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In Full Agreement

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Everything posted by In Full Agreement

  1. While it was three or four years ago that Magna Carta prepared my will, they only charged 5,000 Baht and gave me two or three copies in both Thai and English. I even went back some months after it was completed to have a concern addressed and they did charge me for the consultation time of 20 - 2 5 minutes with two of their lawyers. Your mileage naturally may vary.
  2. What would the actual bike photo have accomplished?
  3. Now you may be complicating the matter for the lad.
  4. thanks for all the replies. I was able to buy the above at Fascino which is ,I suppose, the largest pharmacy in Pattaya.
  5. Are they skilled appraisers?
  6. I've been to two pharmacies to try to buy this product. Both told me I'd have to go to a hospital to get it. OrgLab_June18a-web.pdf
  7. In some countries a prescription may be written that allows for a certain number of refills so the patient doesn't need to visit the doctor to get a new prescription. What the situation in Thailand?
  8. Totally irrelevant as usual.
  9. Your idea of a brothel certainly differs from mine.
  10. I'd take the swamp any day over the likes of Tump.
  11. Whatever you want to say...
  12. I don't think you could do better than Nam's taxi service and Yuri, the third from the left in the front row is unsurpassed in terms of customer service. https://www.namstaxiladydrivers.com/
  13. How did he notice the difference in smell?
  14. Agreed, and while that's true there's also the matte of genetics.
  15. Old age bring loads of new ailments on a regular basis.
  16. I'd say there's about 6 - 8 posters who fall into the same category as the one you're describing.
  17. You are 100% mistaken about that Right. No ifs ands or buts.
  18. I don't have a dog in this fight but last time I checked there's no law about being out at 4:30 AM.
  19. Nope. The trial is about the fraud Trump committed when he falsely reported the payment to Daniels on his business records.
  20. I once read that farmers could predict he weather as well as forecasters by observing how the cows held their tails in the pasture,
  21. I love this ignorant thief.
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