I watched an interesting "dissection" of the concept of mass deportation of illegals last night.
Granted it was on MSNBC, and it was presented by Lawrence O'Donnell, so it was the work of the antichrist (the horns and forked tail were well disguised though. Some interesting statistics though: 11 million estimated for deportation, some 800,000 "law enforcement officers" of every shape size and agency in the USA. 13 illegals to be tracked down per policeman! Estimated cost $300 billion, annual budget of the entire department of justice 50 billion!
So call out the National Guard ( take them away from their civilian occupations - a huge economic cost) but you would have to pay them.
Nothing on this scale has ever been attempted before, anywhere. Even Germany ( leaving aside any political commentary) only managed to round up and expel 6 million, and that took them the best part of a decade, and consumed massive resources.
Even if you assume that only 1% of cases involve some sort of miscarriage of justice that is still over 110,000 cases!
Wouldn't half get in the way of the golf!
Sorry about the multiple copies - I am not sure what happened there!