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Everything posted by Walker88

  1. I understand Bill Maher does not appeal to everybody. He is quite intelligent, so the lesser IQs out there might find his brand of comedy over their heads. He also is a true moderate, taking shots at both extremes in right-left ideology. That upsets some on the left, hence he is partially 'cancelled'. He appeals to those of higher intellect and higher levels of education. He loses that demographic who occupy space a standard deviation or two left of the mean on the IQ Bell Curve, the area now known as trumpistan.
  2. There's a famous quote from the Nobel physicist Steven Weinberg, which goes: "With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil – that takes religion."
  3. BTW, Feynman was a promising grad student who was seconded to Los Alamos to work on the bomb. He wasn't at the level (at that time) of Hans Bethe or Fermi or Teller or von Neumann or Lawrence or Rabi, but apparently worked out a lot of the complex math. In the new movie Oppenheimer, I suspect the director made passing reference to Feynman by one or two short scenes where someone is playing the bongos. In this photo, Feynman is behind Fermi, and to Oppenheimer's left.
  4. Personally, I think the Universe consists of teams, like the Premier League, or the NFL. Every few billion years another team gets a chance to create a Universe, then every other team gets to sit back and watch how it works. When each team has had its shot, one winner emerges. One team decides to make Planck's Constant this: 6.62607015×10−34 J⋅Hz−1......then see what happens. Some other team 'jiggles' (a favorite Feynman word) the digits, sets Planck's constant at a different level, then everyone gets to see what happens anew. Then the teams vote on who made the best Universe. The season ends with one winner, then rinse and repeat. Oh, and my teams always existed, so nobody has to ask where they came from. Now some of you might be agnostic to this team system, or heaven forbid, even atheist to it. There is equal proof (none) to my system as any of your gods, so at best you can only be agnostic to it. Don't buy into my Team System? Oh, ye of little faith!
  5. So I guess you think Moses came off the mountain with his stone tablets, gathered the guys around, and said: "Bad news, guys...we can't steal, murder, or goof around" ????? "Morality" arises when people choose to live together. Civilization. It requires no belief system, such as sacrificing virgins, dressing women like giant eggplants, not eating pork or shrimp, etc.
  6. There's a ton of new research in the last few years that indicate the best way to maintain healthspan. According to Dr. Peter Attia. the absolute #1 factor is limiting all cause mortality (ACM) is a high VO2 Max. In terms of exercise, sleep and diet, the order of importance is exercise (specifically weight training), then sleep, then diet. Lots of research that has been peer reviewed has gone into the various diet fads, and the major correlation is not keto nor time restricted feeding nor intermittent fasting, but just caloric restriction. Keto seems to have its own set of problems, which research is now suggesting. Re weights...it helps to vary the workout. Many reps with low to medium weight is good for conditioning and definition. Low reps with near max weight makes the body produce more testosterone and HGH, as well as strengthening bones and ligaments. It also maximizes strength. If one lifts properly, balance and pliability come naturally, though it doesn't hurt to do additional balance exercises and some stretching. Exercise also helps with insulin resistance. Balance deteriorates for 2 reasons. One is that all of the small muscles involved in balance, when not used regularly, atrophy. The 2nd reason is that the hairs in the semicircular canals harden or break, so the signals generated by fluid moving over the hairs in the canals are not as clearly read in the brain. Running can do more harm than good. When running, the knees absorb 12x the body weight with each stride. That is going to lead to issues over time. For reasons of vanity, one should know running also stresses the collagen in one's face, which leads to drooping skin. With age, collagen production drops dramatically anyway, so adding running to the mix just ages a face even faster. Strength is also a function of protein utilization. After about age 25, the body's ability to utilize protein diminishes, so as one ages, one needs to consume more protein. After age 50 one should shoot for as much as 2 gm/kg of body weight per day, spread out over several meals. Amino acids remain in the blood for about an hour after consumption, so no one should worry about activating mTOR continuously, as when one sleeps, mTOR is deactivated. Two last things to help with cognition and brain health....it seems creatine not only has benefits in terms of muscular endurance, but also has brain benefits. Creatine is a first source of energy, so it makes sense that the organ that is 2% of body weight but consumes 25% of one's energy (brain) benefits from creatine supplementation. The second thing is making sure one gets plenty of Omega-3. As one ages, the blood-brain barrier develops leaks which allow toxins in the blood (such as from breathing Bangkok air) to get into the brain. Omega-3 helps repair the blood-brain barrier. Not everyone can, or will, follow all of the recommendations all this new research is uncovering, but for those who can and do, the benefits are substantial.
  7. Actually, he is 100% correct. Mental health professionals agree almost unanimously that he is a self-serving, insecure Narcissist. His corruption is evidenced by his conviction for running a scam "university" and another conviction for running a scam 'charity'. He was found guilty of sexual assault and told to pay damages of $5 million. He is under indictment for bank and insurance fraud in NY State, based on wildly different 'valuations' of assets. He even lied about the size of his condo, claiming it was 30,000 sf when in reality it is 11000 sf. He is under indictment for stealing classified documents and lying about returning them. He is likely to be indicted for election interference in Georgia, where he was caught on tape pressuring the SecState to 'find me 11,780 votes'. He will likely be indicted for trying to fraudulently overturn the 2020 election and fomenting the terrorist attack on the US Capitol. He could well be charged with Sedition for that, which is a capital offense than can carry the death penalty. He is a serial philanderer and a pathological liar, as the documented >20,000 lies while POTUS, along with his affairs with Stormy and Karen McDougal evidence. Oh, and he got a doctor to claim he had bone spurs, which did not prevent him from playing tennis, but kept him out of being drafted. To falsely claim something in order to avoid the draft was called a "dodger".
  8. You might want to check some official govt statistical and data sites, because Biden inherited a mess. Obama worked through the worst financial crisis since the 1930s, had to address a failing banking system and 10% UE. Obama forced banks to recapitalize, sell off bad debt, and lower leverage. UE fell to 4.8% and millions of jobs came back. trump inherited a growing economy and that 4.8% UE. He ran up $7,800,000,000,000 in new debt, messed up Covid, left Biden 6.8% UE and a Recession. It was the worst economic performance under any POTUS since Hoover. Biden now has UE down to a 55 year low of 3.4%, has manufacturing growing in the US again, got a bipartisan infrastructure Bill passed, mobilized NATO against russian aggression......and believes in democracy. trump was an abject failure as POTUS, as a businessman, as a husband and as man.
  9. He certainly gave it his best shot.... -Organizing and fomenting a terrorist attack on the Capitol during the official certification process -Helping arrange the selection of fake electors -Pressuring the SecState of GA to 'find me 11,780 votes' All of that constitutes Sedition, a capital offense and the worst crime ever committed by a sitting POTUS in 250 years. For that alone, execution if convicted is a must. Rid the planet of that vermin.
  10. Well, I think the repubs will find Jimmy Hoffa long before they find the Israeli who made unsubstantiated claims against Biden. Turns out the Israeli was not only an unregistered agent of China, but he is being sought by law enforcement for trying to sell sanctioned Iranian oil and for trying to broker arms deals with Iran. My guess is he is more worried about be found by Mossad than any US LE agency, as Mossad often acts as judge, jury and executioner. No walls are closing in on Biden, but no sane person would choose to be trump right now, with the stolen docs indictment, the NY indictment, E Jean Carroll likely going to a new criminal trial, Georgia election interference, and 6 January. The wall closing in on trump is made of steel bars...and that only if he's lucky. If SC Smith opts to charge trump with Sedition, that's a capital offense and could see trump sizzle like Sunday morning bacon in the electric chair.
  11. Good News for you! Apparently his brain trust in Hyannisport is considering changing Parties, as he is much more popular with repubs than dems. His endless conspiracy theory drivel seems to resonate. If he does decide to make the switch, it will be fun to see who captures the QAnon demographic among trump, DeSantis, Haley, Scott and Junior.
  12. The only thing holding repubs back is coming up with an actual crime Biden has committed. So far they can't find one. Maybe he owns shares in that Jewish Space Laser company that has MTG all worked up. For those unaware, MTG is the woman whose previous job---before being a 'star' repub in the US House---was putting equipment away at a CrossFit studio. She recently decided that it was a good thing to put in the Congressional Record nude photos of Biden's son. She never felt the same compulsion to post nude photos of the former FL---that's First Lady, not Freelancer---melania, when such photos are instantly available with a Google or Duckduckgo search.
  13. Sad, but true. I was a bit surprised recently, however, to see that the US is supplying aid to the people of Myanmar. There are some who want to arm the resistance, believing that a few general-carrying helicopters shot down and a few coup leader family members taken out might 'encourage' the fake govt to take their ill gotten gains and go to Singapore.
  14. A corrupt and self-serving system so deeply entrenched requires a Ceaucescu Moment to sweep it away. I do not think that exists in Thailand. I also think Thai Ceaucescus know that.
  15. Clearly there has been an insufficient number of drunk expats throwing TVs from their apartment or hotel room balconies. Got to juice the GDP. Crony-nomics is based squarely on the Broken Window Fallacy.
  16. Sometimes I feel for those expats who cannot go a day without a drink. They had to abstain from 6pm on 2 successive Saturdays for an election that was going to be ignored anyway?
  17. At least some things are available on YouTube. Here is a 1978 BBC production with the late Julian Bream teaching a Masterclass on playing Sevilla. Watch the last few minutes to fully appreciate what skill and passion are. It was in the 1980s that BBC had Reilly: Ace of Spies and Rumpole of the Bailey, both of which occasionally appear on some cable channel in the US. The actor playing Felix Dzerzhinsky in Reilly is riveting, while Leo McKern shines in both productions.
  18. Holding shares in a media company that hasn't operated for 15 years is a crime punishable by prison and---because of guilt by association---can lead to the banning of the Party you led. Overthrowing a democratically elected PM in a coup, then manufacturing a new Constitution that guarantees your cronies remain in power, plus tosses in a law prohibiting ownership in media companies, is an act of grace that even allows you to be a PM and take your ill-gotten gains into retirement. When the act aimed squarely at Taksin serendipitously is used as a cudgel to stop the old guard from losing power, the old guard must think their previous life earned them enormous merit. Farces, farces everywhere.
  19. When you cannot even use the adjective 'fledgling' in front of democracy and keep a straight face.........
  20. I guess if you think the majority of them satisfied her more than you, your comment is understandable. I guess I'm just more confident in my manhood. I'm not a virgin, having lost that moniker at age 15. If I expected that from a potential spouse, the moniker I would pick up is hypocrite. If I dallied with women with whom I have no intention of getting serious, I'm 'exploiting' them at least as much as someone who contracts for the services of a woman working an agogo. I really don't see you occupying any higher moral ground.
  21. In my opinion, 72 virgins is a punishment, not a reward. Perhaps that explains why I'm agnostic.
  22. I remember having a few virgins back in my teens. A blockbuster porn movie it would not have made. Sex is best when both players know the ropes, know their own bodies, and more importantly, understand the bodies of their partners. Toss in shared affection and you've got the Daily Double, though anonymous carnal pleasures can also be quite fun. I do not care about a woman's past, whether she had one partner or 1000, so long as it's >0. I also hope that she doesn't care about how many women I have enjoyed. If we commit to each other, then all that matters is the present and the future, not the past. I assume the purpose of this thread was to ferret out responses from men who married bargirls, so that someone could gloat and claim he never had to pay, something that would make him a unicorn in Thailand, or at least have more self-control and discipline than any man with normal levels of free testosterone. For the vast majority of men who visit Thailand, the old saw of Oscar Wilde applies: "The only thing I can't resist is temptation" Thai women are just too lovely, and for better or worse, a good many have chosen to offer their pleasures for a fee. The man who can avoid the temptation is either more under control than me, has low testosterone, or is simply lying. Personally, I would have no problem marrying a bargirl if I fell in love with her. I'm confident enough in my own masculinity that her past is no issue. If I harbored any concern, it would be about catching something, but it's easy enough to make sure both of us are un-afflicted before we get truly intimate. The adage about 'can't take the bar out of the bargirl' is, in my opinion, nonsense. I have met couples who met in bars who are both exclusive and loving. Maybe some stray, but plenty of non-bargirl women stray, too.
  23. Do you also believe in QAnon, FEMA Camps, chemtrails, and the rogue planet Nibiru?
  24. Lavrov is vacationing with his mistress. Maybe the paparazzi will get some shots, but the images will likely appear only outside of Thailand.
  25. Yours is an amusing comment and indicative of the perceptions generations have of others. Maybe some Boomers think they have gained wisdom worth sharing, but they absolutely are not of the opinion that anyone on Earth cares what they had for breakfast. THAT peccadillo is a trait of the Participation Trophy Generations, such as Millennials, GenZ and the more recent arrivals. Millennials can't even fart without posting it on some form of social media, the latest of which is TikTok, that app where those without talent post content for those without taste. They also are under the delusion that they are the first since humans left Oldavai Gorge to have certain thoughts. Ah, and my favorite: They all have 6,752 'friends' but they can't even get one to take their photo, instead they had to invent the "Selfie". Personally, my own particular cut off for deciding whether one has something to say or not is if the person was born when music was still made by humans, who actually took the time to learn to play actual instruments, and who could sing without the need of Autotune. Anyone fond of such cacophony as Techno, Trance, EDM, House, or Justin Bieber, etc. does not qualify. Of course inter-generational dismissal is hardly new. Perhaps Oscar Wilde put it best: "I'm not young enough to know everything".
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