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Everything posted by Walker88

  1. Those fears are understandable. WaPo had another [Opinion] piece a day or so ago where they noted fears of trump's base causing mayhem. Certainly there is precedent for his goobers to get violent, with 6 January being the prime example. Also, trump's thinly veiled threats of sending his foot soldiers pillaging via his social media postings, or even in the 2016 debate when he said something along the lines of his 2nd Amendment people going after Hillary. Certainly many of the terrorists convicted of felonies at the Capitol claimed they were sent by trump. All that being said, there absolutely MUST be greater punishment, other than losing the election, for a guy who tried to overthrow American democracy. The US certainly does not need a repeat, but if trump isn't punished, then I wonder what the reaction will be if a Dem loser begins claiming 'stolen election', calls State officials to 'just find me 11,780 votes', puts together a plan to create fake electors to take the place of legitimate electors in the Electoral College, tries repeatedly to pressure their outgoing VP to refuse the ceremonial duty of certifying what the States already certified, calls supporters to DC for the Inauguration to march to the Capitol and 'fight like hell' and tell them 'you'll never take back your country with weakness', and to top it all off steals hundreds of highly classified documents and takes them home?
  2. How childish of a 77 year old to call his adversaries Sleepy Joe, Pocahontas Warren, Ron Sanctimonious, Crooked HIllary, Cryin Chuck Schumer, Low IQ Maxine Waters, Shifty Schiff/Pencil Neck Schiff, Deranged Jack Smith, Evan McMuffin (McMullin), Coco Chow, Evita (AOC), Nervous Nancy, Crazy Bernie, Little Marco Rubio, Wacky Jacky Rosen, Lyin' Ted Cruz, etc. Why do you worship that twice impeached, thrice indicted, convicted sex offender, convicted charity fraudster who spews out such nicknames? Do you trumpers find that 'Presidential'? Goose and gander.
  3. Ah, the old absolutely meaningless "republic" vs "democracy" ! Please tell me what you are implying, because if you think "Republic" is a valid excuse for trying to overthrow American democracy, then.... ....you're a trumper The Electoral College, anachronism that it is, is an entity that takes the tallies votes from each State, where DEMOCRACY means the one with the most votes takes that State and all of its electors. Each State electors' votes are then tallied to produce a winner. Biden gained the most Electoral Votes, and thus a brave and patriotic VP Pence did his ceremonial duty and certified the results, ignoring trump's demands Pence break the law, or as un-indicted co-conspirator #2 said, "it's only a minor violation' of the law. Biden wins, trump loses. Incidentally, Biden crushed trump in the nationwide popular vote. HRC womped his behind, too, but the electoral college awarded the victory to trump.
  4. As soon as they were discovered, both Pence and Biden allowed FBI teams to search all of their private spaces and remove anything classified they found. Neither man fought the search, neither man lied about it. trump stole, trump lied. HUGE diffeerence.,
  5. I know the allegations. It's in the indictment. -trump willfully took documents to which he had zero right -he was told to return them -he refused initially -he eventually returned some, retained others -he lied saying he returned them all -the FBI obtained a search warrant, entered his country club, and retrieved 11 more boxes of documents Perhaps you can explain why a country club operator and wedding planner needs TS/SCI, SAP, Codeword, HCS and RD docs? Why did trump lie and claim he returned them, when he kept many? Why did he lie and claim he 'declassified' them in his mind, when as ex-POTUS, he should know full well what the declassification procedure is? For many years, I had classification authority, holding TS/SCI clearance. I know the procedures on both handling and declassifying. Why didn't trump?
  6. That Lysol didn't work out, eh? And "15...soon down to 1" was wrong. And withholding PPE from Blue States was unwise. As for Dems vs repubs, go back to the Civil War and look at all the data since. Economy performs better under Dem control. So does the stock market. Even before trump mishandled Covid so badly, his economy was no big deal relative to the last 70 years, plus new debt exceeded growth. That is called debt-fueled. Simple example: neighbor gets a new F-150, a bassboat and a barbeque pit. Looks flush and successful. The mailman delivers the credit card bill. That was trump's 'good years'. At trump's poorly attended Inauguration, he spoke of American Carnage 'ending right here, right now'. Even Dubya said 'that's some crazy (slang for #2) right there'. Dubya should know. He handed Obama a collapsing banking system, an insurance industry about to disappear, and the worst Recession since the 1930s. Obama turned it all around. UE fell from a peak of 10.4% to 4.8% when Obama participated in the peaceful transition of power to trump. Obama also handed trump a growing economy. Hardly 'carnage'. trump signed off on the budget-busting tax cut, began fiscal profligacy on a scale never seen, tried to ignore and downplay what experts knew was a major international health crisis, and finally left---not quite so peacefully---handing Biden 6.8% UE and a Recession. Losers have excuses. Winners achieve results. Obama took a crisis and beat it. trump took growth and quashed it.
  7. Glad you introduced that term. aspirational trump's lawyer actually used it in an interview over the weekend. Perhaps realizing he had implied trump lied about a 'stolen election' by claiming trump has a First Amendment right to say he won, when he knew full well he lost, he has changed the verbiage. Now, it's an 'aspirational claim' of winning, rather than a simple lie about winning. It will be interesting to see how trump's lawyer dances in court and in what manner he tosses in 'aspirational'. Everyone will know he means trump lied, but I suspect the base will still believe two diametrically opposed sides to the same story, i.e., trump liked about winning, but he won. It's like the stolen classified docs case: trump declassified in his mind, but the FBI planted the docs. Schrodinger's Cat.
  8. I ridicule those who think the minority wins, or who support a traitor who is now indicted for breaking laws for the purpose of overthrowing US democracy.
  9. Nor did either Pence or Biden lie about returning everything. In fact, both men invited the FBI to come into their private spaces and search anywhere the authorities wanted. trump, on the other hand, lied to the authorities about returning everything. He is alleged even to have told one of his quislings to erase 45 days of security footage. So sure were authorities that trump lied, they obtained a warrant and then searched his country club, where they found and removed an additional 11 boxes of classified material and other material required by law to be held by govt archivists.
  10. Thank you (facetiously), but unlike trumpers, I am a firm believer in 'one person, one vote', and the majority rules. That's called democracy, and until trump tried to overthrow it, it is the system under which the US operated. trump and trumpers are of the view where only their votes count, and getting fewer votes than the opposition doesn't mean they lose.
  11. Yes, VPs can hold classified docs while serving. ALso, the behavior of Pence and Biden re classified docs is the polar opposite of trump. trump willfully stole the docs he had at his country club and subsequently lied about returning them. I think you know precious little about the classification system. You just engage in sophistry. I bet you didn't even know POTUS do not have a security clearance; their election is gives them the right to see classified things, albeit only while serving. As of 12:01PM on 20 January 2021, trump no longer had any right to view or possess anything classified, even at the Confidential level.
  12. Pence and Biden inadvertently had some classified docs among their papers. Both men fully cooperated in locating and returning them. trump purposely stole TS/SCI, SAP, Codeword, HCS and RD docs, and admitted he took them, offering silly excuses like "I declassified them all in my mind" and "I have a right to them" (he has zero right to them). trump then lied about returning all of them, which resulted in the FBI search of his country club. See the difference? Yea, I guess not. trump's vapors blind people to reality.
  13. I missed the part when Clinton supporters engaged in a terrorist attack against the Capitol. I must also have missed Clinton's firebrand speech on the Mall where she encouraged her supporters to march to the Capitol, "because you'll never take back your country with weakness". I missed the part where Clinton worked with lawyers and sycophants to set up a system of fake electors to send to DC to obviate the will of the people and re-install her. I missed all Clinton's calls to State election officials to do things like 'just find me 11,780 votes'. I missed the part where Clinton browbeat the then VP to 'do the right thing' and not certify the election results. Perhaps you can post LINKS to all of those things and help us out.
  14. You bet wrong. Served the US at various times as a CIA case officer. Gained an MBA from the top biz school in the US, then had a career in finance. I used many of the millions I made setting up an NGO, where I provided medical and dental care, schooling and mentoring to hundreds of underprivileged children. SEt up a program granting microloans for community start-up businesses. ALso, I took zero donations; totally self funded. Yea, on the govt teat my whole life.
  15. Also, if justice was truly fair and equitably handed out, trump would already be in jail merely for possession of those highly classified documents, just as Air Force Reserve Officer Jack Teixeira is in jail awaiting trial for taking much less sensitive documents.
  16. Allegations? Yes, here's one: trump admitted he had highly classified documents at his country club. The DoJ and FBI said the same thing. THAT is illegal. He admitted he had them, though he did offer up a silly excuse (declassified in his mind, had a 'right' to them). Claiming something contrary to established law (trump had zero right to the docs, and there exists a system and procedure for declassification, so it cannot be done 'in your head') does not make him innocent. He broke the law. The mere existence of the TS/SCI, SAP, Codeword, HCS and RD docs in his country club---which was found to have at least one MSS member (Ministry of State Security of the Peoples Republic of China)---is criminal. No allegation. FACT.
  17. The guy uses every shibboleth in the cult hand book, including 'globalist' and the use of 'leftist' in a disparaging way...aimed as a direct personal attack on the posters here who are not part of the cult. Goose and gander. Perhaps my comments will encourage some people to get up to speed on the facts related to trump, his performance as POTUS and how the economy and world community responded I tire of the brickbats tossed by trumpers, even on this Forum: "<deleted>, socialists, globalists, commies", etc. The cult understands precious little about US ideals, about democracy, and about socilaism Like most modern countries, the US has lots of social policies that would come under the umbrella of socialism, such as the military, the interstate highway system, FDIC insurance, the FDA that tries to make sure food and drugs are safe for human consumption. There are many aspects of society where there is not an economic incentive for a private sector to run it; hence the Federal Govt, using taxpayer money or debt, funds the service or entity. trump added much more when he imposed trade sanctions of China, then had to pay tens of billions to US farmers hurt when China cut back on ag buys from the US. THAT is socialism, too.
  18. I wonder what you cultists believe 'leftist' means? The US economy consistently performs better under Dems, or "leftists". So does the stock market. Not a single (R) POTUS has ever NOT presided over the start of a Recession, trump being the latest. trump inherited 4.8% UE and left with UE at 6.8%. He left a Recession. He caused inflation by adding 41% to the US' accumulated National Debt since 1787, yet trump created that +41% debt in just 4 years. That's $24,000 for every American. Even with that profligacy, he left a Recession. No surprise, of course, coming from a 6-time bankrupt boy born with a silver spoon in his mouth, albeit totally lacking in talent, other than fooling the gullible. Then the non-leftist trump tried to overthrow American democracy. Not good. Oh, and those leftist Blue States are the net contributors to the Federal Budget, while the non-leftist Red States are the net takers, or parasites. non-leftists should get down on their knees and thank the successful leftists for generating the wealth that the mouthbreathing parasitic non-leftists live off.
  19. You're right. It just take some of us who believe in democracy and rule of law, and maybe some of us who served, or some of us who can judge character and know trump is a mendacious, serial philandering, self-serving, willfully ignorant treasonous POS. It takes people who have been successful in life, not losers who need a messiah through which they can try to live vicariously. Losers, however, gonna lose. trump isn't going to salvage your life from abject mediocrity and meaninglessness.
  20. My post was removed, so I will be more thorough. I mistakenly assumed people read the news. The Air Force Reserve Officer was was caught stealing documents via his job at Otis Air Force Base on Cape Cod---Jack Teixeira--- is being held pending trial. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/19/us/politics/teixeira-detention-hearing.html Harold Martin III, a contract analyst working at the NSA, took home documents to work at home. He is currently serving 9 years in jail. Martin was charged with illegal possession. He was not accused, nor charged, with passing any information to foreign sources, nor for showing any documents to any unauthorized person. https://www.npr.org/2019/07/19/743345689/ex-nsa-contractor-who-stole-top-secret-documents-sentenced-to-9-years-in-prison
  21. How? I read the indictment.
  22. That poster is sniffing the vapors. SC Smith has videos, emails, messages and (R) witnesses who have already testified under oath. When the trial comes, he will call those same witnesses to the stand, and they will say the same thing, lest they be charged with perjury for their earlier Grand Jury testimony. What they said (as per the indictment) and what they will say on the witness stand is that trump was intimately involved with the illegal attempt to eradicate American democracy, using everything from manufacturing fake electors to trying to pressure State elections officials to illegally change the vote.
  23. In the parlance of 1950s America, Ms Lyndsey would be referred to as: "A confirmed bachelor"
  24. Are you also QAnon? There is more proof that QAnon is real (none, actually) than that trump did not try to overthrow American democracy. When trump is found guilty and jailed for the rest of his miserable existence, no doubt you'll spout that other absurdist drivel of "Deep State"
  25. You mean the regular traveler on Jeffrey Epstein's "Lolita Express"? That alan dershowitz?
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