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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. i personally could not care less what you do. i know what kind of person you are now.
  2. i think you are overlooking how a bong works. you do not need to pack the chamber to capacity with smoke to use a bong. every quality bong has a carb, either it is a hole on the cylider body or a bowl you can lift. Simply pull the smoke through the water and when you figure you have enough lift the carb and pull the smoke out unrestricted. You also dont need to empty the chamber in one hit. smoke what you want, exhale and then take another "sip". i have been using bongs for years, and you dont need to kill yourself.
  3. on 5, the africans across the street come in for the AC
  4. I never did gogo bars unless a visitor requested it. In fact i have never taken a girl out of a gogo bar, but i have met plenty after hours in civilan clothes. that i find much more appealing. I spent my time at bed, qbar, mystique or down on the islands. At least once a month, however, someone approaches me as i am out and about who remebers me from the "old days" Wheter it was someone from Thermae, the after hours scene at the Grace, usptairs at soi 1 or sin on Nana, soho on 11 or even Soi Zero or the plastic chairs. it all blends together. oddly, its never the ones i sometimes wonder about.
  5. haha, they werent exactly familiar, but you can certainly tell who they are!
  6. but at what cost? i stopped in a few months back out of a nostalgic curiousity and nearly hung myself it was such a horror show. The smell of cat piss hardly appeals either
  7. insurance doesnt generally pay out on undocumneted items like cash in a safe.
  8. there is a lot missing, like new wave bar, the passageway that cut through to 11, and the seafood market on 7. it was possible once upon a time to sit in a beer bar and while away some time without being eithe harraseed or ignored. now with the newer bars on 11 and 7, it is cheaper to get smashed on sangria at tonys, hemmingway or oskar and have a decent meal than it is to have a few heinekens on the street with someone begging for a 200 baht round for every 100 baht beer you drink, Post covid (even late lockdown) i ventured out to a bar i knew before shutdown. Between women activlely begging for rounds and a few slipping drinks in when i ordered another round, I nearly fell off my stool when i found out that each beer was costing 4-600 baht extra in coloured water. Any one of the "expensive" expat bars on 11 is cheaper and you dont need to watch the bill like a hawk.
  9. sure, it can also be as high as 20 percent more expensive. The price of meat and fresh vegetables especially, There is a brand of smoked salmon that is almost half the cost at foodland. Deli selection is cheaper as well though the deli section is a shadow of its former self I live 150 metres from Villa on soi 11, but it is just no viable to do all my shopping there. I can drop 5k and come home with nothing. I shop at foodland on 5, buy everything i can then top up at Villa on stuff i couldnt find. Things like fresh herbs, frozen avocado etc Someone above commented that foodland has a limited selection of goods. In my experience Villa has an equally large number of disappearing items and a dwindling selection goods. For example canned tomatoes, tomato purees and sauces. Villa used to have many trypes now it is just a few. same for olives. As for took lae dee, it is a dinosuar that has gone the way of the old school sex tourist. Like the beer garden on soi 7, it has had its day.
  10. ah, gatekeeping. why would you feel the need to make a remark like this? And who are you to set the conditions? and it You're. As in you are. Not "your"
  11. no, but im pretty sure you are.
  12. i would say that, in the case of Cambodia Thais might disagree.
  13. i dont recall that the was looking for a job in the mines. If he were he could quit for a month and he would be golden.
  14. i moved to thailand at 25
  15. if he is not that mature why the fok are you sending him to pattaya? are you daft?
  16. unfortunaltely? why is the healthier choice prefaced with unfortunately?
  17. Thailand would manage just fine. We are a drop in the bucket.
  18. What s your point, besides demonstrating cut and paste skills?
  19. Well then you have made some piss poor decisions, haven't you. Not sure who I pity more, you for willingly putting themselves in your situation or the guy who gave your post a like.
  20. Clientele? People are paying to be here?
  21. came here to post this and say the same. Dude wouldnt let it go, pushed everyone to the limit. I thought everyone was songkran drunk, but it doesnt appear that is the case
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