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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. you ridiculous, out of touch old man.
  2. i think its time you let go of 1992
  3. i reckon it all depends on what you are selling and how you price it. I sold a bunch of stereo equipment, household appliances and bike stuff on FB last year, and everything went within 48 hours. Simliar when I had a firesale just before covid to get out of the Philippines. I cleaned up there.
  4. Amusing response given what a dull man you yourself are.
  5. because weed makes people less shy.
  6. thanks, Fred, I desperately needed some clarity on that. As an aside, that's a quality sentence right there, that is
  7. yes fred, you are an expert in everything, specializing in overstating the obvious. mansplain it for me a little more why don'tcha -- I don't think you managed to come off as quite patronizing enough.
  8. 1. No. there is no reasonable exchange boot at the Manila airport 2. If you are coming into Manila at night, it takes 20 mins to get into Makati. 3. Don't know, I lived in BGC and always had access to a condo.
  9. explain it again mate, four more times and i promise ill laugh
  10. I'm including everyone, it was a very obvious bad pun. People were simply more interested in discussing cereal than acknowledging it.
  11. If you have no recent experience with reality, and are so disconnected from the commonplace,why are making so many bull<deleted> pronouncements?
  12. Millions of grown men eat cereal because American advertising has bombarded them since the Kelloggs invented the over-processed abomination in the late 1800s. Cereal, above all other things American, is an example of how you can deceive an entire nation with advertising lies. The whole cereal industry is as bad as tobacco, worse in that it targets children specifically with its ads and over-sugared, nearly toxic products. The introduction of things like cereal and other American processed foods into the Thai diet is one of the reasons so many Thais these days are obese. None of Earth's living cultures embrace a diet of highly processed complex carbohydrates for breakfast or any other meal. People are willing to delude themselves that it is good for them because it is convenient.
  13. one needs to mighty smug to think they are among the few that understood.
  14. It doesn't get any funnier, even if you explain it again and again.
  15. What the hell are you saying? what utter <deleted>. Grocery stores and 7-11s have entire aisles dedicated to chocolate. There are 5 or 6 types of chocolate milk at my local 7 alone.
  16. Enough with the gender politics already.
  17. Collecting kids is an expensive hobby.
  18. I have a few suggestions regarding where you can stick this comment and your god.
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