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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. douchey indeed.
  2. sure ya do,
  3. It is not "some Thai reason" it is common sense. They don't do it because nobody would ever pay the cover and even if they did they don't want to limit the amount of money a drunk can spend.
  4. I was going to say something snarky, but this does increasingly seem to be the way it works
  5. do tell.
  6. Says the man lacking the foresight to click a link and read the whole story.
  7. What do you know about Thai prison or prison in general, Digger me old son? My guess is sweet fok all.
  8. more than the scores of others caught you mean?
  9. groundbreaking in its time, but just won't die. Very popular amongst folk who believe Private Dancer is an instructional tome, It would seem.
  10. its always a Roland
  11. talk about mixed messaging.
  12. <deleted>, it has nothing to do with smartphones, boiler rooms have been cold-calling people out of the blue and getting them to go down to the bank and transfer huge sums via wire transfer for decades. As for complexity, the premise always breaks down to one simple leap of faith, greed that makes people overlook the scam that is obvious to everyone else. After decades of hosting the foreign fraudsters that plied the Western world with their scams from Thailand, thais are no longer protected by the agreements that used to ensure the boiler rooms didn't scam people inside the country and they are 10 years behind the learning curve, kind of like Australians and Europeans in the 2000s https://pantip.com/topic/42437394 What is interesting is that on panthip.com many are saying that they sound like they are using google translate in their line groups, so likely not 100 percent local in their operations
  13. Now there is some nostalgia. I haven't set foot in Thermae in 15-20 years, likely more. What great fun it was, then not. When Thaksin and Purachi began their anti-drug anti-nightlife campaign the fun just sort of ran out. Can't even begin to remember the number of times I decided to forgo bringing a date home in favour of a bag o' Thermeae chicken. Pretty frequently ended up with a UK, Aus or Canadian English teacher as she was out with the lads from school. Thermae is a fine example of a time I recall as simply more fun. lower Sukhumvit between 99-2010 was a serious blast, it is a very different place now, I wouldn't recognize it if I hadn't lived through the changes. I realize the fact I was in my early 30's contributed to the fun, but everything was far less mercenary. Bars would ply us with free booze just to keep us around, and there were no shortage of places to go where you were welcome and didn't get ripped off.
  14. Great story, both generosity and compassion. You must admire your "friend" very much.
  15. Makes perfect sense, but only if they use them to put out every active fire in the region
  16. if guilty, there is nothing to suggest Buddy was in his right mind. jimmy saville furtled patients in public hospitals. right mind? i think not. its a crime of opportunism.
  17. they are not.
  18. Maximising opportunity, hiding in plain sight he would have encountered far more scrutiny if he was shepherding children off campus, and he would have lost the trappings of trust and authority by changing venues. I reckon he would be stupid to try it on somewhere else.
  19. Ah, Asean Now, gathering place for like-minded men of culture
  20. I worked in a Thai university in the late 90's and was accused by a single female evening student (24) of sleeping with and dumping her after she followed me home after class one night. Luckily the admin (Dean of Humanities) knew the girl as an ex-student and she had a history of similar actions and accusations so it ended there. I moved into the private sector within a year.
  21. I don't know anyone who lives here who wears a Chang vest beyond the odd tourist passing through
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