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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. this means they sold drugs.
  2. every cndo i have ever seen has a netork closet and cabling to the indiviual flats. have you actually asked about a pvate connection?
  3. until netfix balcklist the ip. it is a constant game of whack a mole.
  4. My bad, I must have been baked! i was under the imoressin this was a poublic forum. Not sure how i managed to stumble upon one of your private conversations.
  5. How does that answered my question? Why would anybody pay for shared wifi that is limited to a single connection? As for true money, what does that have to do with anything?
  6. Presumably the delivery person or even Google translate can.
  7. Why wouldn't you just pay for your own internet and Netflix? <deleted>.
  8. This is unbelvable. the bank should be held liable
  9. OP, perhaps it is the stress the upcoming surgery, but you are riduculously overcomplicationg this, TALK TO THE HOSPITAL
  10. Plenty going on there that we will never know.
  11. all that meth and the driver falls asleep, aint that a hoot.
  12. once again i ask why does it matter if they have the cash in hand? I woud suggest the only person who can clear this up works for the hospital. There is a very high likelihood that the policy was written before wise was an option. Also you can use Wise to send a SWIFT transfer. I just confirmed that i the wise app. it will cost you an extra 3.52 USD
  13. odd i tried it twice, but yes, now it works. Thanks. its all the more interesting because I met Thayer back in the day and remain friends with a few of the folks metioned as regards the video recording of the Pol Pot interview..
  14. i think you are overcomplicating things. The MT 103 advice is simply a tranasfer receipt they can refer to while they wit for the money to land. Using Wise, there will be no wait (at least mot of time, depending on the total. As others have suggested you can also transfer to your local account and then make an immediate transfer to the hospital that way. if, though i highly doubt this is the case, the transfer must be a swift transfer, with most currnecues you have that option as well using wise. it just adds extra fees and delays into the mix,
  15. read more link is dead https://www.voacambodia.com/a/7068904.html
  16. actually, they only eat straw.
  17. Sure the whole red shirt yellow shirt debacle wasnt at all polar.
  18. Yes time flies. I loved it it was a total freak show with horrid lighting
  19. here is something that says alot about me. I would, generally speaking, return the cash. That said, if a drunk tried me on by telling me they didn't have the money to pay for the ride and left a wallet behind with 23k in it. they could kiss the cash goodbye.
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