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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. look at you boldly using the modern lingo and getting it wrong. you go!
  2. id be willing to bet that you didn't come up with that yourself.
  3. Why go to all this trouble? Why not just post a pool asking who here is over 60?
  4. depends on the woman, depends on the tattoo.
  5. yes, nothing like a little red tiger balm on your knob end. Women love that kind of thing, just ask some of our newer members who know everything.
  6. i feed my koala. i also keep a bunch in a vase in the kitchen. I like the smell and it lasts ages. Then there is the yaa dom and tigerbalm like ointment industry and other medicinal applications
  7. buddy stumbled onto that isht and knew he'd found his chance to go viral. life goal met.
  8. If we are being pedantic, soi Nana Nua
  9. Haha, I have posted there in one topic, once. i reckon the important question is how did you find it?
  10. Every move and everyone I have helped move, this I what I have done, at least in town
  11. thank you captain obvious, no one at all denies that, as aprent they are both responsible, or "at fault" if you prefer. Sadly that does not change the fact that this was a tragic incident. As a father (thankfully well past the infant and toddler stage) i felt sick reading this. i can only imagine the family will be carrying this forever. fawk!
  12. Sure. because you know me.
  13. yeah, it seems to happen when I select text and quote using the pop up rather than quoting a whole post, sorry.
  14. tosh, twaddle, drivel, dreck, bunk, and <deleted>. you are talking through a part of your anatomy dedicated to other functions, you are. What is the technical term for weak and strong mind? is there a specific code in the diagnostic catalog? I am exasperated by everyone proudly announcing having some sort of cop-out mental condition these days, but wtf does that even mean?
  15. Why do you want to gatekeep what other people consider a comfortable sleeping temperature? rather a stupid line to draw don't you think? Why should you give a <deleted> what other people like?
  16. yer buggered, it isnt even that hot now
  17. god forbid new brakes would cost less than 100 baht
  18. I'm certain that there are many who couldn't give a <deleted> about the process or the taste.
  19. im sure the alcohol lobby has a few opinions as well.
  20. food is great. good place to buy shsiha supplies too, if you like that kind of thing. it was dire during covid but is steadily rebounding
  21. my sports habit (cycling wakeboarding) alone runs to around 20k between various fees and transport. Don't ask what the equipment cost tho. It was even more before I started cycling 8-10 hours per week, but now I eat like a horse. I'd say somewhere in the 60k region and I am a homebody when I'm not active. my rent is ridiculously low for someone who rents a house in central Bangkok, but I have been here for years. Even as recentas 10 years ago bangkok was waaaay cheaper.
  22. like the view hasn't been a draw in its own right for years.
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