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Everything posted by herfiehandbag

  1. You would have to appoint large numbers of judges very quickly, and find lots of lawyers to staff the courts. A judge will have to weigh the evidence - proving the evidence submitted by the claimants would be difficult, yet it is no secret that gangsterism and intimidation is rife in the countries they are fleeing. Summary justice dispensed "from the saddle", followed by immediate punishment without appeal or mercy makes for good cowboy drama, not such good modern government.
  2. Since the golden age of MAGA isn't ushered in for just over two months ( to be portended no doubt by the bigliest crowd ever seen in Washington but that is another matter) this "stellar pick" is rather on hold.
  3. I wonder what will happen to all the unpaid bills for security and so forth raised by those cities /counties who provided venues for his campaign rallies? Will they just get "stiffed", as so many have been before, or will the taxpayer pick up the tab?
  4. He will probably try, and then demonize any individual or organisation which takes up their case. It will end up going nowhere.
  5. "Uncle Herman" certainly knew about things that made you fat!
  6. Now hears a radically perhaps dangerous idea. Why not busts of both Winston Churchill and Martin Luther King? Both were great orators, great leaders and did great things for their countries. Their shades would probably appreciate them being together! Together they could take the piss out of Trump - worth listening to! Incidentally, don't take too much notice of Rory Stewart - he talks vapid <deleted> much of the time!
  7. He does, perhaps, resemble the chap you fervently hope doesn't come and sit next to you on a bus!
  8. Umh, it is not the Catholic Church, it is the Church of England. They broke from the Catholic Church some 480 years ago. You can tell the difference, they are the ones with the better frocks, and who are not so certain that they believe in God anymore!
  9. We'll have to wait and see - perhaps until the 6 January "political prisoners" are pardoned and released - that might embolden (and reinforce) certain groups...
  10. An impressive piece of forensic psychoanalysis! Tell me, as a sideline, have you considered selling snake oil? I believe that it is very lucrative once you have identified a suitably gullible audience!
  11. Do you seriously believe that a small, niche, expatriate discussion forum, with at most what, 500 active posters on political matters (and that's a very generous estimate) has paid posters?
  12. Guns and butter eh? Now who said that?
  13. Yet another suggestion of "faux" mental illness. There have been many umh, "unsavoury" aspects to the posting on this thread, perpetrated by both sides; but the worst, in my opinion, has been the deliberate and sustained attempts to portray other members, with whom one disagreed, as suffering from mental disabilities, mental diseases and a variety of invented fictional "syndromes". I will go out on a limb here, perhaps risking the wrath of the powers that be, but may I suggest that the moderating team put a stop to It. It has little if any bearing on political discussion, but is simply thinly disguised personal abuse. Back in the day I only once got "the cane" at school. It was for refering to a disabled boy as a "spaz". My father compounded the punishment by "grounding me" for a month. It was richly deserved.
  14. Surely, you are not implying that this paragon of virtue is implicated in anything remotely dodgy? Shame on you!
  15. It is inevitable that Trump will take the USA out of NATO. There are perhaps three "takeaways" to this. 1) The USA will be left with a large fleet, including a powerful aircraft carrier force, together with a large air force. However it will lose all it's forward basing naval facilities and airbases, particularly in the Western Atlantic and Mediterranean, which will severely constrain it. 2) Europe will have to stand on its "own two feet", but will no longer be duty bound to take any part in American "out of theatre" campaigns. 3) NATO will revert to, and solely focus on, defending Europe.
  16. They probably realise that there is little point, since the "political soapbox" is dominated by what can only be described as crowing, and if you do post you are met by allegations of mental instability. Actually I thought that steps were being taken to put a stop to that, but it rather seems to be left untouched!
  17. How are non-maga Americans describing yourselves to non-Americans that you meet now? Canadians?
  18. They're sent bills to pay for the deportation actions. They refuse to pay for them, they then have tariffs imposed to bring in the money, they simply stop trading. You simply can't expect other countries to fund your policies. If you intend to fund the expulsions by confiscating the (legally held) assets and wealth of those you expell - that is a very slippery slope!
  19. No more trade with countries to the south of the USA.
  20. Well in fairness, he has spent quite a lot of time, over the last few months, calling either obliquely or occasionally directly, for the death of various people who are not "on side" with him. The great unanswered question of course is whether he, or enthusiastic supporters, take up that torch. In a country as politically polarised as the USA, and awash with guns, it is not perhaps that unlikely.
  21. The UK/US special relationship is built around two pillars, shared common values and more specifically sharing intelligence resources. I am not sure that the UK has much in common with Mr Trump's likely administration, and as @Walker88 pointed out yesterday, confidence in sharing intelligence resources went by the board with Mr Trump's antics storing classified documents in the Khazi at Mar-A-Largo!
  22. Absolutely - one simply cannot put a price tag on racial purity ( or genes)!
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