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In Full Agreement

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Everything posted by In Full Agreement

  1. Dave did you used to go to the quiz night?
  2. Took until page 5 for the first "if you don't like it go back to your home country" This time however we get to enjoy the added <deleted>hole comment.
  3. Better check the cost of stying in a camp ground before you allow your fantasy to get you carried away.
  4. What business or concern is it to you where these people live? "Its obvious you are one of them, like a fish out of water" Thanks for taking a potshot at me when you definitely know nothing about me.
  5. I'd wager there are some members of this forum who'd like him drawn and quartered for such a heinous offense. Many of this lot have little understanding or sympathy for others.
  6. You completely missed the point but that's OK. Never mind.
  7. Why don't you throw in a mugging just to be complete?
  8. Quite the in depth reply Jonny. THANKS.
  9. That is a nonsense attitude. You're basically saying someone who likes Bangkok, Phuket Chaing Mai or similar should "go back to your home country". That's nuts.
  10. The problem is, if you're far enough into the country, there may not be any place nearby to escape to.
  11. I'm hoping there'll be strict adherence to the mic time limit by shutting off the mic when the speakers time is up. That alone will encourage me to watch the debate.
  12. And cut into the profitability of the Asean Now forum
  13. Wasn't it already difficult enough for some foreigners to open a Thai bank account?
  14. Wow, all the way to the third page of posts until we get the "if you don't like it go back to your home country. A bit over the top I'd say.
  15. Now it sounds like you're the one being petty, Joe.
  16. Perhaps the forum can start a sub forum dedicated solely to those, like you, who feel compelled to indulge in America / Americans bashing.
  17. Maybe the police are waiting for the highest offer.
  18. The police require extra payment to do their job.
  19. The justice system should be used against anyone who violates the law.
  20. Yes that's Ok. The jury found the witnesses credible.
  21. A possible answer to that situation is seizing the bike and legally crushing and recycling it.
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