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In Full Agreement

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Everything posted by In Full Agreement

  1. Hell, even the law makers who write the tax laws don't understand them. ????‍????
  2. "Police say they will retrieve all guns stolen from Pak Kret station next week" I recommend they retrieve them a week following next Friday or maybe the day after that.
  3. You must have an eXcessive amount of money to call the land here DIRT CHEAP.
  4. Perhaps to cloud the memory?
  5. Alcohol?
  6. The attack almost looks as bad as the unprovoked attack on two Brit couples some years ago in Hua Hin.
  7. First off, thank goodness. https://www.statista.com/chart/22057/countries-most-active-trans-atlantic-slave-trade/ "British ships also carried upwards of 3 million Africans forcefully removed from the continent, mostly to the Caribbean, the United States and the Guyanas. French ships carried 1.3 million enslaved Africans." "I left the UK because the police were after me!" Did you properly notify the authorities of your criminal past prior to taking on a teaching position in Thailand?
  8. So what you're really saying is you left the UK because of noise?
  9. Charity in Thailand happens within the family structure.
  10. Some people just feel a need to point it out and make an issue of others complaining.
  11. Why would you suppose the Embassy did, in fact, send full compliment of staff to Pattaya and elsewhere in Thailand for so many years? The last time they were in Pattaya I mentioned to the lady helping me it would probably be her last trip to Pattaya on behalf of the Embassy. When she asked why, I just said there's virtually no security. The program ended shortly after that.
  12. Does succumb mean to join in with the LB's activities?
  13. That's virtually impossible to do in Thailand.
  14. Yes, indeed. There was nothing nothing wrong with the Apple devices. it was totally a user error which was that I had set the podcast app to download across all devices ech time I listened to a podcast. 130 GB is a lot of podcasts I suspect the same mistake could be made on a Windows machine just as easily.
  15. I started looking around for a cause and learned I have over 50 GB of Podcasts stored. I couldn't find exactly how to get delete them so I called Apple. Turned out I had inadvertently set podcasts to synk cross all devices so each time I listened to one, it was downloading it and saving it over the years. On one podcast I had over 863 saved episodes. As it turned out, I actually had a total of just over 130 GB of stored podcasts which was too mutt. I don't expect this old Air to last forever but it has been a reliable workhorse. I have a new pro but I find I keep gravitating back to his old machine. Maybe you should check your storage data as well if you device is slow or getting that way.
  16. Yeah that seems to be a pretty common complaint abut Apple. Have you ever tried bootcamp or whatever that division of the Mac is called where half of it becomes a window machine? For the OP all I can say is I've heard of many Window's users switching to Apple happily and swearing by it but I've never heard of an Apple user switching to a Window machine and loving it. To each his own. I personally have zero interest in others migrating to Apple. If too many become Window's users become Apple users, I suspect the malware creators will begin to target Apple Devices.
  17. Aren't we saying the same thing?
  18. You expect them to soil their own place? ????
  19. While I find the lack of a house number silly and possible damaging, I nevertheless think it' a homeowner's right not to have one.
  20. I wonder how many of these esteemed individuals can cast the first stone with a clear conscience?
  21. You won't always find Western logic in the activities of Thai Police.
  22. Compared to yesterday the USD suffered a decline against the Baht.
  23. Thanks for the reply but please tell me exactly where I said I wanted to change peoples behavior? You must have read a different post. I commented on the activity. NO Sir, there's already a corrective policy in place to prevent sneezes from spreading diseases. It's called a mask.
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