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Everything posted by herfiehandbag

  1. Seems rather, at the moment, to be trying to persuade a somewhat disinterested and sceptical British Electorate that somehow Mr Trump will be good for Britain!
  2. Is it just me, or has he lost some 60 kilos and 40 years in this illustration?
  3. A convincing argument!
  4. You missed out a couple of other "interested parties", in particular the health"insurance" and pharmaceutical industries. Together they will expect and receive the demise of any real attempt to provide a "non profit" health system.
  5. Quite an excellent idea, I could spend many happy hours thinking up ever more inventive ways to lambast, lampoon and generally take the piss out of him!
  6. He will simply "roll it in glitter" and then claim it is all due to his inspired leadership.
  7. There is something to be said for occasionally thinking outside the box! However Mr Trump's thought processes seem to be being conducted in the howling voids of outer space! Actually, on further consideration, perhaps this is where Elon Musk comes into the game - he does, after all, have access to the technology to recover errant things from outer space!
  8. The comments were made when he was not in the government, nor foreign secretary. Even buffoons are allowed to speak their mind. If there is any blame to be attached to the Orange Jesus feeling offended, then perhaps it should go to the fellow who, knowing his incautious gob, gave him the job in the first place!
  9. Lammy is a buffoon. Trump is a narcissistic imbecile. There is frankly nothing to choose between them in any regard. As for the UK apologising to Trump to preserve the "special relationship", there is no point. He will take a dump on any alliance or relationship when it suits him.
  10. Perhaps she could fund your sex change before you move to Malaysia? Just a thought!
  11. Coherent, concise and so clearly expressed. I think we can be in no doubt where this fellow stands.
  12. By no stretch of the imagination is it a landslide!
  13. Envy doesn't come cheap! Still, worth it to stiff some bloody Tories ...
  14. So the state education sector will have to find another 100 places for the pupils displaced by the closure of this school. They will also have to fund those places - I know the parents have already been paying through their taxes for an education which they have not, until now, been taking up. Well thought through!
  15. Oh absolutely - he is a legend in his own lunchtime!
  16. In the words of a (fellow?) Scouser: "Eh, eh, eh, calm down, calm down!" Your posts are beginning to sound more and more like Julius Streicher's editorials!
  17. Sorry about the multiple copies - I am not sure what happened there!
  18. I watched an interesting "dissection" of the concept of mass deportation of illegals last night. Granted it was on MSNBC, and it was presented by Lawrence O'Donnell, so it was the work of the antichrist (the horns and forked tail were well disguised though. Some interesting statistics though: 11 million estimated for deportation, some 800,000 "law enforcement officers" of every shape size and agency in the USA. 13 illegals to be tracked down per policeman! Estimated cost $300 billion, annual budget of the entire department of justice 50 billion! So call out the National Guard ( take them away from their civilian occupations - a huge economic cost) but you would have to pay them. Nothing on this scale has ever been attempted before, anywhere. Even Germany ( leaving aside any political commentary) only managed to round up and expel 6 million, and that took them the best part of a decade, and consumed massive resources. Even if you assume that only 1% of cases involve some sort of miscarriage of justice that is still over 110,000 cases! Wouldn't half get in the way of the golf! Sorry about the multiple copies - I am not sure what happened there!
  19. On the one hand, the allegation is that they have committed a criminal act by entering the USA illegally, on the other hand we reduced the burden of proof needed. An interesting and thought provoking approach to justice!
  20. If you are going to totally misunderstand my point, and try to turn it it into an insult, you might at least spell it correctly!
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