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Everything posted by Walker88

  1. DeepSeek was developed for almost nothing (~$5.6 million), and apparently to maximize its value one won't need the fancy chips NVIDIA is making. Thus, NVIDIA lost $560 billion in market cap on 1/27/25. Also, the subscription models of ChatGPT and others were obviated, since anybody can choose open source DeepSeek for free, or close to it. I'm beginning to think the $500 billion AI plan the President announced last week is just a thinly disguised Oligarch bailout, as the tech sector suddenly isn't worth the multiple the market gave it. I wonder if tech insiders are going to be dumping even more? I wonder how bad margin calls are going to be for all the leveraged buyers of tech? I wonder what company Musk is actually going to run, or will he go full DOGE, as Twitter is worth very little compared to what he paid, $40-80,000 Teslas are in a market with $12-25,000 BYDs, and his rocket just blew up last week (2nd stage) and rained debris all over the Caribbean. I think we've seen lots of peaks in the last week....Peak Musk, Peak Equity Market, andalready Peak 47's Presidency. It's all downhill from here.
  2. Under Biden, there were an average of two commercial flights a week bringing undocumented Colombians back home. The new President decided that using military C-17s looked cooler and more aggressive, and of course the coward is all about show. The Colombian government objected to US MILITARY aircraft coming. Commercial craft was long okay. 47 then threatened Colombia with sanctions, and the price of coffee soared on commodity markets. I suspect there was also concern that Junior might have cried that his "habit" would cost more...sniff.....sniff. This new POTUS doesn't seem to think ANYTHING through. In just one week he has alienated a good portion of the civilized world. Here are some repercussions one should consider: ---China and Japan are discussing selling all of their US Treasury holdings, which amounts to $trillions. That could send US interest rates to the moon. ---China, Russia and other nations are talking about setting the yuan as the international currency to be used by the BRICS and even ASEAN, both in trade and as central bank reserves. ---The US imports 35% of its oil from Canada, along with lots of wood products. The 25% tariff that will go into effect Saturday is going to raise prices at the pump as well as the cost of housing. ---The US imports heavy crude from Mexico, needed by US refineries that crack that style of petroleum. It's going to cost more. ----Many US automakers source parts from factories in Mexico. Production is going to slow, likely with US auto workers being laid off. Apparently MAGAs think new US factories can be built and go into production in an afternoon, rather than years. ---The deportation orders have scared undocumented workers in the US. Yes, MAGAs, lots of undocumented people work, rather than rape and murder, as 47 likes to claim. Already many are not showing up to work, fearing capture and deportation. This is hitting the citrus groves, where it's harvest time. Expect prices at the grocery to surge. ---Undocumented migrants also work in US abattoirs, so if they stay off the job, the prices of pork, beet and chicken is going to go up a lot. Who is 47 going to blame when his KFC extra crispy bucket shoots up in price?
  3. Danes, for one, probably aren't going to be too happy, though I suspect they would only take it out on 47. Maybe send a hit squad. Maybe Panamanians are also going to get a little miffed. They can be much nastier than Danes. If the guy keeps it up, I do think it's likely some nations will start taking it out on American expats. Personally, I would like Thailand to set a much more reasonable target for funds in the banks. Anybody can post 800K baht. Better, in the interest of only allowing "quality" residents, that Thailand up the amount to say, 10-25,000,000 baht for retirees, marriage visas, etc. Get rid of the riff raff. Some countries require as much as $1 million, which would be quite reasonable and certainly allow only "quality" residents. I think MAGAs are probably itching to go home anyway, seeing that they think America is going to be "great" again, whatever that means in MAGAstan.
  4. Imitating their master by being willfully ignorant, MAGAs have no clue what the job of Inspector General is, and the LAW in place that outlines the procedure for dismissing them. Even Lindsey admitted the President broke the law, but Lindsey said "so what". After Nixon, the IG positions were established to monitor activity in their agency, making sure proper rules and procedures are followed. For example, if an agency grants a contract to an outside firm, the IG checks it over to make sure there are no payments or sweetheart deals, with bloated contracts being handed to favored parties who offer kickbacks to agency managers. Obviously that sort of thing gets in the way of how 47 wants to run government. If he cannot be corrupt---as courts have determined he has been in everything from running a charity, a fake university, dealing with banks and insurers---I guess he doesn't want the job.
  5. Good news for MAGAs! Lots of jobs now available! Because of the program of mass deportation, many undocumented farm workers are staying home, fearful of being rounded up and deported, especially since their kids have US citizenship, so cannot be deported. Right now the primary impact is on citrus farms, as now is the harvest season for all your favorite Vitamin C carriers. Soon it will be other produce. It's even going to impact abattoirs where chickens are slaughtered and end up in the KFC buckets your messiah so favors. He's going to get really angry, and likely blame Biden, if his extra crispy bucket shoots up in price. Unless you MAGAs drop the SSDI and hit the farms, produce is going to rot. That will result in huge price rises. Now farmers are not going to pay you minimum wage, because that would render their business unprofitable, but you can show both your patriotism and fealty to the President by stepping in where undocumented workers have left gaping holes. You can assume their wage levels and keep produce coming to market. Don't like farming? How about hotel room cleaning? Imagine if your messiah travels somewhere and has to make his own bed and clean his own toilet, because the hospitality staff---many of whom are undocumented---are staying home out of fear. Wouldn't you be honored to scrub the toilet where your hero did his business, likely while Tweeting?
  6. Do you fap to pictures of your love muffin? You have absolutely no clue what the US is supposed to be, and your continual use of "Socialist" or "Marxist" just is irrefutable proof of your lack of education and abject ignorance. You should be deported, maybe to Russia or North Korea.
  7. I believe the Pentagon is obliged to attack the aggressor, which means sending a couple of Tomahawk Cruise Missiles into the Oval Office. I guess some patriots could also set up a gallows in Lafayette Square and then storm the White House to eradicate the vermin.
  8. If we're going back to Imperialist/Colonialist/War Monger days, I think German should try to get the UK again. The UK is a pretty useless country, and Germany might make something of it, turn it into a winner, instead of the loser it is now..
  9. So you will go volunteer to fight for the Neo Imperialist? Or do you have bone spurs like the Coward-in-Chief?
  10. What is my IQ? Higher than a turnip. Higher than yours. That's good enough. Incidentally, I was given an IQ test under controlled conditions by a former employer. I know how I scored, thus, I know it's both higher than a turnip and higher than you. Thanks for asking. Now back to the scourge of Neo-Imperialism.
  11. GG, let me paraphrase Oscar Wilde: "People may boo me, but when I go home and think of my money smell my Speed Stick, I applaud myself." Those who know, know; those who don't.....well, their loss. The fragrance is quite subtle, just enough to get in the way of even the most fastidious, who---despite 3-4 showers a day and fresh cotton or linen shirts---know we're still human. Also, it is a deodorant, not an antiperspirant, so it doesn't clog pores nor stain shirts. One doesn't lather it on, but rather just a quick swipe. As for those saying they don't exude anything unpleasant ever....one gets enured to one's own emanations; others do not. Best to "air" (sic) on the side of caution, when in polite company. Natural scent as nature intended? Tell that to Coco Chanel, Estee Lauder, Dior, etc., who made fortunes helping women attract both wanted and unwanted attention. If it's good enough for the goose, etc. Personally, a quick swipe is my only affectation and only departure from my state of nature; I do not ever wear cologne. We all pick our poison...what we eat and drink, what products we use, if we venture into the sun, fly at FL400 and catch gamma radiation, dare to breathe in Thailand, reside in a home above ground filled with radon, etc. I've decided a quick swipe is a poison I'm willing to risk. It seems to have benefits.
  12. Trash? You know them? I suspect you're an expert on trash, as in 'takes one to know one'. Grow up.
  13. MAGAs tried to claim their messiah was just playing 3-dimensional chess when he spoke about taking Greenland…by military force, if necessary. Those who have IQs > turnips know better. We know the guy only says what he believes and what he intends, no matter how bizarre or whacked out it is, just like when he thought nuking hurricanes or injecting disinfectant were good ideas coming from his “really stable genius” mind. He still thinks he wowed psychologists by repeating “Man Women Person Camera TV”, as if any five year old couldn’t do it. Well, he called the PM of Denmark---the nation holding Greenland since 1380---and told her she had a choice of giving it to him, selling it, or he would take it by military force. He also threatened imposing punitive tariffs on Denmark if they fail to bend to his bloated will. Somebody tell the bone spurs coward that it’s 2025, and the days of Imperialism are long since dead. If he does try to send US troops to steal the island, one should not be surprised if Putin decides to take back Alaska. Certainly, Putin has more claim to Alaska than the US has to Greenland. Until “Seward’s Folly”, Alaska was a part of Russia, and the State is certainly closer to Russia than it is to the continental US. Plus, Denmark has held Greenland for almost 500 years longer than the US held Alaska. Putin could re-rename Denali something like Dzerzhinsky Peak or Mt Beria. The clown is going to make Americans personna non grata in every decent country on the face of the Earth. I wouldn't blame nations who might decide to ban entry to Americans, and send any American home who is currently resident. Americans are becoming a vermin the civilized world does not need. Maybe all the MAGAs here, who support everything our convicted felon does, will volunteer for active duty in the Battle of Greenland? No, like their messiah, they’re likely cowards.
  14. NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter took these low level images of the 6 Apollo landing sites. The tracks of the vehicle and footsteps are visible. Yea, Lunartics, I know...probably Photoshopped. Give it up. 12 men have walked on the moon. Even Putin knows.
  15. Of course we went to the moon, because it's so close. I once asked a Thai woman, "What's closer, the moon or Pattaya?" She thought for a moment and said, "The moon". I asked why. "Because I can see the moon from Bangkok, but I can't see Pattaya". So, for the Lunartics out there who think man never landed on the moon, it's probably only a 1500 baht taxi ride to the moon, because it's about 1700 to farther-away Pattaya. Just tell the taxi driver: "Sea of Tranquillity". He knows the best route.
  16. Oh my! Just as Stanley Kubrick 'directed' the lunar landings, did Christopher Nolan travel back in time to make the films of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Can you post links to your 'research'?
  17. Maybe Thailand should take a page from 47's book and not only crack down hard on illegals and on those who abuse the system by using agents to pretend the illegal meets the requirements to stay in country, but also raise the bar so that fewer lowlifes settle in Thailand under retirement or marriage visas. Anyone who settles in Thailand, and is going to add value to the Kingdom, should certainly have much more money that a measly 800,000 baht or whatever the requirements are. Raising the standard to, say, 10-20,000,000 baht would draw a better class of individual, as well as provide a larger economic punch to the country. Anyone raised in the West, and of retirement age, who doesn't have that sort of money saved is kind of a failure and certainly Thailand doesn't need to pollute its culture with lowlifes. It would also seem that such individuals---most likely to be MAGAs---would be happier back home, closer to their love muffin in the White House, or else back home in other Western nations where they could go to work fixing the problems they constantly whine about in their native lands.
  18. Just makes one prouder and prouder every day! /sarc ----A drunk and alleged wife beater, alleged rapist, accused of malfeasance and for using funds ostensibly raised for veterans, but instead for staff Christmas parties where he was drunk....in charge of an $840,000,000,000 entity employing 3,000,000 men and women ----A convicted felon, convicted charity fraudster, adjudicated sex offender, serial philanderer, pathological liar, obese, willfully ignorant, whining crybaby, vindictive clown as POTUS ---A former softcore porn model who allegedly lied on her "Einstein Visa" application, worked illegally while on a Tourist Visa as FLOTUS Yes, Madison, Jefferson, etc. are rolling over in their graves, while H.L. Mencken is saying, "I told you so".
  19. If someone lied on their visa application, is that grounds for deportation? And if they used 'chain migration' to bring in others, should those people also be deported? Well, folks, just walk from the West Wing to the East Wing, and there's a woman there who lied about her education and somehow was granted an "Einstein Visa". Oh, her job at the time was as a softcore porn model. DEPORT THE LYING CRIMINAL!
  20. The criminal felon 47 said something good about Obama and Biden? Do you have a LINK?
  21. What a silly, juvenile post. One guy says something good about Biden and Obama, and that somehow implies all Dems are crime lovers and supporters? There is dumb, dumber, and then there's MAGA.
  22. Goodness! He's acting like a Proud Boy or an Oath Keeper! Sorry, pardon me.
  23. Goodness! I didn't think I had anything in common with GG, other than prolixity. Since the time I hit puberty I have been---as GG notes---'on the stick'. Good news, GG...the fragrance is still the same, and is quite popular with women, who note the subtle scent on the babe magnets who wear it. Like any applied fragrance, it mixes with our own natural scent to produce something unique to each of us, just as perfume does for women. (Side note...a few Thai females wearing Estee Lauder Beautiful or Dior j'Adore or Marc Jacobs Daisy can melt me, proving that the way to a man's heart is not through his stomach, but his nose.) The bad news is that I have never seen it on the shelves in Thailand, save for a shop on the ground floor of the Dusit Thani hotel on Silom and Rama IV. Sadly, that hotel is now gone. In fact, it is difficult to find any product that isn't an antiperspirant. I have found that the stick, which is a deodorant, not an antiperspirant, does not stain my shirts.....and I wear Stefano Ricci or Brioni shirts when I dress up, so I certainly prefer not to stain them. No worries. When I visit home---which I will not do again until at least 20 January 2029, owing to a vile stench in the WH---I usually pick up a half dozen sticks. I have a decent stash at present, and I will ask visiting friends to carry a few when they come to Thailand. The shelf life is quite long, if one leaves that clear plastic interior cap on. By the way, the only person who thinks he doesn't stink and doesn't need deodorant is the one who goes without it. Guys in Chang wifebeaters are the worst, but since I have a nose as sensitive as a Thai female, even the guy in the fancy suit near me on the BTS could have used a swipe or two. No matter how often one bathes, one will exude a scent. It might be subtle if one hasn't eaten peanuts, red onions, or other foods guaranteed to manifest themselves at the first sign of underarm perspiration, but best not to offend, so stick'em up.
  24. The convicted felon (CF) in the Oval Office is already a disaster, though the effects haven't become as apparent as they will be. And MAGAs, please don't whine about "nobody could have seen this", because every rational person knows the guy will ruin the economy, the environment, and American society. He is the epitome of incompetent, besides being willfully ignorant, vindictive, and a whining little baby. ---His choice to head the VA as well as the drunk wife beater (per 1st wife) he nominated to be SecDef both want to shutter the Veterans Administration (which I think has existed since 1790) and privatize it, because somebody can then make money off of veterans. Heaven forbid the nation that sent them into harm's way should care for them. This resulted already in an order to lay off the 300,000 people who work VA hospitals and other services. Folks immediately complained, so the order was temporarily rescinded. Of course we all know the CF in the WH considers veterans "suckers and losers", so it's no surprise he couldn't care about their well being. ---He ordered the Centers for Disease Control to halt its weekly bulletin, which it sends to hospitals and scientists regarding whatever diseases/bacteria/viruses have come to its attention. This is at a time when 130,000,000 birds have been culled because of Bird Flu and the virus has spread to cows and is present in raw milk. CDC bulletins would go to hospitals so that is someone comes in with flu symptoms, the CDC would advise what tests to perform to determine what type of flu and thus what treatment, such as effective drugs, should be followed. One size doesn't fit all, so the treatment for the common flu would be different than that for Bird Flu or Swine Flu. Expect the price of eggs---high BECAUSE of Bird Flu---to keep rising. ---Already one of the released Jan 6 terrorists has been arrested for a new crime, one day after his release. Obviously the convicted felon in the Oval Office couldn't care less about law enforcement officers. ---On 1 Feb, the 25% tariffs go into effect for imports from Canada and Mexico, as well as the---at least 10%---tariff to be placed on Chinese imports. Can you say "INFLATION", MAGAs? Of course the felon is trying to line his own pockets by signing a vague support of cryptocurrency, just days after both he and the former softcore porn model married to him issued their own meme coins. Oh, and despite the best efforts of lapdog Sean Hannity of Fox, the felon showed his true intentions in an interview on Wednesday. He spoke of going after Biden, calling Biden stupid for "not pardoning himself". Hannity tried to get him to move on to other topics, but was rebuked. Hannity said, "I want to get you to talk about what you will do with the economy", to which the felon replied, "I don't care about that", and then went back to calling Biden stupid for not pardoning himself. Lost in his rant, however, was the recent Supreme Court decision regarding Presidential immunity.
  25. Frontier justice is coming. Law enforcement officers upset that scum like the 6 Jan terrorists were pardoned, despite injuring 140 police and looking for the Vice President to hang him for doing his Constitutional duty, will take matters into their own hands and do the needful, eradicating as many of the lowlifes as possible. We should see some obituaries in the near future, as cops make the world a better place.
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