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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. Talk about making a mountain of a mole hill. Waters, while clearly extreme in his views, and avowedly anti-Isreali was simply being theatrical and The whole "don't sink to his level thing" was a theatrical ploy and an indirect dig at Morgan. He diffused the typical Piers Morgan interview which was getting hostile, and he did it rather calmly
  2. No. Felon means felon. it really is that simple. As for deflection, the American public is so indifferent to Trumps offences (and offensiveness) that this is just another drop in the bucket. he really is the American dream
  3. none of it makes sense, his jailtime was long for IDC and short for a drugs offense. I cant imagine the man was such an orphan that somebody couldn't come up with the overstay fine and a ticket to get him out earlier.
  4. that was my exact reaction, after "who gives two fox?" of all the drugged-out English teachers gone wrong to choose from, why a puff piece on this unspectacular clown?
  5. Ah well if she deserved it, it's alright. she bad women, women no good. you sounded more intelligent in your first post. keep up the good work.
  6. Thank heaven we have you on hand to clear these thing up
  7. the first instance was an error the second was facetious
  8. i have been to number of those. Short of banning Thais, I have hosted a number of those.
  9. With the exception of retail stores like 7-11 and Villa, i can't think of a single time in Bangkok or anywhere else in the last decade where have struggled to get a drink during the "ban"
  10. I realize it is difficult to keep up, but I did address several posts at once
  11. they seem to be going to great trouble to keep identities confidential. I suspect a deeper story. with some fairly influential players. either they have keep the book open on this guy for years, or somebody back home rumbled him before he got on the plane. I bet the story just disappears.
  12. so is the demographic here. men who rarely get laid without ponying up some baht judging women they don't know for some ink.
  13. i reckon his meandering answers will still tell the tale. maybe thy will jack him up on Ritalin or meth
  14. This is a fine festival of victim blaming without a clue to what actually happened. even if she were a bitch, is the assault justifiable? t For those asking whether or not having the children present is relevant, most people modify their behavior with kids present -- not doing so is kind of a red flag that raises questions about the deeper nature of our tailor.
  15. You start off with a ridiculous question and just dig yourself a deeper hole from there. please show me where any news story on this indicates that her "children" means her "students"? I'm not even going to address the liability (read stupidity) of inferring that getting knocked off your feet by a slap in front of your children should be used as a teaching moment. i seriously question your intelligence
  16. going to be interesting to see how Biden becomes a completely different person in time for a rematch
  17. no, implying caution is required for anyone managing anything from a distance. get off your high horse.
  18. get over it, they recently replaced all the sidewalk tiling out in front of my house and left patches like this. they came back a week later and fixed everything. It looks great. some official jumped the gun that is all.
  19. I have my doubts, but good luck with that.
  20. its methamphetimine-induced psychosis.
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