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Trump charged with four counts over 2020 election
Walker88 replied to Social Media's topic in World News
Patience, grasshopper. The fatboy is going down, because he has no AG to isolate him from the law, as he had with sessions, whitaker and barr. Oh, and you are welcome to try to answer the questions posed... Why did donny call his goobers to DC and encourage them to 'march to the Capitol', 'fight like hell', and 'take back our country'? Why did the wedding planner trump need TS/SCI, SAP, Codeword, HCS and RD docs at his country club? -
Trump charged with four counts over 2020 election
Walker88 replied to Social Media's topic in World News
Perhaps you missed it, but HRC had no highly classified docs on her server, just a few Confidential and maybe one Secret, (not even Top Secret), all of which were declassified subsequently by the new Administration's SecState Pompeo. Still, trump led the chants of "Lock her up". Clinton did not have TS/SCI, SAP, Codeword, HCS nor RD. (By the way, even a POTUS cannot declassify RD; only the Dept of Energy can). Again, why would a country club owner need those docs, which he had zero right to have. (Perhaps you are unaware even POTUSs have no security clearance, so nothing to revoke when they get trounced badly in their re-election effort). (An aside: in a fit of pique trump claimed he revoked the security clearances of John Brennan, Jim Comey and Andrew McCabe. So incompetent was trump's staff that this never occurred. All still retain their clearances today.) -
Trump charged with four counts over 2020 election
Walker88 replied to Social Media's topic in World News
The craziest thing---or perhaps not given the low IQ of trumpers----is that not only do the goobers believe everything tucker carlson said, they also believe nobody believes what tucker carlson said. It's the same with the classified docs indictment...trump BOTH claims he 'declassified with his mind' as well as "the FBI planted them", and the goobers believe both trump lies It's kind of a trumpistan Schrödinger's cat -
Trump charged with four counts over 2020 election
Walker88 replied to Social Media's topic in World News
Quoting trump's 'crack' legal team? trump is down to ambulance chasers now, not Clarence Darrow. No white shoe firms, either. (I am reminded of trump's appointment of an Acting AG whose sole case in his legal career involved a guy contesting a rent agreement for his shop in a mall. After that 'courtroom experience', the guy trump appointed as Acting AG had gone on to sell "well hung man toilets' as well as shares in a time travel machine. "The Best People", indeed) Not one of you trumpers can explain why the twice impeached, thrice indicted, convicted sex offender, convicted charity fraudster and 6-time bankrupt conman called his cult to DC for a "wild" time on 6 January, nor why he told them to 'march to the Capitol', nor 'fight like hell', nor 'take your country back' (all in the video of trump's rally). None of you trumpers can explain why a country club owner and wedding planner need TS/SCI, Codeword, SAP, HCS and RD documents, nor why he lied about returning them all, nor why he told one of his quislings to erase 45 days of security camera footage, nor why he showed unauthorized folks US Mil plans for an invasion of Iran (trump's Wag the Dog Gambit). -
Trump charged with four counts over 2020 election
Walker88 replied to Social Media's topic in World News
It is sad. Never in the history of the US has a sitting POTUS tried to overthrow our democracy. Also sad is that so many Americans are brain addled and think trump did nothing wrong: ...stealing highly classified documents that expose military weaknesses, knowledge of adversaries military strengths and weaknesses, sources and methods of intel collection, and even exposing (trump had NCS docs) the identities of clandestine assets in places like russia, iran and north korea. Praytell why a country club owner needs such material? ... trying to set up fake electors who would give him States he lost, pressuring State election officials to give him States he clearly lost, fomenting a terrorist attack on the Capitol (trump wasn't telling them to 'fight like hell' so that they could get discounts on decorative coffee mugs at the Capitol souvenir shop) trump is a traitor. Years from now his name will be synonymous with treason, replacing Benedict Arnold. His cult will crawl back under their rocks or go back to their trailer parks in Marryyoursisterville. -
Trump charged with four counts over 2020 election
Walker88 replied to Social Media's topic in World News
No, troll. I'm what you call a patriot. I think that term is unfamiliar to you, as it is to all trumpers. trumpers hate democracy, the Constitution and rule of law, where all are equal under it. The concept probably is a stretch to his cult, who are---to put it nicely---people who make turnips seem like John von Neumann in comparison. -
Trump charged with four counts over 2020 election
Walker88 replied to Social Media's topic in World News
Baaaa!!!! I'm one of those sheeple who believes in the Constitution and rule of law. You prefer the twice impeached, thrice indicted, convicted sexual offender and charity fraudster trump. I guess you also like the high unemployment the incompetent 6-time bankrupted clown left, along with his Recession and the additional $7,800,000,000,000 in new National Debt he added in just 4 years of playing golf (at a cost to the Taxpayer of more than $172 million, according to trump's OMB), holding rallies and calling into Fox. AT least you didn't shoot up Lysol or stick a UV light up your fatuga. I see you got the Soros anti-semitic thing working, too. Were you one of those bloated tikitorch marchers at Charlottesville chanting "Jews will not replace us !" trump pooped on the Constitution. The crybaby couldn't accept that he lost, so tried to overthrow 250 years of US democracy....and that according to HIS REPUBLICAN Staff. Frankly, that is Sedition, and hopefully Jack Smith will add to the indictment, as Sedition is a capital offense and could get trump the electric chair. As for President Biden, I guess you and conner are still looking for the supposed witness, but that guy (an unregistered China agent) is hiding out because he was violating international sanctions by brokering Iranian oil, as well as trying to broker arms sales to Iran. Mossad is not going to like that, and may do the needful. How about the stolen documents case? Are you one of those who believes trump 'declassified with his thoughts', or are you one who thinks the FBI planted them? trump claimed both, and oddly, his poorly educated and brain addled cult believed both. Please tell me why a country club owner and wedding planner needs TS/SCI, Codeword, SAP, HCS and RD documents? I long held a TS/SC clearance, had classification authority, and damn if I know why he would need that stuff, unless he intended to monetize it. In my opinion trump is a conman traitor deserving of jail time with these slam dunk cases, and if Jack Smith charges him with Sedition and gets a conviction, the electric chair will 'make America great again' by scorching trump. -
Trump charged with four counts over 2020 election
Walker88 replied to Social Media's topic in World News
You are not rational, and since it was a no alcohol day, your excuse for that drivel cannot be that you were drunk. -
Trump charged with four counts over 2020 election
Walker88 replied to Social Media's topic in World News
Yes, i'm one of those 'strange' guys who expects a POTUS to honor his oath to support, protect and defend the Constitution, not try to subvert it and destroy what millions of people much better than trump could ever be fought to defend. It will remain an eternal puzzle that so many Americans are so ignorant of the Constitution, and so gullible and susceptible to Snake Oil salesmen, that they can think the criminal trump is anything more than a lowlife. Of course, I appreciate the poorly educated and addled brain types---like his QAnon, Incel, Nazi, white supremacist cult base---have great difficulty understanding concepts like rule of law or democracy. When I need to consider why I pull out the IQ Bell Curve and see how much space there is a standard deviation or two left of the mean. It is from those Birth Lottery losers where trump pulls his sycophants. -
Trump charged with four counts over 2020 election
Walker88 replied to Social Media's topic in World News
Folks here arguing it is some sort of Dem conspiracy ought to read the indictment and see who the witnesses were... VP Mike Pence, whom I believe has an (R) next to his name Chief of Staff Mark Meadows The (R) SecState of Georgia The (R) Speaker of the House in AZ trumps own appointed White House lawyers The list goes on....and virtually every one of them is (R) and/or a trump appointee. -
Trump charged with four counts over 2020 election
Walker88 replied to Social Media's topic in World News
*Deleted post reported and removed* I expect him to be convicted because he is guilty of trying to overthrow US democracy. Perhaps that means nothing to people like you, but to real patriots, our democracy and rule of law are everything. We're too bright to be susceptible to the siren song of a self-serving, mendacious, corrupt, incompetent, psychopath like trump. -
Trump charged with four counts over 2020 election
Walker88 replied to Social Media's topic in World News
Rule of law? Support for the Constitution? That's what I expect, especially from a sitting POTUS. Apparently that bar was just too high for trump. He shall now pay the price. Personally, I'd like to see capital charges, and if convicted, execution. -
Trump charged with four counts over 2020 election
Walker88 replied to Social Media's topic in World News
No. Not wrong. Go find his Tweet. Listen to his speech. You attempt obfuscation because you cannot answer the facts that 1) trump called his cult to come to DC on 6 Janaury, and that trump Tweeted "it'll be wild" 2) trump held a rally and encouraged his cult to march to the Capitol to 'fight like hell' and 'take the country back'. 3) trump Tweeted about Pence 'not doing the right thing', after which the chants of "hang Mike Pence" began. Unless you're an abject idiot, you know full well what trump was trying to do. You also know that trump just sat and watched the terrorist attack on TV, even hearing "Hang Mike Pence", yet he did nothing (and no, it wasn't Pelosi's job to call in the National Guard; she's Speaker, not POTUS). -
Trump charged with four counts over 2020 election
Walker88 replied to Social Media's topic in World News
So trying to overthrow US democracy is 'politically charged prosecution'? Damn! Why didn't Benedict Arnold think of that ! Praytell what your messiah meant when he said, "If Mike Pence does the right thing"? -
Trump charged with four counts over 2020 election
Walker88 replied to Social Media's topic in World News
So Facts=gibberish to you? Are you rudy in disguise? Maybe you're kellyanne conway with her Alternative Facts? You can refute nothing. Zero. All you can do is be like one of the previously posted images of the three monkeys...see no evil, etc. -
Trump charged with four counts over 2020 election
Walker88 replied to Social Media's topic in World News
Perhaps a trumper can explain a few things connected to this latest indictment: -Why did trump Tweet and encourage his cult to "come to Washington on 6 January; it'll be wild !". What purpose could be served by having people come when a simple pro forma certification of the election result was taking place? What could be "wild" about that? -Why did trump, at his rally on the Mall, tell his cult to 'march with me to the Capitol' and 'fight like hell', and 'take our country back'? Take back from what? The election result was clear. -Why did trump tell security to remove the metal detectors from his rally, despite being told some people are carrying arms. Why would trump think it might be okay for armed cultists to march to the Capitol? -Why did trump try to pressure Georgia SecState to 'just find me 11,780 votes'? Find them? Where? -Why did trump willfully participate in the effort to appoint fake electors? If trump is so clean and this is all a witch hunt, why did trump do those things? -
Trump charged with four counts over 2020 election
Walker88 replied to Social Media's topic in World News
In other words, reality upsets you. You have no way to refute the facts, so you resort to 'nonsense'. -
Trump charged with four counts over 2020 election
Walker88 replied to Social Media's topic in World News
No, the FBI did not admit to that. Your are incorrect. I see you have no answer to the manafort-kilimnik business. The entire case began when covert assets and foreign liaison services shared intel with the CIA. Then DCI John Brennan then did exactly what he was supposed to do: he put together a Bigot List that monitors and restricts access to the intel, he turned everything over to the FBI which has the authority to investigate US Persons. As new intel came in, Brennan handled it all the same way. even hand carrying reports to the WH to brief Pres Obama in a SCIF, then destroying the copy. BTW, durham found the agency did exactly what the law requires. Oddly---or perhaps not---durham refused to pursue the intel on kilimnik, stone/Wikileaks, nor the 140 russian-trump campaign contacts reported in the SSCI document. In the end, durham got one low level FBI guy for essentially not dotting an i and crossing a t. Another repub waste of time and Taxpayer money. -
Trump charged with four counts over 2020 election
Walker88 replied to Social Media's topic in World News
The convicted sex offender trump (the E Jean Carroll civil suit convicted trump of sexual assault) is going to be pretty busy trying to stay out of prison or the electric chair: -the 6 January indictment (possible capital charges, which can carry a death sentence) -the stolen documents indictment -a new case filed by Carroll -the Manhattan District indictment for bank and insurance fraud -a possible indictment in Georgia for trying to interfere in the election there No doubt the self-claimed 'billionaire' will be grifting off the goobers to get funds to cover his legal costs...that is if he can find and retain any lawyers. -
Trump charged with four counts over 2020 election
Walker88 replied to Social Media's topic in World News
I can see you are not well versed on the russia investigation. You need some education. Mueller was prohibited by then-AG Barr from pursuing a good many of the leads. There were many aspects left out, but most later found their way into the SSCI 1000 page report on the russia investigation. Remember that when SSCI issued that report, the Senate was Repub-controlled and SSCI chaired by a Repub. Among the things they found: -140 contacts between trump's campaign and russians, none of which were noted when trump appointees (e.g., jared) filed their SF86 in order to get a clearance -manafort traveled to Spain a day after trump appointed him as Campaign Chair. manafort took internal polling data and gave it to GRU asset konstantin kilimnik. kilimnik then forwarded the data to the GRU's "Internet Research Agency" in St Pete, who subsequently used it to microtarget voters in key swing States like WI, MI, PA and OH. ---roger stone was in regular contact with juilian assange of Wikileaks and had head's up on what Wikileaks was going to release and when (Podesta emails). trump even noted in one of his rallies about upcoming leaks, all of which were given to Wikileaks by a russia SVB asset. While the Repub SSCI report did not conclude "collusion" (whatever that not legal term means), it did conclude that trump's campaign was aware putin was working to get trump elected, and the campaign was okay with that help. The manafort meeting with kilimnik, however, certainly screams willful intent. -
Trump charged with four counts over 2020 election
Walker88 replied to Social Media's topic in World News
Or the DoJ believes ALL the charges will stick and the criminal will be held to account for all of his crimes. trump is clearly desperate now, as it looks increasingly likely he will do jail time, and at his age likely pass while in jail. Fortunately, there are real patriots who believe in democracy and will take steps to stop anyone who tries to destroy 250 years of its presence in America. -
Trump charged with four counts over 2020 election
Walker88 replied to Social Media's topic in World News
Why? Because most of them are low IQ idiots who have zero understanding of the US Constitution, and many think it only has one Amendment...the 2nd. trump owns the Incel demographic, he owns the Neo Nazi demographic, he owns the white supremacist demographic, he own the QAnon demographic (people who believe Tom Hanks and Hillary kidnap, rape, roast and eat babies, all done in the basement of a pizza parlor in DC that doesn't even have a basement. None of those are the brightest bulbs. By definition, half the people are below average intelligence. Move farther left of the mean on the IQ Bell Curve, into the areas defined as "moron", "imbecile" and "idiot", and you are in trumpistan. The US has around 240 million potential voters. Assuming 120 million of them are of below average intelligence, it is little wonder a clown like trump can pull 70 million votes. Fortunately, Biden pulled millions more votes. For better or worse, there is no minimum IQ regarding who can, or cannot vote. The judgement of someone who believes the QAnon drivel is---to say it politely---questionable. Still, they can vote. -
Trump charged with four counts over 2020 election
Walker88 replied to Social Media's topic in World News
"Truth isn't truth" -rudy "Alternative Facts"---kellyanne conway Quite the rabbithole trump's sycophants and toadies occupy. Recall trump's Tweet encouraging his cult to descend on DC on 6 Janaury "It'll be wild !" What is wild about a pro forma acknowledgement of the results of a free and fair election? "Let's hope Mike Pence does the right thing" (sic) The right thing was to certify what 50 States had already certified. Pence did that. trump complained that his VP had done his rightful duty. trump heard the chants of "Hang Mike Pence", yet sat and watched it on TV for 180 minutes without doing anything. From the indictment we see the DoJ has proof that trump not only knew he lost, but was intimately involved with the plot to produce fake electors, who could overturn the will of the people and destroy American democracy. trump will likely be indicted in GA for his attempts to coerce the GA SecState to 'find me 11,780 votes'. A worse person has never occupied the WH nor an prominent position in the US. if convicted, trump should and must be handed the maximum punishment. If the crimes are capital crimes, that punishment includes death. Make it so. -
Trump charged with four counts over 2020 election
Walker88 replied to Social Media's topic in World News
When I see how people turn themselves into a Mobius Strip trying to justify trump's many crimes, it becomes clear such people are losers trying to live vicariously though what they mistakenly define as an alpha male. It is no wonder trump's base is made up of poorly educated, low wage, unsuccessful, way left-of-the-mean on the IQ Bell Curve types. It's also little wonder trump owns the Incel vote, the Neo Nazi vote, the white supremacist vote and other miscreants and losers. -
Trump charged with four counts over 2020 election
Walker88 replied to Social Media's topic in World News
Hundreds of wide angle videos of the terrorists on that day leave no doubt among rational people what happened and what their intent was. The chants of "Hang Mike Pence", which could be heard on newscasts real time, and which trump watched (and did nothing for 180 minutes) are another 'hint'. Those terrorists did not decide to 'visit the Capitol to buy souvenirs'.