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Everything posted by Walker88

  1. The twice impeached, thrice indicted, convicted sex offender, convicted charity fraudster, 6-time bankrupt trump said it dozens of times. You can find his spurious claims easily with just a quick search.
  2. Biden's FY2021 budget was $350 billion less than trump's last year, and Biden's FY2022 budget was $1.3 trillion less than trump's last year.
  3. LOL. trump's economy was never much. Now Pres Obama...there's an economic miracle. Obama inherited the worst financial crisis since the 1930s. Both the world banking system and insurance industry were on the verge of collapse, due to things like Synthetic CDO Squareds with CDS yield enhancement kickers. Obama did several things; -he forced US banks to recapitalize, issuing new equity and slashing leverage -he forced US banks to sell bad debt -he bailed out the insurance industry and AIG in particular -he restored faith in the Money Market System -he restored faith in the Commercial Paper Market Imagine if the insurance industry had gone down. No planes, no trains, no delivery trucks---because who would send out their fleet uninsured? As confidence returned to the banking system and insurance industry, the economy began to rebound. trump was the beneficiary of what Obama did, especially if you try the spurious argument that Biden benefited from anything trump did.
  4. Biden LED the rebound. The economy was shrinking when Biden took over the trump carnage. Fixed it for you. As I noted earlier, even before Covid hit and was horribly mismanaged by trump, his quarterly GDP was in the bottom 30% of all Quarters since the end of WWII. Hardly 'best ever'. After Covid, he fell into the bottom Quartile. Making it even worse, his meager, bottom 30% since WWII growth came via debt. trump added $7,800,000,000,000 of new National Debt, which at that time equaled 41% of all US debt accumulated since 1776. That also represents $24000 for every US person, which subsequently caused the inflation the Fed is now handling. It's little wonder the guy declared 6 bankruptcies, even losing on sure things like casinos. He is the classic answer to the question: "How do you make a small fortune?" Start with a large one. Between trump's lifetime allowance (until his dad died), plus the inheritance when dad passed, trump was handed over half a billion dollars. Hardly a "self-made" man. Rather, an incompetent spendthrift who brought his lack of business acumen to the White House.
  5. The Senate is a (R) majority when he was impeached for trying to overthrow the govt. Meaningless 'acquittal'. This time he won't be so lucky.SC Smith is thorough and relentless, and has already obviated trump's defense strategy of "He has a First Amendment right to lie about losing the election". Smith also now has 20+ (R) witnesses, many appointed by trump, who will testify trump admitted he knew he lost the election. Also, trump has no defense that "my lawyer told me appointing fake electors was legal", because 1) it is illegal, and 2) NO ONE could ever argue "My lawyer told me it was okay to rob a bank". Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Only abject idiots think trump's intent was not to overthrow the govt, eradicate American democracy, and install himself in power. Incidentally, Biden crushed the twice impeached, thrice indicted, convicted sex offender, convicted charity fraudster, 6-time bankrupt traitor trump in 2020. Biden has since taken the 6.8% UE and Recession trump left behind, and has UE down to 3.4% (a 55-year low), a growing economy, and via the Fed has dealt with the infglation cause by trump running up $7,800,000,000,000 new National Debt---or $24000 for every man, woman and child in the US---in just 4 years. Biden also got a bipartisan infrastructure Bill passed, something trump failed to do even when he had an (R) House and an (R) Senate. As for the debate, Biden is clever enough to get under trump's skin. Remember what Stormy said: "Not quite freakishly small, but well below average". Oooh, that will leave a mark !
  6. Why? Because there's lots of territory way left of the mean on the IQ Bell Curve, plus we have an anachronism called the Electoral College that obviates the nationwide popular vote.
  7. Here's more of trump's claimed 'best economy ever' lie, attributed:
  8. What has been trump's MO is to publish the names and addresses of people he needs to intimidate, so that is likely the case when the jurors are selected. trump's goobers will do what they did as recently as last month, when Obama's data was published...an armed goober tried to get at Obama. I suspect jurors will have their names, addresses, where their kids go to school, etc., distributed, just as trump noted the name of Jack Smith's wife and Smith's address, or how his team published the names and addresses of poll workers in Georgia.
  9. SC Jack Smith smartly guesstimated trump's defense and got out in front of it, by noting in the indictment that trump has a First Amendment right to lie about the election. Smith goes on to say that actions related to those lies---especially since "these claims were false, and the Defendant knew they were false" (Indictment, pg 1)---are why trump was indicted. If the defense tries to pursue this, they would have to let trump take the stand, which every lawyer who has ever been retained by trump knows would be an abject disaster. trump's think skin would be prodded and poked by a prosecutor, and the result would likely be devastating and damning. trump would have to admit he lied. It will be interesting to see if the defense adopts a new strategy. They can't really claim trump truly believed he won and there was fraud, because Smith has statements from Administration insiders---who will take the stand---that say trump was well aware he lost. The only defense remaining might be the insanity defense. Certainly that might be believable to many people, as trump gives many indications that his mind has gone haywire.
  10. From the Bureau of Economic Analysis: It seems his "best economy ever" is just another of trump's endless lies. Even before Covid hit, the GDP Quaterly change under trump was in the bottom 30% of all Quarters since the end of WWII. AFter Covid hit, he fell into the lowest Quartile.
  11. So what you're saying is that "15 now...soon to be 1": was somewhat optimistic, injecting Lysol wasn't an effective solution, UV light shined up the fatuga didn't help, and restricting the movement of PPE to Blue States (Fact) was unwise? Oh, and even before Covid hit, the economy was nothing special relative to any POTUS in 60 years. The Repub tax cut, however, set in motion the greatest increase in National Debt ever, eventually hitting $7,800,000,000,000 in trump's 4 years. That equates to ~$24,000 for every man woman, and child in the US and was the cause of the subsequent inflation. That staggering amount of debt also exceeded by a substantial amount any GDP growth that happened in those trump years (before his Recession), which says ALL GROWTH was merely debt-fueled. If your neighbor maxes out his credit cards buying a new Ford F-150, a new bassboat, and a barbeque pit in his backyard, he might appear flush and successful, but the mailman comes with the bill eventually. trump's GDP was that neighbor...kind of Potemkin growth. Oh, equity market performance under Pres Obama dwarfed anything under trump, as did job growth under both Obama abd Biden. trump's "best economy ever" (sic) was just more of his lies and hyperbole. Incidentally, despite ostensibly being the "Party of Business", no (R) POTUS ever---going all the way back to Lincoln---has NOT presided over the start of a Recession. trump was just the latest in a long line. In his (poorly attended) Inauguration, trump spoke of "American Carnage". It wasn't a look at the past, but was prescient, as that carnage came under his incompetent watch.
  12. Unemployment is at a 55 year low of 3.4% (after Biden inherited 6.8% UE from trump), more jobs were created in Biden's first two years than ever, the economy is growing again after the trump Recession, and a bipartisan infrastructure Bill was passed. Oh, and the FY2021 budget was $350 billion lower than trump's last FY and the FY2022 budget was $1.3 trillion lower than trump's last year. Not so bad for 80 years old.
  13. Yes, a few kilometers via a trump bloated waddle from Spurious and Mendacity, favorites of trumpers. From there it's only a short ferry ride to the isle of Whataboutism.
  14. There is no Ted Patrick to deprogram trumpers. Criticizing trump is a direct attack on their sense of self, because they live vicariously through him. They are eternal losers, but he came along and gave them the first chance in their lives to 'get back' at all the people they know are superior to them. trump gave them excuses for their own mediocrity. He also legitimized their racism, antisemitism and misogyny. Look at them at his rallies. Holding up their "Q" banners. They're absolutely amazed trump could do "person woman man camera TV". As I wrote, they make turnips seem like John von Neumann in comparison.
  15. Truth. Facts. Perhaps one day you'll get acquainted with both. Up to now, both seem anathema to you.
  16. Jack Smith said the investigation is ongoing. He indicted only trump now so as to be able to expedite the trial. He may add to the indictment later, as he has done on the stolen documents arrest. He also may be dangling plea deals with not-yet-indicted people who broke laws but know things about trump. It seems he has gotten considerable cooperation from mark meadows. Smith is a thorough and relentless investigator. He's also not intimidated, as he endured plenty of death threats going after war criminals from the Yugoslavian civil war. trumpers are not going to scare him
  17. So facts are trash, eh? Maybe you have "alternative facts" like kellyanne conway. Maybe on the anniversary of the Boiling Green Massacre (sic) you lower your Confederate Flag on your pickup to half mast? You cannot refute what I write, because no one can refute facts. You also cannot defend the traitor to US democracy, trump.
  18. Correct me if I'm wrong. Who gets the votes of Incels? Who gets the votes of NeoNazis? Who gets the votes of QAnon? Who gets the votes of white supremacists? The demographics of 2016 were captured by polling firms. You can Google it. trump won 85% of all US Counties. HRC won 15%. trump's 85% combined account for 38% of total US GDP. The 15% HRC won account for 62% of US GDP. That means HRC counties are 9.25 times more productive than trump counties. The States trump won have some of the highest 'take' from the Federal Govt (taxes paid vs Federal spending/aid). trump has a monopoly on States with the highest per capita social security disability insurance recipients (WV, KY, TN) as well as States with the highest per capita opioid addiction (WV, OH) The highest net contributors to the Federal coffers are Blue States won by HRC in 2016 and Biden in 2020 (NY, CA, MA, NJ) If you say 'hateful', I agree. trump tried to overthrow democracy and subvert the election, something decent people have fought and sacrificed for for 250 years. His goobers couldn't care less about democracy, rule of law, nor freedom. Look at his "good people....on both sides", where one side carried tikitorches and chanted "Jews will not replace us". Look at his goobers on 6 January..."Camp Auschwitz" t-shirts, beating cops, gassing cops, <deleted>ting on the floor of the Capitol. Yes, I hate them. My feeling about trumpers is some combination of pity, contempt and disgust. They have no understanding of what the ideals and goals of the US are. That they support the convicted sex offender and convicted charity fraudster after those convictions, plus his obvious guilt trying to strongarm Zelenskyy (only saved by partisan hacks), that they support his theft of highly classified documents and his willful and deceitful retention of those docs, and that they were dumb enough to buy his Big Lie and engage in terrorism against the US Capitol is disgusting. You call this 'gibberish', while rational and sane people call it truth. You cannot defend him, because he is guilty as sin.
  19. From the 6 January rally on the mall, the video: trump: "If Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election" Obviously what trump means by 'the right thing' is to subvert democracy and disavow the certified results of the election. Later, trump criticized Pence for not following trump's demand. From page 33 of the indictment: trump: "You're too honest" That statement by trump shows trump knew he lost, but was trying to subvert the system by whatever means possible.
  20. Here's what the twice impeached, thrice indicted, convicted sex offender, convicted charity fraudster, 6-time bankrupt trump faces if convicted of just the charges in the initial 3 indictments:
  21. Obviously you have nothing of value to add, and certainly no defense of your messiah. Another thing that is puzzling...do trumpers know that trump himself considers all of his cult losers? trump worships successful people, celebrities, and most of all wealthy people. His cult is almost solely poorly educated, unsuccessful, below average income, below average intelligence, losers. They're the forlorn, the forgotten, the mediocre, the meaningless. They try to live vicariously through him, even collecting his NFTs that pretend he's brave and physically sculpted, when he's an abject coward and has the body composition of Jabba the Hut. He's gathered the Incels, the Neo Nazis, the racists, the white supremacists, and all those who are incapable of accepting responsibility for their own life failures. Drawing from the autocrats handbook, trump gave them an excuse. He gave them "others" to blame. He lies and tells them they are something they are not and never can be, and they buy his absurdist pabulum because they need it. To see themselves clearly for the losers they are is too much for them to take. If trump goes away, they have nothing left in life. He was their only hope, even if it was a false one, concocted merely to exploit their weakness and get their support.
  22. Perhaps you missed this, which are the witnesses whose testimony has been key to the indictment: Former Vice President Mike Pence Former Trump chief of staff Mark Meadows Pence aides Greg Jacob and Marc Short Former White House deputy chief of staff Dan Scavino Former White House speechwriter Stephen Miller Former Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani Trump attorney and adviser Boris Epshteyn Former White House counsel Pat Cipollone Former Department of Homeland Security official Ken Cuccinelli Former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich Chairman of the Nevada Republican Party Michael McDonald Former White House aide Nick Luna Former White House personnel director John McEntee Former Trump campaign deputy director Gary Michael Brown "Stop the Steal" organizer Ali Alexander Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger All of them are Republicans. Most were selected by the twice impeached, thrice indicted, convicted sex offender, convicted charity fraudster and 6-time bankrupt trump. Best to load up on Kleenex, because maga-tears will be flooding the streets.
  23. I think what the Goobers are most upset about with Stormy is that she said: "Not quite freakishly small, but well below average". Oddly, they don't seem to mind that Stormy said trump asked her to smack his naked butt with a rolled up Forbes magazine that had trump on the cover. Their messiah can be a pervert, but small junk is a no no.
  24. Do you mean Hugo Chavez did not rise from the grave and program an Italian satellite to change the votes on Dominion machines? Millions of trumpers swear by that. Oh my! Next thing you'll tell me Jewish Space Lasers are not real.
  25. No. You are wrong. Hillary accepted her loss and did not attempt to overthrow our democracy as the twice impeached, thrice indicted, convicted sex offender, convicted charity fraudster and 6-time bankrupt trump did. Have you heard any tapes of phone calls HRC made to election officials asking them to 'just find me 11,780 votes'? Didn't think so. Also, Biden and Pence fully cooperated with the DoJ and FBI to gather and remove any and all classified docs. trump hid what he stole and lied about it. You might want to put down the shovel and stop digging.
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