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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. Interesting. I worked in a Thai company for 12 years ending around 2007 or 2008. Would I be eligible for the coverage I wonder? I have a pesky pre-existing condition that could bite me on the ass. Where would I ask?
  2. Seems our swiss mate David is leaving a lasting legacy that does not involve elephants Australian man under investigation for road rage incident near Bangkok (video) Illegal British Tour Guide Arrested in Karon Swiss Man who Allegedly Assaulted Elderly Woman Banned from Leaving Thailand Tourists capturing marine life for social media face legal action Russian Woman Arrested Illegally Working at Wichit Snake Farm Russian and Belarusian Nationals Arrested for Illegally Working in Chalong Company British and Norwegian nationals arrested for illegal employment Three Russians Arrested for Allegedly Operating Beauty Clinic on Samui Island step lightly me old muckers, you are being watched
  3. Every one of "them"? I reckon its rather difficult to speak for an entire nation of street vendors -- despite your insistence on doing so.
  4. Kicking spitting and throwing things certainly isnt. and where did you get the impression free speech is a legal right in Thailand?
  5. Welcome to the new post-swissgate Thailand, where shaming the farang on social media is your civic duty -- not that this guy doesn't deserve it. What a common thug. One can only hope the worst foreign offenders clean up their act, but it is a disturbing trend. Most of us have been guilty of gesticulating or showing frustration when cut off or similarly endangered. I generally just give a thumbs up when something happens and I'm on the bicycle, but the finger used to be my go to, back in the old country.
  6. I fail to see the distinction. I rather wash my ass and my hand, than faff about with paper
  7. Och, aye. Aren't they the worst? It's a wonder they can feed themselves without dying by the thousands every day. Like children every one, just look around
  8. so bugger off and eat somewhere your reductive dismissal of street cuisine is appreciated.
  9. this dude has been doxxed across the internet, and had his picture published everywhere from AseanNow to Reddit and beyond. Had Thai protestors on the beach outside of his house, and his business named at every opportunity. So today we are obscuring his face? Seriously WTF?
  10. I find this whole topic pretty funny given the number of times I have heard men on here disparage Western women for being fat and sing the praises of nubile Thai womanhood. I have developed a pretty widespread acquaintance here in the last 20 or so years, and I can tell you the number of men who married slim women who gained significant weight far outstrips those who have married women who stayed thin.
  11. it's great, and in many cases cheaper than the Bertoli and other household brand names of dubious provenance. it is certainly better tasting. I was turned on to it by a friend who is willing to spend stupid amounts to get what he perceives as quality and he swears by it over more expensive options.
  12. Monkeys are nasty as <deleted>, utterly terrifying.
  13. https://paleorobbie.com/grocery_details/boundary-bend-estate-australian-extra-virgin-olive-oil-4l?srsltid=AfmBOopEkkJOnVIrCjQnr4RDO3H1omiLnm-MaiRiU9lytXSQeYWYJ4aymPY
  14. Sadly this has been my experience too. I cycle 200 km weekly. eat well. A doctor I used to work with once told me that if you have good genetics and a poor lifestyle, you can generally get away with it. If you have poor genetics you might get away with it -- If your lifestyle is immaculate. If you have poor genetics and live poorly, you are a heart attack waiting to happen. I had a great lifestyle and poor genetics, I didn't get away with it.
  15. You have dug deep and found a post where I used hyperbole. Well done sir! Time well spent. You sure showed me.
  16. Do you reckon I decided to comment without watching the video? Note: I changed my wording from justified to normal. Its a fight or flight scenario. I don't believe the reaction was right, but the fact remains i suspect id be pissed and possibly react similarly in the immediate aftermath.
  17. welcome to the new Thailand, all it took was one spark to kick it all off. Thanks David, seem you kicked the wrong girl
  18. I think the anger is pretty damn normal when you get smoked like that from behind. I can't say I'm sure I'd behave much better during the initial adrenaline rush
  19. he has a lifelong history of skipping out on his bills. and that is how he does it.
  20. And silly me thought the dinosaurs were all dead. I cook because it is something I enjoy and it allows me to control what goes into my body
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