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Everything posted by Walker88

  1. I responded to the wrong post. Apologies. Life is good.
  2. @Hawaiian It seems 'somebody' deleted your post before I had a chance to respond. I understand that intelligence and facts are unfamiliar territory to trumpers, so just for you, here's some lines more in keeping with your preferences: Make (insert your personal favorite here) Great Again Stop the Steal Lock (Him or Her, your choice) Up How's that? Get your juices flowing, does it? Puts a stop to that ennui? You can use all caps like your messiah, too. Add some meaning to your life. I believe this site has a block function, so if facts bore you, I won't feel the least bit offended if you use that function and add me to your list. Given that your life must be so full of adventure and rewarding experiences, saving you the time to scroll past my posts might allow you to maximize your enjoyment before your time in this Earthly iteration runs out.
  3. I don't happen to be woke, but that means I will call a spade a spade in all circumstances. While I fully support the notion that 'all are equal under the law', I know full well that all are not equal. trumpers lost the Birth Lottery. By and large they are of inferior intellect. It's a bit too 'woke' to cut trumpers some slack and give them the benefit of the doubt when it comes to intellectual ability. They are less intelligent and, by and large, less successful. The demographics are well known by now: less likely to have even an "accredited" degree, below average earnings, more likely to be on SSDI and/or SNAP. Even their messiah knows what they are, as he was famously quoted as saying "I love the poorly educated". Detailed stats from the 2016 election point out an inconvenient truth: trump won 85% of all US Counties. HRC won the other 15%. The 15% HRC won represented 62% of US GDP, while the 85% trump won represent a mere 38% of US GDP. Do the math (a severe challenge for trumpers, to be sure), and that means Counties won by HRC are 9.25 times more productive than trumpistan. trumpistan and his cult are carried by society's productive members. It's a bit too woke for me to say trump vs Biden is just a matter of opinion. It's actually a matter of intellect as well as an understanding of what the ideals of the USA are. trumpers lack both (save for the billionaires like Ken Griffin who just want more tax breaks, since his $25 billion net worth doesn't seem to be enough for him.) If the US was made up solely of trumpers, it would have an economy that would make Venezuela look like an economic juggernaut.
  4. Other non-official acts: ---stealing highly classified documents, and then retaining them and lying about it when one has zero Security Clearance ---trying to be John Gotti and pressuring a State official to engage in voter fraud ---inciting an insurrection ("It'll be WILD!", "fight like hell") ---being part of a scheme to appoint fake electors and subvert democracy "Somehow" under the first 44 Presidents, who lacked total immunity, the US went from being a frontier outpost to the largest economy the world has ever seen. Those first 44 were not hamstrung by being equal under the law, as the Founders specifically intended. The historical fact of Ford's pardon of Nixon is indication no courts thought a President is above the law, and in comparison, Watergate was a pimple compared to the asteroid strike that is the collective nature of trump's crimes. Of course, back under Ford, the Republican Party had some actual patriots, such as Howard Baker. Today, Republicans fall into two categories, neither of which has anything to do with patriotism. They are either cult members or cowards like Mitt Romney.
  5. That you cannot understand the connection, doesn't mean people with IQs right of the mean on the Bell Curve cannot. @pomchop pointed it out for those challenged by a loss in the Birth Lottery, or those with a brain eating worm in the area previously occupied by their frontal cortex. Because the case is particular to a NY State statute, which makes it a felony to falsify business records if the intent is to influence an election, the embarrassing nature of the tryst with Stormy had to be pointed out to the jury. Not only was it necessary to present a view counter to trump (he has denied the affair, but her detailed descriptions lend credence to her side), but to note certain details that would be shameful, such as the spanking on trump's bloated fanny with a rolled up magazine with him on its cover, the comments about him comparing the adult movie star to his daughter, his lack of condom use, etc. Tie in his behavior with Hope Hicks' testimony that trump voiced to her his concerns that the publicity would hurt him in the election, plus all the documents showing how the payoff was accounted for, grossed up to account for taxes, etc., and the prosecution makes the case in such a way that it meets the level of felony, according to NY State law. The cross examination will be amusing, as the defense has to be careful not to elicit yet more embarrassing details from Stormy. Also, the defense has to be careful if it tries to deny the tryst took place, because Karen McDougal has yet to take the stand. McDougal will testify to a long affair, while Stormy just has the one kinky night. With both women, prosecution will show both serial philandering as well as kinky behavior and (have suggested) incestuous thought processes. Again, toss in Hope Hicks' testimony, and a reasonable person is likely to conclude trump feared the damage it would do to his election chances. While there may be ancillary concerns trump might have had---such as his 3rd wife (how ironic that she was a softcore porn model) finding out, plus the general embarrassment of a fat old blubber butt getting spanked by a then-27 year old adult film star---just so long as one concern was how it would impact the election reaches the level of felony per NY State law.
  6. Must be his brain worm doing the talking. In his divorce settlement, he tried to argue that he had diminished earning capacity because of the worm that ate part of his brain. Yet he wants to be President of the United States. I guess trump set the bar so low that even a guy whose brain is being eaten by a worm qualifies.
  7. Apparently Fox didn't give you the full story and talking points. The oppo research on trump was originally begun by a Republican PAC, and the contract was with a US firm. HRC took over the contract when the R PAC dropped out. When the contract is with a US registered entity, it doesn't make any difference who any subcontractors might be. You might as well indict HRC because Fusion GPS used Colombian coffee in their break room. trump's campaign used a Russian GRU asset (Konstantin Kilimnik) to give the GRU's Internet Research Agency internal polling data. The trump campaign also used Julian Assange to hand over the emails a Romanian FSB asset hacked from John Podesta and other DNC officials.
  8. Myanmar---for all its faults---is an ASEAN member, but an official map of China, as on the wall of the office of now-jailed Bo Xilai, had Myanmar as part of the "Middle Kingdom" (sic). Seems a little presumptuous, although China did build a 13,000 ft runway at the airport in Mandalay, so as to be able to accommodate a fully-loaded Chinese military transport aircraft. The part about the map was told to me by the late Henry Kissinger, so I am going by his statement.
  9. Yes, when are the self-appointed, answerable to no one dictators in Beijing going to walk away and hand rule of the rest of China over to the democratically elected leaders of Taiwan? Certainly Taiwan---if it wanted to claim sovereignty over the mainland---has every right to do so, at least equal to Beijing, whose commie govt has ruled Taiwan for a total of zero seconds since the commie takeover of the mainland. Whether or not to join the all-controlling, corrupt, lying muthafukka mainland (remember, "One Country; Two Systems"?) should be solely up to the free people of Taiwan, and neither Beijing nor any white devil man should have any say in the matter.
  10. So you admit to watching The View? Maybe you should get a hobby or a job? Maybe go back and complete that GED, which would put you one up on R Rep Boebert? What about it is 'stupid'? That it contains facts, such as Hope Hicks' testimony and the documents? I appreciate facts are anathema to trumpers. They prefer Kellyanne's "alternative facts" (aka lies) and Rudy's 'truth isn't truth'. Good trumpers lower the Rebel Flag on the F-150 pickup to half mast on the anniversary of Kellyanne's "Bowling Green Massacre". Do you?
  11. Incidentally, that is willful cooperation, and was even noted by the Republican-led Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, when it released its report on Russia and trump. The silly "no collusion" claims of trumpers was laid bare as a lie even by Republican Senators. Lucky donny had lapdog Barr as his AG back then. As for 'microtargeting'...trump voters tend toward gullibility and stupidity. trump owns the QAnon demographic, and his goobers buy into virtually all of trump's lies. Putin is clever enough to know what works with the feeble minded.
  12. donny claims he cannot wait to take the stand. Well, among Stormy, donny and McDougal, at least one is lying, and possibly---though it seems unlikely to rational people---two. Thus, if all three testify, somebody will have committed perjury. trump's defense likely knows two things: ---who is telling the truth about the two alleged affairs ---donny's propensity to mouth off and be his own worst enemy donny tried to claim earlier, that as much as he wanted to testify, the gag order would prevent him from doing so. In the early minutes of the next day in court, the judge advised donny and his defense that the gag order absolutely did not prevent him from taking the stand, and that donny is welcome to testify under oath. Let's see if donny's bluff is called, or if the defense wisely intervenes and stops donny from taking the stand. Also, if the prosecution so chose, it could subpoena phone records going back the time of the alleged affair and check out Stormy's claims of calls, plus do the same after McDougal takes the stand. While not damning in and of themselves, they would lend credence to the two women's testimony. Meanwhile, The Third Wife is sitting somewhere listening to the descriptions Stormy gave in court today. 3rd wifey knows if she slept in separate rooms back then, and she also knows if donny has or had a set of black satin or silk pajamas. I doubt she is going to think, "Wow! Good guess, Stormy". Separate bedrooms may well be replaced by separate States. Again, establishing the fact of the affair just corroborates previous testimony of Hope Hicks (trump feared exposure could hurt his election chances), which along with the documents detailing the payoff scheme and accounting, back up the case that all was done because of election fears. That is what elevates the actions---per NY State statute---from misdemeanor to felony.
  13. A much better, and much more believable defense---using the Stormy and upcoming McDougal testimony as slow pitch softballs---would have been that trump is admittedly embarrassed about what the impish Universe handed him in terms of male junk, and that the payoff scheme and subsequent fraudulent accounting was not aimed at influencing the election, but rather just saving trump public embarrassment. Had his defense done that, and made the jury believe it, the charges would be reduced to a mere misdemeanor, not a felony, and a small fine would have been the worst case. Instead, the prosecution is making a strong case that trump's intent was directly related to influencing the election. The jury may or may not agree, but given the Stormy testimony, would definitely have bought the argument the payoff was all about shame and embarrassment. Lost opportunity.
  14. Here’s what the prosecution did today, after previous witnesses had already noted: ---trump voiced concern that news of the Stormy affair would hurt him in the voting booth (Hope Hicks) ---handwritten documents noting the manner in which the hush money payoff would be accounted for fraudulently in the business records, including grossing up the amount of repayment to Michael Cohen to account for tax liability ---a series of checks for the payoff all signed by trump ---a statement by trump that he always signs all checks Having established the fraudulent method and intent (so that it meets the NY State statute for a felony), the prosecution then puts Stormy on the stand so she can give her side of an incident trump denies ever happened. The jury then has to listen to that and---after the Access Hollywood transcript---assess trump’s believe-ability re not only the affair, but more importantly his intent involving the payoff scheme. Trump’s own statement on the Access Hollywood tape certainly lays out the framework for why Stormy’s testimony might be believed by the jury vs trump’s ongoing denials. This is the gist of today’s transcript of Stormy’s testimony, heard in graphic detail by the jury: --- Stormy is at a golf tournament representing a porn company that sponsored a hole at the tournament. Trump, with a 4 month old infant at home with his 3rd wife, has his bodyguard ask Stormy if she wants to join trump for dinner. She goes to his hotel room and is met by trump at the door in his black pajamas. There is no dinner. Stormy tells him to ‘get dressed’. Trump tells her he will get her on his Game Show and help her cheat by giving her the challenges beforehand, so she can prepare. He tells her that he and his 3rd wife don’t sleep in the same room. He asks her when she was last tested for STDs. He tells her she reminds him of his daughter (sicko!). Stormy goes to the bathroom, and when she returns trump has stripped down to his tighty-whities. She tries to leave, and he steps between her and the door. He says he thought she was “serious about what you want to do”, and “if you ever want to get out of that trailer park”…blah blah blah. They have sex and he doesn’t wear a condom. They meet several more times, where he makes more sexual advances, but they don’t have sex again. Only when he tells her he isn’t going to put her on his Game Show that she stops taking his phone calls. --- Later we will hear how defense explains away all of this, which is likely to include more denials of the affair. In the interim, Susan McDougal will take the stand and testify about her alleged 10 month affair with trump around the same time as Stormy. When defense denies that affair, too, the prosecution will be able to cross examine both Stormy and McDougal for corroborating details about trump’s physicality (or lack thereof)….all for the jury and the world to hear. That will make it more difficult for the jury to believe trump’s denials. Toss in the E Jean Carroll trial testimony and civic jury verdict, and odds favor Stormy and McDougal’s version of events. (Up to trump how he addresses things with his 3rd wife, who would know exactly what trump’s physicality looks like.) The jury will be tasked with determining if the entire payoff scheme meets the level of felony according to the NY State statute, while the US electorate will have to decide if they want to elect an alleged small (nickname for Richard) serial philanderer and pathological liar as President. For the rest of his life people will not be able to help glancing at the fly on trump’s pants and laughing about what Stormy and maybe McDougal said he’s packing (or not packing) behind the façade of fake Alpha Male. If Biden stopped to trump’s level re nicknames, one can guess what it might be…Dickless donny or maybe Post-op Transtrump
  15. Highest economic growth since the late 1990s, an actual passed Infrastructure Bill, 800,000 new manufacturing jobs, the Chips Act that has resulted in breaking ground on the first US chip plants in decades, and slashed prices on many prescription drugs. Maybe Joe's great success is why the Founding Farter trump is trying to fall asleep in court. Your comment is typical trumpian goober...absent of any bit of reality, and bereft of anything factual.
  16. Having the good fortune of spending my life around people of superior intellect, whether in school, university, or work, it took the rise of trump to remind me that the IQ Bell Curve has a left of the mean. Move a std dev or two left of the man, and one arrives in trumpistan. It's clear listening to the goobers at his rallies or reading any comment from people who support him. Ask his goobers what his policies are, and all they have to offer is a slogan, usually limited to four words or less. They are all losers who live vicariously through him...but remain losers. Such is life. I suspect trump might win in November. His goobers will rejoice, until the US economy slips into Depression, UE soars to double digits, the dollar collapses, and trump tries to distract by nuking Iran. The idiot has no knowledge whatsoever of economics (he said recently he---not the Fed---will dictate interest rate policy, so expect massive inflation), and clearly a deep hatred for the ideals upon which the US was founded. Re elections, donny is heads I win, tails you lose. Even the clown sucking up to be his VP (Sen Scott) would not commit to accepting the results in November if trump loses. Scott is a disgrace to the Senate and the country. Let his goobers suffer. Let they reap what they sowed. A vote for trump is a Darwin Award in waiting.
  17. In your mirror, is what I assume you mean. 44 Presidents never had any need for immunity and the nation grew to become the world's major economy and power. Only trump tries to argue that lack of immunity would hamstring a President. I assume trump has the self-awareness to know he is a career criminal, and that now that he chose to be in the public eye, he might finally be held accountable. Thus, his strategy is delay delay delay, and then hope he wins in November so he can pardon himself. Puzzled by your not worse than Biden "or any of them for that matter" Perhaps my history is a little weak, but I cannot recall any other POTUS who is also a convicted charity fraudster, a convicted sex offender, a convicted bank fraudster, a convicted insurance fraudster, and was under felony indictment for stealing highly classified documents and then lying about returning them, trying to play mob boss and pressure a State official to commit voter fraud, foment an insurrection aimed at stopping the peaceful transfer of power, and getting involved in a scheme to appoint fake electors who would certify a fake election result. As for Biden, I do know the 'Freedumb Cockups' in the House have been trying for 3 years to manufacture some crime Biden ostensibly committed so they can impeach him, but despite their best efforts, have come up short (like 'Little Gym' Jordan) again and again.
  18. He responded to you, where you simply said "a provable liar". You need to back that up, rather than just state it as fact with no proof. Here's an example of how to do it: trump is a provable liar. See this LINK: https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-bombardment-dishonesty-fact-checking-090029549.html Of course proving trump is a pathological liar is easier than proving gravity exists on the planet Earth. Probably more than any public figure ever, trump fits that old Q&A "How do you know he's lying? His lips are moving."
  19. Wow, the pathological liar provided a checklist of why no rational person can believe anything trump says. Various fact checkers took to trump's recent fantasy-filled interview with TIME magazine, and pointing out trump's exaggerations and outright lies was longer than his interview. Even TIME magazine seems to have come to the conclusion that trump's words seem tethered to reality even less that the Flat Earth Theory. About the only truth in the entire interview was that it was, in fact, trump. "Many people are saying nobody knows more about lying than me" /sarc trump...the Monarch of Mendacity! Here's an article LINK that will require more than a single cup of coffee to peruse, as trump's plethora of lies is noted. Not that this is my Forum, but this LINKED piece might make a good post on its own. It would be amusing to see how trump's cult justifies or excuses his lies. https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-bombardment-dishonesty-fact-checking-090029549.html
  20. Wow! I couldn't disagree more. While there are some things unpleasant in today's world, life is largely as great as it has ever been, and certainly better than most times going back thousands of years. People are more equal under the law than at any time in human history. For anyone in a developed country, it has never been easier to gain knowledge and---if one is so inclined---to rise to a economic position, and with more conveniences, than the wealthiest people in the world a hundred years ago. It has never been easier to become stinking rich, if that is one's goal. Also, almost the entire body of human knowledge is within easy reach, owing to the internet and web. That is an astonishing advantage and a great equalizer. Look around and one can find decent and interesting people most anywhere, too, so long as one is open to it. As for Thailand, there may well be more pressure on the average person due to rising prices, personal debt and a political system that is designed to never change, but if one behaves politely, most Thais are as friendly as ever. They are looking for a peaceful oasis as much as anyone, so be that oasis and they will respond. Yes, some do judge books by their cover, so the fat, tatted up gruff old foreigner in a wife beater t-shirt may well put some people off and have to work harder to win people over, but be well presented and under emotional control, and few will experience any problem or feel any resentment. (Sometimes foreigners are their own worst enemy...yesterday I was shopping in Siam Paragon and a young 30-ish Western male was walking around that major shopping center shirtless. That isn't going to win friends and influence people in a positive way.) Though slightly off topic, I have a residence in the countryside of a European nation with a reputation for arrogant and dismissive people. On a recent visit there, the folks were incredibly welcoming and friendly.....in shops, restaurants, the airport, even in my gym. It seems in many places in this world there are pockets of friendliness breaking out. A good many people are simply sick and tired of wallowing in self-pity or depression. To quote Andy Dufresne, Get busy living or get busy dying.
  21. It's not your country, and since I assume your country has plenty of problems, I wonder why you are such a cultist for trump? Are you one of those whose own life has come up short and you live vicariously through someone who has fooled you into thinking he's anything more than a self-serving, self-absorbed, non-Alpha Male idiot?
  22. It was an attempt by terrorists, traitors and assorted moronic lowlife scum---orchestrated by the Loser-in-Chief---to overturn 245 years of American democracy. Two hundred years from now it will be held by historians on par with the Civil War, Pearl Harbor and 9-11, as one of the most egregious attacks against the United States ever. All should have been Babbittized, including the one who fomented it. I suspect that once the delay tactics are done, SC Smith---who can change his indictment as he wishes and as new data comes in---will charge trump with Sedition, a capital offense. Fry the fatty!
  23. So a Hollywood actor has no right to have his opinions broadcast, but Performance Actors on Fox, like Hannity and Watters, do? Before he was fired, Tucker Carlson hyad plenty of opinions about both politics and individual people, though when he faced a court proceeding. Carlson's lawyer argued that his client should not be taken seriously and was just an entertainer. Where is this rule book that makes De Niro bad or his opinions irrelevant, but Carlson, Hannity, Watters, etc., all okay?
  24. Wow, did trump fool you! trump ordered the assassination of Gen Qasim Solemani. trump had the DoD draw up a plan to attack Iraq, then stole the plan and showed it off to members of his Bedminster golf club. After trump lost, he had a plan to stay in power by nuking China, figuring he could then declare a national emergency. Gen Milley and then-SecDef Esper stopped it. trump was so angry at what Gen Milley did he said Milley should be executed for trreason. If you believe what you write about trump, whether "putting America first" (why, because he dry humps flags?) or "No wars", then there are some Nigerians who want to deliver your unclaimed package with $7,612,452 (seven million six hundred twelve thousand four hundred fifty-two) dollars in it.
  25. No, the alleged felonies of engaging in acts in an attempt to alter or influence an election. Again, the Statute is noted in the indictment, if you dared to read it. Hope Hicks nailed trump Friday, as she testified: 1) He was concerned how the Stormy news might impact voters 2) He was aware of the payoff to Stormy, but hadn't yet accounted for it nor repaid Michael Cohen. That shows his intent, and prior knowledge of the payoff BEFORE accounting for it is a clear violation of the NY Statute under which he is charged with a felony. If the entire jury believes Hope Hicks' testimony, trump will be a convicted felon.
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