a kibbutz in Israel, though I'm not Jewish. On the Sabbath, each 'volunteer' was invited to a home of one of the residents. My regular host was an elderly gentleman who had survived one of the camps. He had the number tattooed on his arm. He was a delightful fellow. We never spoke of his experience, but other folks on the kibbutz told me he had been neutered as part of an "experiment" while a prisoner in the camp, his manliness removed. That he could be the kind and welcoming host he was, inviting a stupid young American, full of advantages he had never had, was a tribute to his personal strength and goodness. Obviously I knew of the Holocaust long before traveling to Israel, but I had a front row education as to its gruesome reality. My US girlfriend at that time had a grandad who was among the first troops into Dachau, and he could barely speak of what he saw. Many things make the Holocaust terrible, the scale being one, but the brutality and evil that came from what was perhaps the most technologically advanced society at that time is what led Hannah Arendt to coin the phrase 'the banality of evil'. Maybe one can rationalize or understand (tough to come up with the proper term) such terror taking place in a relatively primitive society---maybe---but for it to come from 1930-40s Germany is incomprehensible. Are we all so susceptible to madness and savagery, needing only a particular set of circumstances (hyperinflation of 1921) and a character whose charisma I can never understand? Sadly, I see that incomprehensible "charisma" again today, and an ease where folks drift into irrational hatred of "others". Some complain we are too often reminded of what happened, with a string of movies and "Remembrance Days". Well, a people who lost half of their ethnic group are understandably and righteously driven to remind us of what happened, and what can happen again. The Holocaust is the most egregious example of the blackness of the human heart, and we should be continually reminded of what's possible, even in a "civilized" society.