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In Full Agreement

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Everything posted by In Full Agreement

  1. I don't see a single finger pointing. What's going on?
  2. Rest easy. The Russkies will never actually "ketch up".
  3. Did you model this post after yourself, Susan?
  4. Does the TVF site even have adequate band width to handle that?
  5. Not necessarily. You just have a very limited budget.
  6. Where's that again? Clearly you have traveled extensively.
  7. MICK, Do you think you'll ever reach a reasonable level of maturity? It's looking doubtful.
  8. Go ahead, MICK. Post your image here and prove to all of us what a handsome man you really are. No John Candy you..
  9. As a part of my inpatient care at BPH I was seen regularly by a female infectious disease doctor who was monitoring a possible e coli condition. That was just over 2 months ago.
  10. Maybe he doesn't feel the entire forum needs to know about his health concerns.
  11. Please, Don't get him started...
  12. Cremation and ashes spread in Thailand would remove that burden.
  13. You posted that bars are expensive. "Most bars are boring and expensive"
  14. Are you on a very tight budget?
  15. "What should she get me?" If you treat her nicely, maybe she'll pick up a wakizashi. for you..
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