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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. Say it real loud, maybe it will become true. it would seem you are drunk now.
  2. What does it matter? We are desensitized to graphic content by our excessive media consumption, and everybody already knows that too much booze kills. It will just become a source of comedy, like the cigarette warnings that had men buying the pack that warned against potential harm to a fetus, saying I can't get pregnant so these can't harm me. Nobody gives a <deleted>, and it won't affect sales either way. Either you are inclined to drink or you are not. Stickers don't change minds, education does. Booze is already on the out, current generations drink far less than previous, if at all.
  3. As usual Brian, you have struck deep to the heart of the issue, asking all of the burning questions and homing in with a laser focus on the very crux of the matter. Well done
  4. i think the same thing when alcoholics come to unpleasant ends.
  5. there is no need for it to bite them in the ass and it could be a boon if it keeps baseline pricing and offers discounts for low activity periods. But we all know that ain't gonna happen.
  6. I have known a few people addicted to kratom. most of them assured me its non-addictive
  7. Think you need to check your facts. You are waaaay off. Like no idea. Period. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/foreign-account-tax-compliance-act-fatca.asp#:~:text=The IRS requires Form 8938 for taxpayers living in the,time during the tax year.
  8. I use Wise pretty much weekly to receive and send funds from the US (Im not a US citizen, and have no US bank account)when income on that end reaches a certain level. My most recent transaction was yesterday using the mobile app. I have never had an issue.
  9. I hope she is ruined by this, not for hitting and killing the man (accidents happen), but for leaving him dead at the side of the road. Its not like she clipped him and she can claim she didn't know, she struck him head on and must have sent him flying.
  10. facebook marketplace. Its where I have sold my kit and bought quite a bit of stuff. Vintage Marantz is pretty dear tho.
  11. 33km is not even an hour and change for a decent cyclist. my rides are 50 - 100km 5 days per week. 12k is no stretch if you have the free time. pretty darn easy to call someone a liar from the sofa
  12. and that has sweet fok all to do with my question. I am not talking about how the price is set, I'm talking about how it is displayed
  13. Do they now? i must be spending too much time with literate adults.
  14. Don't forget vegans. if you view the airplane piece as satire its right on the money. Admittedly i stopped after the vegan bit
  15. Given that most stores use electronic/computerized tills, ringing the purchase up is more of an issue than receiving payment. My phone works during most power outages, and unless the internet to the city has gone down, you should still be able to make payment. I have seen plenty of 7-11s refuse cash during a power outage, online banking is not the issue here. recording the purchase is. And how does a quick scan and transfer take longer than using a credit/debt card? Last time I tried to use my card they tried 2 machines and asked if I could scan, but i had forgotten my phone so i had to come back and try again later.
  16. and why not use merit-based hiring policies and see where things level out?
  17. This seems to be the consensus on the island. a lover's spat gone horribly wrong. not sure what weed has to do with it, or how frequently that causes violent death. Id say meth and coke are far bigger problems on the island where drugs are concerned.
  18. I would reckon you have never had a good drunk argument. and monkey house? wtf? are you four?
  19. wow what a crock of <deleted> that could've been condensed into just one paragraph.
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