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Everything posted by yeahbutif

  1. Why can't you do it early..like now. They maybe let you are get an agent to do it.. better and cheaper then losing the visa and starting again..
  2. The way I see this is only a money problem.. go to agent and get them to renew your visa extension before it runs you should not have to do a whole new visa again. As you are have a current one running.. the cost in pattaya for this is around 12,500b to 15,000b
  3. This is like the chicken and the egg what comes first? You need this to get that..and you need that to get this...I had this problem. But a long while ago. Think an agent got around it... Once you got it it's Okay as long as you keep some money in it..
  4. Think the saying goes stick and stones can hurt my body but words can never hurt me.. just more words no action....
  5. This system seems like a good Idea.. except when people get a fine .they not tax the car or bike.. no tax means no insurance. And when they sell the car or bike the new owners tries to do the right then and taxes it and he has to pay the fines and back taxes... So the person trying to do the right way gets penelizied..... So really its making the roads more unsafe with none tested cars and bikes on the road.
  6. It should be done on line easy. But we all know you have to keep up with the changes. The immigration web worked fine for me for years then they changed god knows why. And luckily I found another site and now so far it works but only on my laptop. It would work on a my phone by app.. seems you just have to keep up with them somehow.. tit
  7. It seems the problem is money. .and the chicken and egg saying what comes first.. the girls seem to be concerned that they won't get paid if the man wants them to stay long time like a girlfriend. And the men won't part with there money before hand as they think girl runs off . Short time easy either money up front of just after less risk of losing days money..
  8. What about the compulsory insurance... Thats a police mater surly..... And how do people get compulsory insurance? Via so call6 test.. so if car or bike not got a plates lights don't work. How do they get insurance? They don't so look out. You have to pay for there fault...
  9. All the answers to the subject are very true... But the the big question is WHY? The traffic dangers could easily be trimmed if the so called police did the job.. only thing I can't seem to understand is WHY.this won't happen.... It's so easy a blind man can see the fix,s.. but the powers to be can't or won't.... Again WHY? No number plate means an eligal driver so easy to deal with stop and fine . No front or rear lights. Stop and fine. Rusted heap car or bike scrap it.... People keep saying no money thats why they don't stop and fine them.. but easy just confirskate the bike or car and sell it .. but this is Thailand.so we have to except that nothing will change as people don't have any consideration for each other.. it's all me me me. And other just follow suit. Example he going the wrong way on a road so he can do I can too.. and not one to tell me it's dangerous.. especially at night.. rant over it's a new year New rules. But what is a rule without inforcement?
  10. Simple way to cut accidents just get the people off the road who should not be on it the first place. That should cut the traffic by 50 % .
  11. I would say it pretty obvious who has insurance and who does not.. it seems so simple for the police to stamp this out .. but they won't... So all we can do is make sure we are covered.
  12. Think you even need a new one to go to the toilet. Well thats what it seems like...
  13. Could it be she had a one year lease? And times up? End of contract? If she wanted to stay maybe she should have asked.
  14. Just take a reading of the meter then use electric as normal check reading next day.. average is 4 to 5 bhat per unit used... in fact in house house the bhat rate per unit has gone down by half a baht per unit must be government subsidised.
  15. Yes it's to do with money.where the money come from .you have no claim on the house. In another note I was going to buy a house with girlfriend we found house.went to office to exchange chonote.. could not do as her husband had to sign papers.... At that point I not knew she was married..
  16. Al I can say is .I had account with my bank account linked to it. So didn't make a new one just updated the old one with a Thai my COVID id number. On the covid cirtificate it has id. When I had covid injections to reg on Thai chana it had to be a thai I'd number. So I went to control in Pattaya covid office at the time and they gave me that number .that issuem is just a number linked to my passport.
  17. Not sure this works for true wallet.. but I just got Thai PayPal.by using a Thai ID. Number. The number I used was the number they gave me for covid cirtificate. Worth a try.
  18. Think one of the main questions is to do with pensions. As it says only tax on money that came into Thailand in that rac year from jan 2024... So if a person has there retirement pensions paid from pension a company or government straight into a Thai bank would this be come taxable?
  19. Not sure what visa you have to be on to open an account. I have retirment visa .I did mine my self in bangkok bank last year and told them I don't want insurance. They said okay just they try to sell it to you.. think you have to sign something to say not want..
  20. If you Try googling this you will get different answers. But there seems nothing is clear like most thinks on government sites. UK no different.. I was told but not in writing if you have a 2 year visa it says you can stay up to 6 months in any visit .not seen any where written where is says 6 months ina calender year.. so in theory I think you could stay in the UK for say 180 days come back to Thailand and go again. And stay another 180days. But it also seems the immigration on arrival can refuse this as it down to them.. this seems wrong as a 2 year or 5 year visa are way more expensive in prorate scale.. why I don't know..
  21. As someone has said already .. but my account I opened in Pattaya in kasikorn bank not problem transferred money from UK for visa... How ever when I came to get bank letter and had to up date bank book.i had to put money in the account to do this I gave her 1000 bhat she said it has to be in UK pounds. So lucky there was a currency exchange in the bank.. but had to do it my self.. and note had to do 3 times as she said the UK note they gave was not clean enough. What a joke as there bank just gave it to me...
  22. Is bribing against the law as well as recieving a brib? Trouble is most Thais I meet don't seem to care about any sort of politics.. so I can see why they except a brib to vote.. money talks ..
  23. I think most rules are in place for road safety. But implementing them is the big problem. As the I heard the policeman are told what to do on a daily time basic. And if not told to do they won't do..it don't seem like UK where we say a policeman is never off duty....so law dont care so the people don't care.
  24. Wow is that just the DLT ? Or immigration and banks selling a car ect..
  25. I thought if he was returning to the adress he was before the border run .I thought you dint have to do another tm30.maybe he not done one before.........
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