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In Full Agreement

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Everything posted by In Full Agreement

  1. I understand your feelings about the average taxi driver driving unsafely but there is a solution. https://www.namstaxipattaya.com/ Nam's taxi service consists of 20 - 25 ladies and you cannot go wrong using their service. I personally would suggest requesting Yuri as your driver. She has a very new Toyota Camry she uses and it is pure luxury. Yuri, who has driven me on a number of occasions, acts more like a personal assistant than a taxi driver. Driver (Yuri) always shows up early and I always got to my destination on time. She speaks excellent English. Yuri is the lady in the front row, third from the left. She's a genuine sweetheart. Make your reservation by email and it will be confirmed quickly by email.
  2. You'd be best off to just forget the incident and loss of your 5,000 Baht. Just use it as a learning tool and move on. Assuming that wasn't all the money you had, head to the nearest pub and order a pint or two to forget your worries.
  3. We've all made mistakes at one time or other in our lives. Just maybe she actually was sleepy. I know there have been times in the past where due to being sleepy I probably shouldn't have been driving. Anyone her faultless?
  4. I wish you had put your money where your mouth is and made that bet with me because the card is sitting in its DHL envelop on my desk in front of me. YOu better try again with other nonsense.
  5. That's why I found the whole matter puzzling. I've never heard of a card being kept after only one attempt for whatever reason. I wonder if it means any tourist who forgets to provide a bank travel notice will risk losing the card on his first ATM attempt.
  6. I needed to get some cash before doing my shopping at Villa the other day. I used a debit card I have't used in about a year but from past experience my travel alerts have remained in effect for long periods. Anyway after inserting the card in the slot, I typed in the passcode. All was going fine until I was asked to make a language selection which I did and then a message "flashed" on the screen and said my card was being detained and I should call the issuing bank. I then called the help line number shown on the ATM and was told by the service rep. that the card was no longer available because the issuing bank did something to invalidate the card. When I got home I called the bank/brokerage in America and was informed that there is no information available on their end other than based on my claim they'd consider the card lost and would reissue a new card. The USA rep said anything that happens to the card is a result of the banking system in Thailand. Pretty then much all went fine and the card will arrive within 48 hours. My question is about the number of times I typed in the passcode. I only did it one time and I'm pretty certain I used the correct number. I agree the travel notice was probably out of date but I wonder if ATM's in Thailand retain cards used that don't have a proper travel notice in effect. Is the three times attempt rule history?
  7. Someone should open a break shop on Patong Hill.
  8. Couldn't agree more. The post is not an endorsement of anything but the looks of his lawyer.
  9. Gotta hand it to #45. He does manage to pick some good looking babes as his lawyer. Alina Habba has the classic looks of his wife. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvWg2Taof1Q&ab_channel=CNN
  10. And roads that were never planned to handle the amount of traffic seen today.
  11. This story has all the markings of a fee dispute
  12. For the temples and food of course.
  13. Your talking out some offices of your body That's one of the funniest spelling mistakes I recall ever reading.
  14. A lot of falangs drive just as poorly as the Thais.
  15. Sorry, I guess you just don't realize you aren't funny at all. even if you think it's British hum (our).
  16. If an accident doesn't kill the lad, the hear from this gear surely will.
  17. Have you reached the age of 13 yet? Once you do perhaps some mental maturity will begin for you.
  18. Most recent college graduates worldwide would fail this test, for sure
  19. That sounds like the beginning onset of industrial disease.
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