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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. even as recently as 2009, the "scene" was far less mercenary than it is today.
  2. Celibacy is not for me, but pooching around the bar scene waving thousand baht notes for a drunken tumble with someone I consider "product" is not the way forward. the amount of alcohol I would need to consume to make that seem like a good idea would leave me crippled for days. hardly worth it.
  3. if only your strident occupation of the moral high ground were limited solely to Trump
  4. Why assume I'm like you? After 30 years in Thailand and a fair few more years before I hit 60, I can assure you I am not nor will I be in the market for "product" in any hurry. I had my fun under much more enjoyable circumstances and moved on, Ta.
  5. The nightlife scene is fine and in any cases more vibrant than ever. Sex tourism, the P4P and gogo and beer bar scene have seen better days. Increasingly the only custom they receive is folks like the op, 60 years old and clinging to a dream of bygone days. Count the folks sub-30 in any beer or gogo bar these days. There are very few places you can go that do lady drinks where you won't get hosed, racking up bills of thousands in the feeding frenzy buying non-alcoholic lady drinks while drinking 3 or 4 beers at a seemingly reasonable 100-150 baht a pop. It really is a mug's game, the whole scene was dying pre-COVID, post-COVID the bars and the women gave up all pretense
  6. See, there it is again, this assumption that you are the standard and anyone who disagrees with you (which on this topic I actually don't) is somehow lacking. This is not about common decency, I believe Trump is an amoral heel. My comments are specifically directed at the way you choose to crow your own superiority. I believe that one can achieve what you call "common decency" without being either self-righteous or patronizing.
  7. Schadenfreude is not the word I was looking for. I was thinking more along the lines of selbstgefällig. edit to add, your post here is about as clear an example of virtue signaling as there could possibly be, and i actually agree with the idea that Trump needs to be held accountable for many, many transgressions.
  8. While I agree anything that puts the brakes on trump-related madness is a good thing, I suspect you would enjoy absolutely anything you can season with virtue signalling and smugness.
  9. I have know so many dodgy fookers named Damien over the years. Its almost funny.
  10. What makes you think they are lying to immigration? You have already suggested they are legally taxed on the bulk of the income. Dual contracts are very commonplace in the expat community. What do you imagine the heinous crime here is? Then of course there is the fact that immigration has absolutely nothing to do with taxation.
  11. I missed that part. The only reason I can think of is to keep funds offshore. NGO folks tend to repatriate or change countries often keeping money in their country of origin saves issues of moving funds out of Thailand when they move on in a couple of years.
  12. Is it a lie or is it omission? tax liability. think about it. if you are taxed only on income in Thailand or income you bring into Thailand, limiting that exposure makes a certain amount of sense. I have know of many expats that have dual salary agreements, say paid to hong kong and a smaller portion paid in Thailand to cover living expenses.
  13. do you make stuff like this up just so you have something to say? Bail is a privilege people pay for. This has nothing to do with murder or fraud -- it's not the type crime that would justify her bail, it is whether or not she can afford the cost of the bond.
  14. they have a little more than that to answer for.
  15. deleted, double post
  16. its hardly rocket surgery -- the issue is not the server location, it is your location. the server is likely blocked for Thailand access. if the VPN works, then that is your way forward.
  17. that used to be my username, in another life of course
  18. reading is hard, but you will get there with practice. maybe tomorrow we can show you how to follow links!
  19. She was found covered in body paint with dilated pupils and her knickers inside out roaming haadrin beach the morning after the full moon.
  20. Adult diaper change went wrong i and he was crushed by a Toyota, I suspect. Either that or he tried to post something over 3 words long that contained no emojis, and it was too much for him
  21. Yes was that one of the folks I was wondering about, I was also curious that at the same time the screaming chicken and big n bob shuffled off, the Blether made a brief return. It made me recall more amusing days in the forum's past, most notably the mental abuse of jingthing that killed the downvote, golden days indeed. As for you, you blithering halfwit, have a nice day -- dodder on.
  22. It just occurred to me that the forum has been a bit slow of late (even more than usual) and that some of our more prolific (and long-standing) members have been uncharacteristically quiet. Scanning through a few threads I also saw that a few long absent posters (one in particular) had made a brief reappearance and then they all seem to have gone silent on the same day. so what happened? do tell!
  23. you do say the silliest thigs, don't you. At least here you are just being ridiculous rather than downright creepy.
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